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What's up with yellow lightsabers?


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Yellow and the yellow/black lightsabers are awesome, in my opinion. I used to use one yellow/black and one yellow lightsaber to have kind of a contrasting look, but that was before my yellow and black crystal was useless to me.

Anyhow, instead of complaining about something we don't even have to use, why don't we all agree on the fact that they should make it so the special crystals (yellow/black and green/black (I haven't seen the stats on these, so don't rage)) can be upgraded by purchasing better ones, schematics, etc.

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Lol to those of you saying because of kotor but pretty sure the toys some of us speak of circa 1977-78 predate the kotor lore. Not trying to be contrarian but maybe just a younger newer generation of star wars fans? Those toys were epic! I think ill go to my parents this weekend and dig them out!
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I do like the look of yellow sabers, As others have mentioned, it's the color of the Jedi Sentinel in jedi tradition and lore.


However, the first time I ever saw a yellow saber was wielded by the Dark Jedi Yun in the computer game Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.


If the player plays the lightside of the game, Yun is redeemed by the player and switches sides, but it cut down by Sarris, another dark jedi before she attacks you.


Prior to the fight, your own lightsaber is destroyed and for the remainder of the game you wield Yun's yellow bladed saber.


the expansion pack that followed, Mysteries of the Sith, in which Kyle is a master now and training an apprentice Mara Jade, he still uses Yun's Yellow Lightsaber.

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What made them put yellow lightsabers in this game? Never seen them before and I don't think they look particularly sharp. Was wondering if anyone knew why they added them.


the setting is 3500 years before the time of Yoda, et al.


there were different crystals with different colors then. thus we see yellow crystals, etc.

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The Jedi order eventually became bloated and political, losing the warrior-monk heritage that it once maintained (much like the samurai class in 1800s Japan). They enacted some kind of ridiculous bi-law - proposed by Arch Bureaucrat Yoda the Rule Stickler - under which they were only allowed to have blue and green sabers, which he no doubt considered to be the most diplomatic and impressive looking of their now generally ceremonial blades. Edited by areto
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