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Carnage. What am I doing wrong?


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Though it can be shortened to "Gore->Ravage->Scream" Anything before and after that is situational and/or personal preference. Learn/train yourself to Gore->Ravage->Scream, and DO NOT clip the last attack on Ravage with that Scream. After you can make yourself do that consistently then start worrying about the before and after.


Theres not much that comes after that except /teabag.

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The problem of course as Carnage is the whole "Good luck ramping up to Ravage/Force Choke/Force Scream if your target is anything more than AFK, not to mention actually winning" factor.


Annihilation is, in terms of global cooldowns:


1. Charge + Deadly Saber

2. Battering Assault

3. Rupture

4. Assault if you need Focus/Annihilate if you don't.




1. Charge

2. Battering

3. Massacre

4. Gore

5. Force Scream

6. Crippling Slash if your target won't toe to toe with you or if there isn't another slow

7. At this point you have to generate Rage again

8. If you're still in melee range and/or aren't dead yet, Ravage


Yeah. The under-rewarding ramp-up is what kills Carnage.

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