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I know its best asked before but whats the best Mara DPS tree.


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I started out as carnage, and didn't really like it in the early levels. A guildie suggested i try annihilation and I loved it for a while, but now that I can use my 31 talent point in the carnage tree, is the Atru form boths really worth it? I respecced into Rage atm, and I can't tell if I really doing that much more damage. I appolgize for asking a question I'm sure has been discussed over and over again. I read alot of them, but didn't give me the answers i wanted. Is one better for PVe? Is one better for PvP? Is one better for Raids? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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For PVE its anni long way. You get more (long time) dps, a free 100% dmg reduction every 45 secs (which is big), and the ability to help your team more often trough heals or movement/defence buffs.


For PVP anni is still in front, but not that far.

In carn you got more "burst" dmg (we don`t rly burst but carn doesn`t have the "wind up time" anni has). You also get a second and a third free root, which makes controlling the target easier. Last but not least you get a movement impearing effect breaker.

In anni you still got more survivability (heals help big time), get the ability to heavily dmg the opponent with your cc (zen + dots +cc). You still have more cen to help you/the team, and you get the 100% dmg reduction (which most of the time breakes movement impearing effects too).


In my own opinion anni is the spec to go atm, especially for PVE as the Ataru bug hurts people doing OPs/FPs big time.

Edited by selectah
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Carnage, if played correctly, I raid frequently with 2 skilled Anni marauders, which is proven by the fact that we clear nm 8man easily with 4 melees, I have absolutely no problem out dpsing them, which is easy to spot when fighting infernal council.


Carnage if played correctly has INSANE damage potential.


How ever for Carnage to be viable you also need a near perfect gear balance.


My Current stats are more or less 1866 str, 99.5 accuracy, 717-xxx prim damage, 31% crit 86% surge.


And Power Relic + Adrenal.


With Relic + Adrenals and gore, I can basicly spam 5k dmg attacks, and without any of those I can keep a steady 2-2.8k per hit

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