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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can you really Blame us?


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I guess I really don't understand people saying they wouldn't have pre-ordered and now are so upset they don't want to play at all. It seems that is saying "well I would never have looked at buying this game, but 5 days early? I am SO buying this game! FIVE DAYS!! woot!" I have always pre-ordered my WoW expansions, and Blizzard gives us, um, well, let's see....NOTHING for it. I pre-ordered a CE and a standard edition, I am not in yet. I am just glad I will have something besides WoW to play after the 20th.
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Yes I can totally and completely blame you.


We have know for months, not days, not weeks but many many months that it would be a staged early access by the date you put in your pre-order code.


If you didn’t know this, before you purchased it, it is totally and completely your fault


We have expected for months, not days not weeks, but months that staged early access would start dec 15th, not dec 14th not dec 13th, but December 15th.


If you had no idea that staged early access was originally scheduled to start dec 15th and you may, not will, not ought, not we promise and hope to die, but may get early access for up to 5 days then it is totally your fault


Then comes last week, they have given us more time, even those of us that waited until Oct 1st ( for me anyway ) were able to play, not dec 15th, or 16th, or 17th as most of us expected, but on the 14th. And that most people will be in on the 15th instead of later as we expected to.


The only thing people waiting for this can can possibly say with any smidgen of self respect whatsoever is..... Thank you Bioware for exceeding our expectations.



Yes I can totally and completely blame you


To be completely fair those who come to the FORUMS frequently have known for months, keeping in mind only something like 10% of the people come to the forums.... Keeping in mind only at Origin does it say it will be rolling access. Amazon, Gamestop, etc. only state the the pre-order bonus IS early access, you go to the SW TOR site and it says early access begins 12/15 (you have to click through more info to see it is rolling)... So the average joe who hasn't dug through everything and pre-ordered via a method other than Origin is perfectly valid in complaining and thinking they got short changed as no where else but in the origin order system or on these forums is it specified that the access is rolling. Heck Amazon and Gamestop STILL only say Pre-order bonus: Early Game Access, there is zero specification it is rolling and all of the banner Ads say begin playing on 12/15.


And yes I know many ticked off people who pre-ordered not knowing it was rolling. They pre-ordered after the open betas that friends persuaded them to play in via 3rd party sources (i.e. Amazon, etc.) or just recently because someone as Gamestop told them about the game and had no clue the pre-order access was rolling. You know not everyone treats gaming almost like a religion and follows every single thing about the games they are interested in, most are casual gamers (which is obviously what the devs are going after). Personally I knew it was rolling, I'm not in yet and am not personally upset about it... HOWEVER, I can completely understand REGULAR PLAYERS (i.e. not me, or you who obviously spend more of our time following games) being upset as they had absolutly no way to know other than digging into the forums to find out and a "REASONABLE PERSON" would have expected early access to be today. That is how you have to look at it, would a reasonable person, not a game fanatic or forum follower, given the information they had from Amazon, Gamestop, etc. be completed justified in thinking it started today.


And the reason they are ticked, mad, annoyed whatever is simple, they feel they were not told the whole truth... It is irrelevent if they would have pre-ordered anyways having known it was rolling, what matters is that it feels to them (and I can understand why) they were intentionally misled and were unable to make a fully informed decision.


Maybe EA/Bioware should have done a better job with their distribution partners making sure they put on the "pre-order bonus" statement it was rolling, but regardless it was a failure on EA/Bioware's part as they are in the end responsible for the information put out by their distributors. As soon as they saw any distributor did not have on their page a clear concise statement that it was not blanket access but rather rolling they should have been on the phone with that distributor getting it fixed so people could make a fully informed decision. That is how business works, and after seeing the business I work for (a financial institution) have to make constant settlements or be the subject of several lawsuits (all banks and investment firms are constantly in lawsuits) because of not spelling out every little detail in the initial communication I have problems feeling sympathy for EA/Bioware. The rest of corporate america has to do business that way and deal with the fall out to make good, what makes them special?

Edited by Mltdwn
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Im personally not complaining. I just feel like they could have set up an automated system to monitor server status and server capacity.. That on itself would automatically let people in on waves running 24 hours a day.. Instead of them manually allowing people in on their own. Seems like it could have saved Bioware grief from upset customers by just saying... "When the automated system pushes you through, thats when you get to play."
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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


you would still blame bioware if there was no early game access and you didn't have the money to buy the game at launch. your mentality is basically if i cant play first then no one should.

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the way I look at it is:


it's klinda like Super Bowl Sunday.....


.... we are jsut at the time where those annoying pre-game shows are on.


.... and it's driving us nuts waiting for kickoff.





once the game starts and the beer kicks in ...... it will be a party. ( do you ever remember a pre-game show once the game starts?)



....except for poor Janice over there...... she's probably gonna flash the neigbors again....



Edited by ArtMonster
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A good analogy of this would be any entertainment venue: Movies, opera, concert, sporting event, etc.


An MMO is an entertainment venue, where you go to their place (servers) to enjoy their service. You do not own a single thing in said MMO, every item, character and pixel is owned by the gaming company who allows you to enjoy the entertainment venue at a price.


For every ticket sold for any entertainment venue, you are guaranteed the same rights as everyone else. This means if you are READY to enjoy the show when planned, you will, period. Now, if you show up late to one of these services, you will miss time, at that point it's your fault, you weren't prepared to enjoy your venue on time.


This should not be compared to a pre-order date however, but to those who simply cannot log in when the servers go live, or haven't even downloaded the client. This is where queues become the fairer situation. if you weren't there early to get into the game/venue, you wait in line like everyone else to get into the same venue we all paid for.


That is the fair situation. As for server crashes because too many people want to play, that is the gaming companies fault if they did not plan ahead and test this fully. 3 day stress test is an amazingly short period of time and showed that Bioware simply wanted to get a "decent" product out the door as soon as possible, so they could make a buck before the holiday season.


What Bioware has done with this launch, is put all the blame for lack of playing on the USERS. I don't get why people do not see the wrong with that. A company should never put blame on their customers, PERIOD. If there is ANY failure for a launch, it should go squarely on the company itself. This launch is the worst ever done and is a major slap in the face to everyone playing the game. Yes, everyone. You are now playing for a game company that would rather blame is users, then prepare and admit their own faults.


Also, to those who might say, well those venues have multiple shows, if you want the early show, you buy ahead of time. This would also be correct IF there were multiple "shows" in an MMO. However, there is not. There is one game instance, one launch. If you compared this to that, then I would be jumping into the first persons show, halfway thru the show, thus I missed half the fun.


This is my last post on the situation. Fanatics don't care about things that make sense and Bioware only cares about their profit margin and how they "look." Sad sad day for MMO's.


Logic Kills.

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You paid for a game that includes 30 days that launches on the 20th. That's what you paid for, and that's what you are getting.


We get a bonus of some free early access days depending on the registration date. That's a bonus, and completely extra.


So you are going to get what you paid for. I really do not see a problem. And yes, I can blame you for being so whiny and complaining about non-issues.

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A good analogy of this would be any entertainment venue: Movies, opera, concert, sporting event, etc.


An MMO is an entertainment venue, where you go to their place (servers) to enjoy their service. You do not own a single thing in said MMO, every item, character and pixel is owned by the gaming company who allows you to enjoy the entertainment venue at a price.


For every ticket sold for any entertainment venue, you are guaranteed the same rights as everyone else. This means if you are READY to enjoy the show when planned, you will, period. Now, if you show up late to one of these services, you will miss time, at that point it's your fault, you weren't prepared to enjoy your venue on time.


This should not be compared to a pre-order date however, but to those who simply cannot log in when the servers go live, or haven't even downloaded the client. This is where queues become the fairer situation. if you weren't there early to get into the game/venue, you wait in line like everyone else to get into the same venue we all paid for.


That is the fair situation. As for server crashes because too many people want to play, that is the gaming companies fault if they did not plan ahead and test this fully. 3 day stress test is an amazingly short period of time and showed that Bioware simply wanted to get a "decent" product out the door as soon as possible, so they could make a buck before the holiday season.


What Bioware has done with this launch, is put all the blame for lack of playing on the USERS. I don't get why people do not see the wrong with that. A company should never put blame on their customers, PERIOD. If there is ANY failure for a launch, it should go squarely on the company itself. This launch is the worst ever done and is a major slap in the face to everyone playing the game. Yes, everyone. You are now playing for a game company that would rather blame is users, then prepare and admit their own faults.


Also, to those who might say, well those venues have multiple shows, if you want the early show, you buy ahead of time. This would also be correct IF there were multiple "shows" in an MMO. However, there is not. There is one game instance, one launch. If you compared this to that, then I would be jumping into the first persons show, halfway thru the show, thus I missed half the fun.


This is my last post on the situation. Fanatics don't care about things that make sense and Bioware only cares about their profit margin and how they "look." Sad sad day for MMO's.


Logic Kills.


its your fault you didn't preorder in time. no one else's. what is so hard to understand?

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


This is so true- I feel so negative towards this game now because of it- How can EA/Bioware justify this to their customers- I feel shafted and I too will NEVER buy another EA/Bioware game again due to this- in fact I will more then likely stop playing this game in the future when Diablo 3 comes out or guild wars - as they have left a very very bad karma with this game!



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Analogy doesn't work Craoeli... Difference in those venues is they have set times which they COMMUNICATE to the people as to when the showings will be. BIoware has done no such thing except through the forums and the Origin order page. If you look on Amazon and Gamestop it simply says "you get early access if you pre-order" (paraphrase), combine that with all the banner ads that say begn playing 12/15 and it is perfectly understandable why a person would think they should simply be able to get in on 12/15, and feel misled if they were not.


You paid for a game that includes 30 days that launches on the 20th. That's what you paid for, and that's what you are getting.


We get a bonus of some free early access days depending on the registration date. That's a bonus, and completely extra.


So you are going to get what you paid for. I really do not see a problem. And yes, I can blame you for being so whiny and complaining about non-issues.


Actually you get some free early access days for allowing them to take our money early and begin making interest off of it in an escrow account. What do you think they do with all of those $5 deposits, just let them sit around doing nothing? No, they put them in an interest bearing account until release and make cash off of it. So basically they give us free days for the free money we're essentially enabling them to get off of the interest of our $5 (and if you thing $15mil doesn't bring in hefty profits every day you obviously don't know the interest escrows of that size can bring).... That's how business works.

Edited by Mltdwn
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you would still blame bioware if there was no early game access and you didn't have the money to buy the game at launch. your mentality is basically if i cant play first then no one should.


You're partially right, I'm not that self-centred. It's more like if we can't all get the same pre-order bonus, why even bother offering a pre-order bonus? Some people getting extra days is not giving everyone the same bonus for pre-ordering.

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Analogy doesn't work Craoeli... Difference in those venues is they have set times which they COMMUNICATE to the people as to when the showings will be. BIoware has done no such thing except through the forums and the Origin order page. If you look on Amazon and Gamestop it simply says "you get early access if you pre-order" (paraphrase), combine that with all the banner ads that say begn playing 12/15 and it is perfectly understandable why a person would think they should simply be able to get in on 12/15, and feel misled if they were not.


Actually, it still works. They stated Early Access begins on the 15th. They then announced it would start on the 13th. This means the entertainment venue opened and the show began on those dates.


Putting blame of a companies failures on their customers, is wrong. Plain and simple.

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it has nothing to do with reading or understanding. people KNOW what they bought. They are frustrated because some people are playing at they are not. Why is it so hard for people to empathize. you only "hear" then whining because you keep refreshing the threads.


I'm betting a lot of the people who blast those who complain have been let in themeslves already.

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You're partially right, I'm not that self-centred. It's more like if we can't all get the same pre-order bonus, why even bother offering a pre-order bonus? Some people getting extra days is not giving everyone the same bonus for pre-ordering.


its on a first come first basis just like everything else you have to buy. people in line ahead of you will get to the register first and be able to play with their toys before you.

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I love all the special whiners here. The whiners with the "entitlement" complexes and the whiners with the "I did stuff wrong to redeem my code, but you HAVE TO LET ME IN NAOW!" complexes. You make my day. I love laughing at your tears. Let me lick them from your face. Mmmmmm tears!!!! Emo/nerdRAGE tears are sooooooooooo sweet! :D



Now, are you gonna suck it up and drive on or what?

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I don't think there is a single person who actually pre-ordered for EGA thinking they wouldn't be able to play it.



I'm one! Weeeee!! do i win a cookie? :p


I pre ordered just before i went on a plane trip on the 7th of December. I just wanted to make sure that it was all said and done with the dl and what not when i return home. No 8hrs spent watching the numbers tick the day of return. (Its a 7to9 hrs plane trip going to be sleeping the entire time) All nighter !WOot!


But yea I fully understood when i pre orderd I will have little to no chance of getting in early. I have a lab top with me that can play the game so no "but but but.. your on a trip you can distract yourself from playing" :rolleyes:

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its on a first come first basis just like everything else you have to buy. people in line ahead of you will get to the register first and be able to play with their toys before you.


That only works in the case of limited resources (i.e. there is only one checkout counter), that doesn't apply to the internet, especially when during prime-time play hours all of the servers are at light population and the zones in the game are all instanced.

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I preorderd late. I figured it would be better handled. They added a few days to it So i was like oh wow great crack the valve a bit before the 5 days great idea. But as we hit the 5 days before and im deeing LITE servers I begin to wonder How much of a bad idea this was. I mean we tested the servers and it went fine so they said. so stress on them is Not a concern.


So i wait patient on my last day off for prob a month and hope that i can get in and play. if not well i wasted 5 bucks

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I'm betting a lot of the people who blast those who complain have been let in themeslves already.


I'm in, my dad is in, but my brother and sister are not. And they are just fine waiting for their turn. They are actually pretty disappointed with all the self-entitled people here...

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I'm not reading the whole thread but, why care about what other people get? Just worry about yourself and be happy when you do get in thats how I look at it. I ordered in December knowing full well they said this was the way they were handling early access, they even started 2 days sooner. Just be happy you'll get in 2 days sooner then if this started on the 15th.
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