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Changing watchman tree, making it more unique


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While I absolutely love the watchman tree, it appears that the new patch will actually be a nerf on our damage (based on the calculations that people have done, with our current knowledge of their formula). So what else could be changed to make the tree stay as good as it is now/improve?


I was thinking...they should make it so we have more burn abilities. If merciless slash was a burn attack (which it SHOULD be) then it would take advantage of our burn talents. As it currently stands, merciless slash fits more in the combat tree than the watchman one.


Also, why do we only have 2 dots in a spec that revolves around dots? Make give us a talent that causes force sweep to become empowered with fire and put a dot on enemies it hits in addition to its regular damage.


Or make it so getting hit while you have rebuke on makes a wave of fire energy erupt from you and dot all nearby enemies (can only happen every 3 seconds or something)


Anyone else feel this way?

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