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Please stop complaining about the class, MARAUDERS ARE FINE


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beside self heal by bleeding effects is not amazing in pvp


it helps in pve when u r farming or doing Flashpoint/ Operations

but i dont think it will help you a lot in pvp :) or its not really THE healing which will cut it


it really needs to tick a lot if you get a grav round inc from 3500


Well... with 40% force crit chance and additional 15% crit from jujo stacks pretty much every second dot crits and heals can crit too (490hp heal highest so far).

Let me pop a Berserk and ill heal up 18% hp in the next 3-4 seconds.

Grav Round/Tracerlols are by far my most favorite targets next to Sages/Sorcs.


Every WZ I end up with 75k + healing. Today i managed to get past 130k multiple times.


Love to see a SS of it hitting that hard Mine crits for 3k and is on average 2-3k (I'm full biochem with champ relics)


More bs from idiots, as most L2p threads are.


Didnt know its such a special thingy...

Boosted (not even full champ) i get easily arround 4-6k crits on sorcs, if i count both hits of Annihilation its probably arround 7-8k in 1 gc.

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Marauder are fine the way they are now, we just need a lil more dps (couse it seems weak compared to the 4k spam of all other classes) but we are good.


What kill a marauder are the freaking platforms and absence of schools of magic (along with no mana pool)

1-We have no advantages from the environment while most (if not all) of classes have due of the knockbacks. It's ok if u can put some distance between you and me knocking me back (although i think that KB with roots are OP), but charge cant compensate the amount of KB ingame and a there's a whole WZ (huttball) designed around the strategic use of the platforms, and we cant get any use out of it, if not only disadvantages.


2-As any RPG in history teaches, you, as a caster, do not ever want me, a melee, hitting constantly in your *** because I wont let u cast a thing. This game works differently. With same lvl gear and similar skill any healer can be standing still with us constantly dpsing and our interrupt doesnt really make any difference since there are at least other 2 healing spells to use. Plus, with the resource pool system we have now, a simple stun with a little run around the pillar makes your energy/whatever full again even if u were spamming heals, that is broken. I have to build my rage, i cant just w8 till it get high, as any other class do.


My 2 cent, and Im even bad with english xD

This guy pretty much nailed it.

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you know annihilation doesn't double-hit for 4k right? your off-hand damage doesn't work that way.


u simply misunderstood me...


Anni hits with both sabers... my main hand often hits for arround 5-6 k when entirely boosted + crit while my offhand still hits for 1-2.5k


count them together and you have your 8k (sadly they dont count together)

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I heard 6% crit chance for Force Scream / Force Choke is very useful for Annihilation.


Are you using willpower augments?


The Malice crit is predominantly for your bleeds as you want a high crit rate for your dots in between beserk being up.


For the guy who said Annihilate does not hit 4.5k - 5.5k, you can watch my Series 3 vid in my signature. Keep in mind those hits are on unmitigated targets, I am simply giving you the raw damage of the attack, usually on unmitigated targets its about 4500 average, with a power adrenal and power relic popped at the same time, I can make it hit over 5k.




Marauders are fine, take some time to practice the class.

What we need to focus on is getting rid of this garbage RNG PvP bag system.

Edited by Squarez
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re-roll a sentinel/marauder


solo queue for about a week, come back to us, and give us your glowing testimonial


I've been solo queueing as a marauder since I started warzones at lvl 10. Now lvl 50, full champ, valor 56. Sometimes you get good groups, sometimes you get bad groups, but I always manage to do good for myself regardless of whether we win or lose.


edit: on a side note, when have bleeds become force attacks? Pretty sure force scream, force crush, force choke and smash are our only force attacks. You can test this by setting up a duel with an assassin, having him use force shroud, then hit him with a rupture. If it isn't resisted, and it won't be, it isn't a force attack.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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