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Do you like the Light/Dark choices?


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So far I have felt they have tended to be too black and white (kill character/don't kill character) or too arbitrary.


I just got hit in the face with one of the stupidest Light/Dark choices I've ever seen. So I pick up a quest to test a toxin on a slave revolt. I am given the following two choices:


Light: Taint the slaves water supply with enough toxin to KILL them all

Dark: Taint the slaves water supply with just enough toxin to kill some and cause extreme suffering to the rest.


How the hell are EITHER of those Light side choices.......

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Causing Extreme suffering sounds pretty F'd up, and they are slaves so killing them will basically end their slavery and allow them to become one with the Force... I guess.

Seriously though, it sounds to me like your problem was that you chose Sith. All of there choices are bound to be skewed since they are uh, EVIL, and all.

I did a republic Smuggler quest where I was supposed to get this medicine back from a thief that stole it from the military. I had to find the thief first though, so I go out looking and it turns out it's some really nice Cathar chick who just wants to help the kids. She wants me to return the medicine to her so she can keep the kids healthy because as it turns out it was stolen from her by some separatists.

So I go and I kill like a whole colony of people to get this medicine. After said slaughter I return to town where my two choices are A. Give it to the kids who might be sick sometime in the future (Light Side) or B. Give it to the soldiers from whom it was originally stolen who are sick right now (Dark Side).

I don't know, but that one seems a little more like what you are looking for maybe. Try rolling Republic. :cool:

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yeah i played alot of both side sin the last beta....some of my toons was Imp. lightside choices and some was Imp. darkside choices....i also had the same for republic side with some being all lightside choices and some all dark. i really liked all the choices and for the most part thought they was really a great fit to the situation. only sometimes did i wish some where a bit more detailed as i picked some non light/dark choices that i thought would have a different reaction. :)
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How the hell are EITHER of those Light side choices.......


Mercy killing. Bioware is taking a very political stance with that one.


But I do agree that the choices are less than satisfying. They are very pigeon-holing in many ways, and don't represent the reasoning I would use in such a case. So instead of immersion, it forces me to swallow behavioral choices out of a list.


It's like reading one of those books where you make choices, but you know what? It's still on a script. They do end.

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So far I have felt they have tended to be too black and white (kill character/don't kill character) or too arbitrary.


I just got hit in the face with one of the stupidest Light/Dark choices I've ever seen. So I pick up a quest to test a toxin on a slave revolt. I am given the following two choices:


Light: Taint the slaves water supply with enough toxin to KILL them all

Dark: Taint the slaves water supply with just enough toxin to kill some and cause extreme suffering to the rest.


How the hell are EITHER of those Light side choices.......


Yeah this game is filled with stupid choices.


At least youre not getting dark side points for deciding to save your fellow soldier over some QQ'ing civilians that STOLE the medicine.

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My problem with light and dark side choices is based on my class, Bounty Hunter. I figure to be a good and reliable bounty hunter I shouldn't lie to my employer or take bribes from "marks" who want to get away.. Some of my choices have been leaning toward light (like releasing a young man from captivity for his brother) but others have been dark (had to bring home a kidnapped boy and the only way to do it was to kill the kidnapper--his father).


I am hoping to end up "gray" but so far the choices have leaned me dark. But overall I am looking to play a "reliable" bounty hunter.


I can't wait to play my Smuggler though, then I don't have to worry about a code of professional conduct, I can just be good and do what's in my heart (like giving medicine to sick kids on the premise that soldiers can get more easily enough and should know better than to let it get stolen from them in the first place :D ).

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Yeah this game is filled with stupid choices.


At least youre not getting dark side points for deciding to save your fellow soldier over some QQ'ing civilians that STOLE the medicine.


Oh yeah I remember that from playing Smuggler in beta (I am playing Agent now, and wanted to get familiar with the mechanics without spoiling the class story) Couldn't believe I got Dark Side points for that.....

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Causing Extreme suffering sounds pretty F'd up, and they are slaves so killing them will basically end their slavery and allow them to become one with the Force... I guess.

Seriously though, it sounds to me like your problem was that you chose Sith. All of there choices are bound to be skewed since they are uh, EVIL, and all.

I did a republic Smuggler quest where I was supposed to get this medicine back from a thief that stole it from the military. I had to find the thief first though, so I go out looking and it turns out it's some really nice Cathar chick who just wants to help the kids. She wants me to return the medicine to her so she can keep the kids healthy because as it turns out it was stolen from her by some separatists.

So I go and I kill like a whole colony of people to get this medicine. After said slaughter I return to town where my two choices are A. Give it to the kids who might be sick sometime in the future (Light Side) or B. Give it to the soldiers from whom it was originally stolen who are sick right now (Dark Side).

I don't know, but that one seems a little more like what you are looking for maybe. Try rolling Republic. :cool:


See, I actually hated that choice. I get that the woman had good intentions, but she still stole from soldiers who were just trying to do their jobs.


I can't imagine taking something from sick soldiers :\ I mean - who steals from a vet, you know? I felt like the "Dark Side" choice there was really bad. I know that when the choice is "or kids" you're supposed to always choose the kids... but it was maybe-sick kids vs. definitely-sick soldiers.


I took the Dark Side hit on that one.

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Yeah this game is filled with stupid choices.


At least youre not getting dark side points for deciding to save your fellow soldier over some QQ'ing civilians that STOLE the medicine.


Yeah ... I just know i'm going to end up totally neutral while trying to be good ..... just cause of the bad choices like this :mad:

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Causing Extreme suffering sounds pretty F'd up, and they are slaves so killing them will basically end their slavery and allow them to become one with the Force... I guess.

Seriously though, it sounds to me like your problem was that you chose Sith. All of there choices are bound to be skewed since they are uh, EVIL, and all.

I did a republic Smuggler quest where I was supposed to get this medicine back from a thief that stole it from the military. I had to find the thief first though, so I go out looking and it turns out it's some really nice Cathar chick who just wants to help the kids. She wants me to return the medicine to her so she can keep the kids healthy because as it turns out it was stolen from her by some separatists.

So I go and I kill like a whole colony of people to get this medicine. After said slaughter I return to town where my two choices are A. Give it to the kids who might be sick sometime in the future (Light Side) or B. Give it to the soldiers from whom it was originally stolen who are sick right now (Dark Side).

I don't know, but that one seems a little more like what you are looking for maybe. Try rolling Republic. :cool:


But the Dark Side choice there SHOULDN'T be a Dark Side choice. The choice to give the medicine to sick soldiers vs sick children is a tough call sure, but deciding one way or the other shouldn't matter for Dark v. Light. If the military was hording the medicine and giving it to them meant it wouldn't be used you might have a point, but that wasn't the case with that quest.


This is an example of an 'arbitrary' Light/Dark distinction. If you didn't see the Light Side/Dark Side icons in the conversations you would never in a million years consider one of the choices bad....

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This is exactly the type of stuff I'm excited about seeing on the forums, because unlike BG, KOTOR, or DA this is an MMO and will be an ever changing game. I agree totally about some of the light/dark choices not being great, so let's keep talking about it so BW knows what breaks the immersion for us and makes it better.


Considering the sheer volume of content in this game, there is going to be some that doesn't quite fit into the blockbuster film it feels like we're in. So what else seems out of place? The beauty of an MMO is it's a living changing world that will be fully supported by the developers for years to come.

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