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Cademimu crash bug

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I think I have found a reproducible crash related to this FP. There is a certain area, right after the first long elevator (vertically straight, square one, outdoors), I crashed 3 times in this spot when engaging the first set of mobs on the bottom level in 2 different runs.


The entire game just freezes. The sound continues for a few seconds, then stops too. The mouse is still responsive, and I have to use the task manager to kill the game. When I come back, the screen is flashing between an external environment, and something that looks like a tree. If I don't exit immediately, I will die from what looks like fall damage.


I think it's companion related. If I have my companion out, he gets onto the elevator, then about halfway down, he gets stuck, but the elevator keeps going, making it look as if he's taking off like superman. Continuing on from the bottom, I expect him to teleport next to me, but he doesn't. When I engage the mobs, my client locks up. This happened twice with Doc, and once with Rusk. If I dismiss my companion, it seems to work normally. :confused:


There is another area in which I crashed the other 2 times. After trying to deal with the crappy, bugged final boss fight, where all the jets fire at once, and there is no way to beat him -- yeah, many four letter words later and I just don't remember. You should really just disable this FP until it's fixed. As it is, it cost me 15k in repairs, and a lot of lost time.

Edited by WickedJediKnight
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Cademimu flashpoint is very buggy. The game stutters badly, especially when there are many enemies present. If you manage to get past the long drop elevator mob at the bottom then you will also find that the program also crashes when you're trying to kill the boss at the end.

I reported this bug last month and I wonder how long it will be before BW actually fixes this.

Getting a "stock-standard" e-mail reply certainly does not inspire confidence that BW is actually listening to their customers. This problem has not even been acknowledged in their patch notes of things yet to be fixed. :(

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Tried to do Cademimu with a friend and companions a few days ago - I crashed after elevator, although my friend could continue playing, and we went through the flashpoint up until the final boss with me crashing every few minutes (after the elevator, at the taxi, and at various other points I do not remember precisely). We got to the final boss - and when he had only 5% health left, both of us got a disconnect (error 9000), unrelated to the issue here but it annoyed us so much we decided to quit the FP.


We tried again yesterday and the same thing happened, although we decided to give up after the first crash to prevent further annoyance. This definitely needs to be looked at, the first time I encountered the crash it forced me to do a hard reboot because I could not get into the task manager...

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2 crashes at bottom of elevator (skipped area after 2nd)

1 crash at taxi

1 crash when final boss was almost dead

1 when exiting after completing flashpoint.

each time I relog in I have to exit the flashpoint, or wait to die.

companion needed to be respawned 3 times and needed a mystery rez one time.


Level 50 just trying to get a few more easy darkside points.... So much for being easy. :eek: I had only ever had 1 crash to desktop in my time of playing from beta until today...

Edited by occultamors
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Nice to know its not just me. I have had not one crash until today. But trying to run this flashpoint has crashed my pc six times. twice trying to take the speeder after the first boss, then twice after getting off the lift, then twice on the final boss.


Ended up just giving up because i thought something was wrong with my computer. Glad I found this thread.

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Just a heads up, I was having the same issue with Cademimu. Not a single crash in game from beta until now. But soon as I go into Cademimu, it was constant crashes everywhere.


I did find something that worked for me. I thought maybe it was a graphics/rendering problems. So I Put the game in windows mode, 800x600, and lowest settings on everything.


I was able to clear the entire flashpoint without 1 crash. I basically took the game to lowest possible settings. Worked for me, maybe it will help some of you clear out Cademimu.

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Also glad to find this thread. Happened six times in a row for me today after doing Cademimu with a friend and our companions. Right after the first elevator part. The client freezes so I need to CTRL+ALT+DEL to desktop and four crashes after it crashed to the desktop itself. When I relog my character is lying dead stuck somewhere in the instance jumping into nothingness. After six times I gave up on the instance and repaired my damaged items. Haven't experienced this before the 1.1 patch. Also tried to lower my graphic settings and running in windowed mode don't help either. Edited by Qelduronn
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  • 3 weeks later...

Same for me (Winnow, Ven Zallow server)

and my guild master (Matiyus)

and everyone else in the guild that has tried.


If this FP isn't playable LOCK IT DOWN.

People keep finding this inadvertently, and it can really cause harm to one's PC, not to mention the frustration and potential loss of data in any other apps.


In a word,


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I'll verify this bug. I have had the entire game client crash 3 times trying to run this FP. I have sent 3 bug reports as well. Any plans on this getting fixed? Do we know why it is happening? Has anyone completed it, and if so, what are your system specs? Is this a "Game related issue", or a "System related issue"?
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I have confirmed the bug at the bottom of the elevator (twice). There is additional bug near the final console that causes CtD. However, this bug also resets the instance (which is why I hit the elevator bug twice).


I think it might be related to companions. My companion goes nuts (walking up walls) just before the crash happens.

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I crashed both at the first 2 groups after the elevator and at the taxi.


What I did was let my group finish the first two groups off by themselves since I crashed every damn time I engaged them, and the taxi didn't crash constantly, fortunately.


No crashes other than that.

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Had this problem over and over, tried to solo on my 50 juggy to unlock hm. Cannto get past last boss as it just crashes. Raised ticket, they asked me to send in all kinds of info then toold me it was Windows fault as it was a blue screen of death. Er, no it wasnt, i was there. There was defo no blue screen ever! Just constant freezecrash to desktop.

Gave up. Tried to solo on my 50 si, same issue.

Basically this is very poor. If they know there is a problem why tell me its my PC. Luckily im not a pc donut and know they're talking crap. A lesser pc educated person may have believed this turd and rebooted his pc back to factory.

Bad Bad customer service.

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It appears to only happen to me with a companion out, and the hotspots for crashing for me are any first engagement after the first lift down and also General Ortol (final boss)


Talked to a Bioware employee today about the issue, he/she was quite helpful in trying to help me further and collecting data.


Solution for me was to just not have a companion out, other than that I have no advice regarding this FP

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