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After getting the carrot off the stick, no reason to pvp now


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Hit 60 valor, champion bags and warzone/merc commendations are worthless to me now. Dont even know what to spend them on. No point in warzone pvp only for 3 matches for daily and 9 for weekly to get battlemaster bags which are RNG. GG.


World pvp is out the window, there are always 20+ people playing Imp go round on Ilum and when we do form an OP group to take back ilum, even more show up and extremely out numbered which results to them standing outside our base and we pull each other to death. How fun.


All thats left is getting Rakata gear. Probably unsub when that happens, there will be no reason to pve.

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Always that far off and absurd concept of PvPing cause you enjoy it.


How am I suppose to enjoy being facerolled the majority of the time? I dont play Empire fyi. My favorite is when the fight on voidstar is at our spawn when we are the attackers.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Well I have 5 companions who would love some pretty new gear so its going to be a long time until bags are worthless for me.


Equiping companions is worthless though. Ya its useful on the way to 50, but when you hit 50 - no need for companions. Not like you could ever use one in hardmode or operations.

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Welcome to gear based games, where the treadmill has to be kept running. Actually I am not sure if the system or people's mentality is the problem. If you only ran warzones so far because of the gear, and not because you had fun you should probably be wondering if this is the right game for you.


Personally I'll be happier when I don't have to go after gear anymore. I'll not get ulcers over loosing games due to idiots in my team anymore then :p

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Usually thats an indication of how bad the game is.


Then, there is only bad MMOs on the market, the holy WOW including....


Also, if you done pvp only for gear, you aren't pvper, hence why you are bored and see no reason...

Edited by Dalnar
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Welcome to gear based games, where the treadmill has to be kept running. Actually I am not sure if the system or people's mentality is the problem. If you only ran warzones so far because of the gear, and not because you had fun you should probably be wondering if this is the right game for you.


Personally I'll be happier when I don't have to go after gear anymore. I'll not get ulcers over loosing games due to idiots in my team anymore then :p


I do enjoy the warzones, the gear gave it more of a purpose. If I want purposeless warzones just for fun, I would be playing Counter-Strike right now.

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I don't know what's worse, getting the Rakghoul disease or reading the pvp forums. All anyone ever does anymore is whine.


Yeah i wonder why ilum is soooooooooooo fun and challenging and entertaining ! warzones too with quitters exploits and huttball forever for the empire !


And collecting duplicates is such a magical refreshing moment its like stacking monumental piles of .....

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Then, there is only bad MMOs on the market, the holy WOW including....


After reading these forums, I start to wonder how I ended up in this genre. It's like one big whinefest between casuals who want it to be more accessible and asperger's kids who want it to be way harder. The whole time I'm thinking... why am I doing this instead of Skyrim again?

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Always that far off and absurd concept of PvPing cause you enjoy it.


That's the ideal. In reality it's pretty damn hard to enjoy the same three warzones over and over again for any extended period of time just on their merit as well designed warzones. Which is, well, you know, not quite an accurate description of the warzones in SWTOR.

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After reading these forums, I start to wonder how I ended up in this genre. It's like one big whinefest between casuals who want it to be more accessible and asperger's kids who want it to be way harder. The whole time I'm thinking... why am I doing this instead of Skyrim again?


Because you hope......

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If you only ran warzones so far because of the gear, and not because you had fun you should probably be wondering if this is the right game for you.


I couldn't agree more. I find warzones so very fun in themselves. The gear isn't important to me.


And I am a Republic player as well. I think the material rewards for PvP are what make it sour for so many in the first place. If there were no gear rewards (perhaps vanity rewards only like prestigious titles, mounts, etc.) you would only have players who did it for fun. That would be awesome!

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After reading these forums, I start to wonder how I ended up in this genre. It's like one big whinefest between casuals who want it to be more accessible and asperger's kids who want it to be way harder. The whole time I'm thinking... why am I doing this instead of Skyrim again?


There are a lot of fellow inbetweeners, don't worry :)


Also, I have never really thought about Asperger's but wow, you are right about their traits being those you tend to see in hardcore gamers... interesting.


*Analyze mode on next time I meet a hardcore gamer*

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I concur - 68 valor and only need four more BM commendations until full BM. I still pvp for the fun of it, but three WZs (75% huttball) is getting really old, really fast. Ilum is just zerging, one side or another. Rarely it's an even, fun fight, but don't even get me started on the lag issues. I will never, ever, go back after I finish off my BM set, until the lag is fixed.


I truly enjoyed the game for the past five-six weeks, but my enjoyment is waning fast, so I just unsubbed this evening. Few more weeks of paid time, then I might check in again after the next major content patch. Ranked pvp sounds nice, and it probably would have kept us hooked from the start - but it's too late now - many really solid pvpers I know have already left the game for new betas and probably won't be coming back.


Not sure if this goes for anyone else, but I was HOOKED on Ultima Online for a few years - loved the game, amazing open-world pvp, unique skill-based characters (no levels), and fabulous random-stat crafting (kept you crafting over and over for the lucky epic piece), even with the terrible graphics. Every game since (AoC, Rift, etc) has been fun for a few weeks, but nothing has been interesting enough to stick around that long - common denominator for these games: level-based, named-item (lousy crafting), carbon copies of each other.


Looking forward to GW2, Diablo 3, and TERA. They might not hook me either, but at least it'll be something new/different.

Edited by Studybreak
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I do enjoy the warzones, the gear gave it more of a purpose. If I want purposeless warzones just for fun, I would be playing Counter-Strike right now.




Because CS has class-based PvP, amirite? It's practically the same thing. :rolleyes:


If you want to chase the shinies, go hunt pixels in some hard modes or something. Hell, if all you care about is obsessively collecting worthless crap, start hoarding buttons or something to satisfy your OCD.

Edited by belialle
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Because you hope......


I do. I do...


Literally my only complaint about PVP in this game is that the constant run of premades I face on a given day makes it hard to get my warzone daily done in time to enjoy the rest of the game. I think the win requirement should be edged down to 1 or 2.


Ya know, have mercy ffs.


Ilum's a piece of crap on my server, but I can normally pvcrate my way through it in the time that my Warcraft raid finder queue is going on in the other window...


Just scaling down the PVP daily requirements would make me feel a lot better about this game.

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Well I have 5 companions who would love some pretty new gear so its going to be a long time until bags are worthless for me.


Theres really no point gearing up companions either, other just for the hell of it, theyre nearly completely worthless at level 50, you can't even take down world bosses with them (they will be cc'd the entire fight) rofl

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Theres really no point gearing up companions either, other just for the hell of it, theyre nearly completely worthless at level 50, you can't even take down world bosses with them (they will be cc'd the entire fight) rofl


Gearing up companions through PVP is something you do between 40 and 49, the other time in your pvp career where there's nothing else to buy...

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Why should gear ever be the objective of PvP? Isn't the objective just to go and have fun killing other players?


All of my toons have PvPed extensively since lvl 20, going into WZs each time they pop. Never mind that I can't make use of the extra valor until I hit the next level. Never mind that I already have the max 1000 / 1000 WZ and mercenary commendations. I still enter PvP because fighting other players is fun.


Granted, this is at the 1-49 bracket, where you don't get stomped just because you don't have enough expertise in your gear, but if they really are going to implement something that will bridge that gap caused by gear, shouldn't that make PvP at 50 more enjoyable?

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