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Immortal Spec with DPS Gear?


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I have actually tried this. So couple of things, since I haven't tanked 50 FPs or HMs.

Firrst of all, it is pretty viable to tank in normal leveling flashpoints as I've done it myself. Helps keep aggro, that's the big thing. And with a healer you can easily tank. Myself, I just went a mixture, sort of half-and-half. You want enough defense that gets you to the point where diminishing returns has a decent hit on it, and same for DPS.


On my 50 build where I used PvE gear, I had Champion War Leader implants and earpiece. I used a shield and the champ vindicator saber, with the rest of my gear being DPS oriented. I managed to hit about 21% crit, 75% surge (Surge is VERY useful) and decent damage output. My tanking stats happened to be 16% defense (low) and 31% shield proc rate with 28% reduction, which is meh. I managed to tank (SPOILER) Malgus (SPOILER when he focused me alone with no problems, but that's the ONLY thing I tried on Hardmode, since before I got whupped with 50 tank gear on trash mobs in BT.


TL;DR leveling yes HMs probably not.


Works wonders in PvP though.

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Nope, HM's will eat you alive. In the end, you have to have the tank attributes on your gear to back up the spec. otherwise, you just gimp yourself and might as well stick to DPS.


Back when I didn't have a lot of good gear, I packed Might stims, and half-tank, half-DPS gear (Power, mainly) for Hardmode FPs and Normal raids. Worked like a charm. Even undergeared healers had little trouble with me.

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Can an Immortal (Tank) Spec Jugg with all DPS Gear and Mods (except I would use a Shield) tank normal mode Flashpoints?


Anyone with experience running this setup?


My bad, in reference to the OP's Question...Yes, you should have no problem running normal mode.


It's just less possible when you get to HM, as you will have to go at least hybrid tank gear as opposed to all DPS gear. I tried to tank with immortal spec and all DPS gear in a HM, was not fun. I even opted to wear green synthweaved lvl 49 gear and tanked better.


When it all comes down to it, if the dps is ranged... let them do the job of DPSing, our melee DPS is gimped considering all the "knockbacks/bounces/cc's" we recieve while trying to maintain our dps. Sure, we can Impale to get back into the fight, but when you go crushing blow....you're stuck either crawling back to the mob, or popping unleashed just to get the agro back.

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In my experience I've been running hard modes with some pretty geared friends and in my luck have gotten 0 set pieces I just recently started working my mods to have higher AT&T stats than end and keeping my enhancements all defense and the little extra bonus DMG I can do has allowed me to be able to keep threat from a 5/5 columni geared marauder which I couldn't do before. Up until I tried to put 1 or 2 pieces of dps mods I started noticing it was getting easier to hold threat.
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Probably not, but full vengeance spec with a decent tank set (i.e. all t1+ or equivelant) can tank HM FPs no problem.


I'm a full vengeance dps raider, with a tank set of random xenotech equiv stuff that people don't want on raids and I can tank any HM FP, not to mention offtank in operations on bosses that require it.

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