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Snares and Stuns


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Let me first start by saying Resolve Bar is not working. If you say it is working, it's the most stupid mechanic ever invented. Just give DR like the Competitive MMORPGs.


So now about snares and stuns:


I get slowed all the time, I don't know if other classes got it as a side-effect on a common used ability. But versus all classes that can slow down, I get slowed down. And with our crappy Force Slow, that only lasts for 6 seconds and has a 15m range and uses a GCD.


This means, that I got to run to target, waste a GCD on Force Slow before I can even start attacking. I can do 3 attacks after its before the Force Slow goes away, but most of the time you will get stunned. And because our Force Slow is on 12 second cooldown, there is nothing to do.


- Why not use Electrocute? It has 1 MINUTE cooldown, or only gap closer that has a longer range is on a 1 minute cooldown.


- What about Force Pull? Depends on the current spec i'm using, but this has a 45 second CD and works only 50% of the time, even if the resolve bar is not close to full, it just doesn't do anything but starts the CD.


- What about Force Speed? 2 seconds is really short, and when you do use it, u will most likely get stunned or snared after using it. "Disjuntion" removes the snares, but doesn't make you immune to it, so easily snared during Force Speed.


- What about Spike (for darkness)? Damage is crap, uses a lot of force and only 2 seconds.


In 1v1 it's possible to stay close to your target most of the time, unless u get stunned for 9 seconds by Operatives/Scoundrels. But when you have 2 skilled enemies on you, they will always kite you around when one of them gets low HP.


How to fix this?


1. Force Slow: No longer uses GCD and range increased to 25-30 meters.

2. Electrocute: 30-45 second CD.

3. Force Pull: Fix it so it works if resolve bar is not full, bugs a lot now. 30 sec CD.

4. Force Speed: Lasts 3-4 seconds, immune to snares while active.

5. Spike: Reduce Force cost

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The whole resolve bar thing is confusing. I hear different theories from every single person I ask...lol. Personally I dont think it works because I always get CC locked frequently and cannot recall ever having CC immunity, just breaking CC with my one anti-CC ability. Edited by AlphaBraddox
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The whole resolve bar thing is confusing. I hear different theories from every single person I ask...lol. Personally I dont think it works because I always get CC locked frequently and cannot recall ever having CC immunity, just breaking CC with my one anti-CC ability.


Sometimes I'm getting stunned, and while being stunned my Resolve bar is going down. And it's not incapacitating, it's a real stun.

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Slows don't effect resolve.


You can make this work for you though by speccing into static cling and having a 12 second! slow on a 6 second cooldown. Thats not so crappy at all.


The resolve bar is often confusing and still allows too much CC, but it is a big improvement over other systems in that you can actually see an opponent's resolve bar and make decisions based on it.


Managing resolve on your opponent is one of the main things that we do as assassins, but its certainly something I still struggle with...

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There should be a shallow talent that binds a snare into one of our rotational abilities, that or they should do away with force slow and inject it into a procced maul or something.

Most other classes either have a baseline or talented ability that provides a constant snare.

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There should be a shallow talent that binds a snare into one of our rotational abilities, that or they should do away with force slow and inject it into a procced maul or something.

Most other classes either have a baseline or talented ability that provides a constant snare.


Wither is pretty much the strongest snare in the game (lasts forever, AE). I'm not sure why it's in Darkness tree since that's probably the one tree that least needs a snare to do its job.

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