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Can we get a single stun, knock back, or heal?


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Because we are gimped with things like this. All we have is force charge and warriors get that. We have no heal besides for dot heals with annihilation, we only have intimidating roar as a stun and it breaks on damage, and we have no knockback whatsoever.


I believe if we had just 1 of these things it would make our class much more enjoyable, since every other class has at least 1 of these.

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The knockback requests are stupid unless we gain the same mechanic as Jug, which in and of it's self is stupid. Why is Jug more mobile and better at separating people into 1v1 situations then the Marauder? Their mobility and control is so off the charts at the moment it makes no sense at all.


However, I don't want to knock people away from me unless it refreshes my charge. It's a PITA already to keep time on target with all of the ludicrous resolve avoiding lolwtf Comedy Crap that is in the game.


Give marauders the same mechanic as jug or a pull.

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I dont care too much about any of those.. I dont deny a stun would be nice but i'd much rather have a force pull, like the assassin class. They are melee and can pull to them, i think we should be able to do the same.
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Both Pull and Heavy Armor were available to Marauders in the beta; they were removed and I think we should get them.


Aside from that, as I've said in other threads, the only things we could really use are as follows:


1) Pommel Strike works as-is, only lowered CD and usable against Immobilized targets.

2) Savage Kick = knockdown/stun for 3 seconds

3) Disruption = full school lockout (not able to use healing tech powers for 4 seconds)


The above is extremely greedy and are only my personal 'wish-list' for Marauder changes.



As for a heal, I would like to see a non-overpowered Victory Rush-like ability. There are a very large number of people who have trouble leveling a Marauder and adding a Victory Rush would make Carnage and Rage a lot easier to level with. Just make it so only NPC kills give credit and it will be fine.

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I'll trade my overload for your undying rage




Sorcerers without overload... Oh I can see it now..



While I admit we really need a pull and not a knockback it's at least something.



Undying Rage is great in rare occasions but 99% of the time it's a gimmick that gives you a few seconds to soak up CCs. The 50% health drop is no joke. Even at 20% health it's a big loss and if your opponents are intelligent they'll just play defensive for 5 seconds before bursting the rest down with their refreshed cooldowns on hard hitting abilities.


Overload is the most amazing knockback in the game(mostly due to it's 20s cooldown and great usability) and is one of the most significant class defining abilities.

Edited by Tumri
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this is one of the first times a suggestion like this actually got more positive feedback than the typical L2P comments ive been seeing.





been saying this for a while, force push resetting our charge would be a great way to balance the ridiculous amounts of knock-back every other class in the game has.

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Nope you get the class that takes pure skill to shine with...enjoy...


This (^) is the truth, once you learn how to play the class and use your defensive cooldowns, it's much easier. However there are some discrepancies with how we operate. I believe we should have some tweaks, but no major buffs. I personally feel our class is pretty much up to standard with everyone else... except those prison-rapists... Knock you on your face then shank you in the back for a few seconds, then you respawn... lol.

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Simply revert us to the beta with heavy armour and give us force pull back.


Force pull would give us the ability to get targets to us and help control the battlefield without simply being yet another knockback, hell, it might even make us usefull in huttball, and allow us to counter CC spam:


Initiate with charge, they blow one CC, we can break it and pull, they block their next CC which knocks us back and roots us, at least now we have the option to charge and stay in contact rather than merely stand around looking like fools getting shot in the face while waiting for the root to end because unleash is on 2 minute CD ><.


It would also mean that we got a little more to do in huttball than simply get knocked down and be unable to do anything but stand and watch while ranged classes can still contribute even if knocked down.


As for heavy armour, said it before, will say it again, it will both solve our item issues in hardmodes, give us our looks back that some of us rolled this class for in the first place, and give us a little more survivability without going over the top.

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Force Pull and Heavy armor in combination would be too over powered for a so called "pure dps" class that we are.


Since the only defense our enemies have is keeping us off them long enough for them to kill us force pull would negate that entirely and would tip us over in terms of class balance.


I think the best option, is mirror jugg's force push, put it as a talent in the carnage tree in combination with the free crit force scream (i forget the talent name) allowing us to reset our charge, at the same time have gore be a passive ability when force scream is used on target. adding yet another button to an already bloated skill bar is unneccesary.

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Force Pull and Heavy armor in combination would be too over powered for a so called "pure dps" class that we are.


Since the only defense our enemies have is keeping us off them long enough for them to kill us force pull would negate that entirely and would tip us over in terms of class balance.


I think the best option, is mirror jugg's force push, put it as a talent in the carnage tree in combination with the free crit force scream (i forget the talent name) allowing us to reset our charge, at the same time have gore be a passive ability when force scream is used on target. adding yet another button to an already bloated skill bar is unneccesary.


In combination, I agree. However, our enemies can keep us off them far too long unless Unleash is up. I hate the feeling of standing there, unable to move, and getting shot in the face. The more I think about adding an interrupt or stun to force scream, the more I like it.

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Things are fine they way they are.


We have invisibilty/escape mechanics

5 second Invincibility on a 45 second cd

Good snare

Good gap closers

Good Damage


There's no class I can't beat 1v1. Ops getting the jump on me is the same as me getting the jump on an Ops... so please don't bring that one up.


Having heavy armor would probably be OP even though I'd like to wear Heavy Armor.

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