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Buffing Unleash


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I just wanted to get some feedback on what some of you thought about buffing the Marauder's Unleash ability, from a 2 min CD to a 1 min, or even 1 min 30 sec CD. It seems like other classes (Inq/Consular, etc.) have quite a bit of CC, which would be understandable if they were also low dps. But, I've noticed that their dps is quite comparable to ours; now, I'm not suggesting to nerf their CC, but perhaps lowering the CD on our cc breaker.


I've seen it mentioned numerous times in the forums that maras are inept, they have no team abilities, no knockbacks, no pulls, no dps, so on, so forth. Well, I play a 50 Anni marauder and I love it. I think it's actually one of the more complex advanced classes to fully understand and utilize properly, and with proper maintenance of resolve/def cds, it can be a very dominant class.


I do wish that the Marauder, being pure dps, should do a little more base damage than other dps classes (sorcs, ops, etc.), but i'm not complaining. Just wondering if perhaps our Unleash should have its cool down buffed.

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Yeah, it seems every warzone I play I end up spamming unleash hoping that it'll come off cooldown soon, but it never seems to be up when I need it. Then again, its never up because I'm constantly using it.


Reducing the cooldown would be a huuuuuuge help with all the cc and knockbacks we suffer.


Hey, maybe make unleash reset the cooldown on force leap?

Is that too much to ask? :o:)

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Thanks everyone for the feedback. I understand the biggest problem would be the complaints from other players wanting the same buff to their cc breakers' CD. So, I would recommend that the Marauder's cc breaker (the marauder being a pure melee class that HAS to stay close to opponents) adds a sort of "resolve" for 20 seconds after being used, preventing further CC on the marauder.


I will try to go through the proper channels to make a former request for the devs.

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