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Can you really Blame us?


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What would serve most of the complainers right would be if BioWare waited til they recouped their total development costs, then shut this game down. I didn't think it was actually possible, but at this point many have surpassed the worst of the WoW forums.


If you're unhappy, don't play. Uninstall, go to your gaming retailer of choice and cancel your preorder, and your problem is solved. You are the source of your own unhappiness. Queues are going to be in place for a couple of months. Some players will leave because they didn't like the game, others will move to lower-population servers. Things will calm down.


The game isn't even officially released yet, and if I were BioWare, I'd wonder what super power I ticked off to so quickly become the target of the mewlings of people who sound more self entitled than anything else.


We each have the power in this instance to remove the source of our discontent. Those who choose not to, and remain discontent, have no one but themselves to blame.


Grow up.

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I see you read NONE of that and just went off on a rant, I'll clarify so you don't make yourself look like an ***. Try to pay attention and use your powers of comprehension this time alright?


The expected charge date was DECEMBER 19th.

I chose shipping for the 20th, to be charged the day before.

I got an email STATING this was the case.

It got changed to DECEMBER 16th and I got charged before I got the email that state such.


I don't see anywhere in there where I read it was changed, that I changed it, and I made the decision, do you? You know the next time you want to go off on someone for being caught in the middle of a massive screw up such as what has gone down, you might want to actually read what they post, it'd save you a lot of effort.


Luckily I can iron it out with my bank, but I'm still not happy.

It's my fault for taking care of my family first over a video game, yes I admit that, I'm a bad bad father and husband for caring for my children and my wife and paying the hospital bills. Someone spank me or put me in jail.


As terrible as all that sounds, you are attempting to find sympathy on the internet. Anyone would logically assume that they should transfer money to an account that will be charged at some time during a specific period, but hey that's what you get for waiting until the last minute to transfer the money, luckily you get to go down to your bank and get it straightened out, but you are still trying to illicit emotions from people over the internet by saying boohoo me I took care of my kids. Good for you, continue doing that, we don't need to know that, nor do we care about your familial situations.

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ok simple question.. how many people are left for head start? and why is it not possible to get them in today?


not a hard question all i want is a honest answer as as far as i can tell today went really well and now you have just basically burned all the good bits you did away by yet again failing to listen to your clients....

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Ok. This day was great with waves sent.

Still BUT right here. they could have send even more and SHOULD do so as well


I would LOVE to see "surprice wave" that takes pre-order in up to 15th Dec

but hey... i wouldnt count on it.

Bussiness with this game-company failed already and i know.. i KNOW it won't end to this...

Edited by Zaerel
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No, stop complaining. Early access was an enticement used to get people to pre-order the game. It was always stated that you could possibly play UP TO five days early. No guarantee, no promise of anything other than you having a copy ready for you on December 20th, subject to your retailers ability to deliver the game to you.


Nothing else.


Of course, these days, people do not read every word, nor do they understand every word. Everything is instant, instant messaging, instance emails, instant access, instant gratification, instant rage when you don't get your wants met instantly.


I used to think that the general community for this game would be somewhat different, perhaps better. Seeing all of the posts the past few days, I fear I am wrong.

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i just want a honest answer as to why this launch has now taken 3 days and going to be 4... you just opened a new pvp server for EU English.. i will play on that ... im off work tomorrow and will be ready to be on when the servers come up at 12:00 but now i cant... so please advise why i cant get like 2 hours in now? when you clearly could send another wave as you have new server space opened up after you said you wernt sending more waves...


so answer me please yellow posties...




how many players are waiting now... and why are they waiting?

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i dont care anymore nobody can play anymore in couple of houres becouse of maintenance.

So also when i did get in last wave then can play couple houres and then poooffff server off.


they leave 1 week of people out damn

Edited by obinon
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No, stop complaining. Early access was an enticement used to get people to pre-order the game. It was always stated that you could possibly play UP TO five days early. No guarantee, no promise of anything other than you having a copy ready for you on December 20th, subject to your retailers ability to deliver the game to you.


Nothing else.


Of course, these days, people do not read every word, nor do they understand every word. Everything is instant, instant messaging, instance emails, instant access, instant gratification, instant rage when you don't get your wants met instantly.


I used to think that the general community for this game would be somewhat different, perhaps better. Seeing all of the posts the past few days, I fear I am wrong.


The point is; They CAN do stuff. They are able to send more ppl in, a LOT but they decided not to. THIS is what makes me angry.

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i understand the problem and im happy just getting any early access. Its just that as a EU-player its not just about waiting til the next morning - its about losing the majority of a full day of gaming since they start sending waves at 15 pm over here :)


But hey will get in sometime before im going to bed i hope :p

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I just don't get why SOME 7 and 8 dec are in.


While me and a bunch of other 7 dec are still waiting. =|


Come on do another frigging wave, we would incredibly love to see it! It would be an amazing christmas gift to your players BW!

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I just don't get why SOME 7 and 8 dec are in.


While me and a bunch of other 7 dec are still waiting. =|


Come on do another frigging wave, we would incredibly love to see it! It would be an amazing christmas gift to your players BW!


Agreed! 1 MOAR! Hurray! 1 more pl0x

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last wave still not in 3 days headstart for some seems unfair, i am very disappointed a preorders a preorder my promise to pay is as good as anyone elses, as a huge fan of biowares from EDMONTON were they have been working so hard i am ashamed and embarrased for both of us. This could have been handled better and making the last week of people wait till tommorow is down right pardom me but SUCK says it all alot of us in edmonton just got home from KANDAHAR ( Happy were all home and safe and out of there and home for christmas, my love to our brothers that didn't) couldnt preoder till we got home ( Bestbuy Futureshop eg games gamestop etc doesnt have an outlet in the middle of a warzone and goatsrus doesn't sell videogames) so we talk about what we were gonna play when log ins were allowed. So your welcome bioware for your freedom thanks for making a bunch of us wait longer.
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- Edit -


Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


to quote Adam Jensen; "I never asked for this."




What you are responding to is faulty logic. Regardless of when people pre-ordered, EGA doesn't change. There will always be the first in line, and the last. If everyone had ordered on the first day available, nothing would have changed for EGA and there would still have been a huge amount of people upset.

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they'll have to do that on the 20th anyway.


This isn't actually avoiding any of that, it's just delaying it, if it is going to happen.


i pointed that out in a forum yesterday, glad some people are using there heads. If u go down on the 19th and start the servers on the 20th, the rush of millions of players trying to log in that first official day will crash them anyway.


Which makes that guys arguent entirely pointless


>>>and the trolls marched from the woods with light sabers in hand, to storm the villages of the few, and burn them to the ground<<<<


all in the name of their lord, internet nonsense

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From a guy on the other side of the invites from the guys that got the shaft i have to say there is no reason for bioware to do what they did at all lol it was pretty much a **** you to about 1% of the preorders would take nothing for them to just get off their *** and finish up.
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One thing annoys me, though. I redeemed my access code on December 7th, and it said so on my account all up to the last wave, where it changed to 15th out of nowhere, and I did not get my invite. I mean, come on? That's just cruel!
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For those of you spouting the "well they said you could play UP TO 5 days early, stop whining" They also didn't say that people could play up to 7 days early either. Anyone here who was invited the first few days, would be feeling the same way if other players were allowed into game prior to you.


It's not even about how many days I get, I wouldn't care if it was only 2 days EA, but the fact of the matter is that 95-97% of the community is in game currently - There is such a small minuscule amount of players sitting on the outside looking in tonight that it's honestly stupid that they don't just invite the rest of the pre-orders to play prior to the maint. tonight.


What is the issue with letting these players in? The fact is there isn't one, except for customer negligence. This is the true issue here.


Games like this are competitive by nature, people are rushing to 50 in the aspirations of being US or World top whatever, playing with their guildies, leveling with their guildies, and this prohibits that to an extent. Anyone who pre-ordered should've had the same "even" playing field.


If they wanted to give an advantage to those players who pre-ordered earlier, the only type of advantage they should've recieved was selecting character names, thats it, not literal game advantages such as leveling headstarts.


I know that 90% of people who read this post will not agree, but in the famous words of Clark Gable, Frankly my dear I don't give a damn.

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