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Musical ques in the Final Sith warrior class quest


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What i am refering to is the part after Darth Baras is defeated.


IMO i think the use of the soft piece when Baras is begging Darth Marr and Ravage for help was well placed.


However on the flip side IMO i just feel like the piece that came after when Baras is Ranting about how he cannot be silenced was over the top (in regards to this scene, out of place actually)


The reason i am making a bit of a deal of this is because its the only moment where a miniscule shred of pity can be shown for this character. The soft music was a nice compliment to everything Baras worked for crashing down around his ears. It amplified the drama of his climatic fall more so than what was used (you know, where the chorus just raises its voice in the piece.)


This is my opinion i wanted to see what everyone else thought.



PS. I think the cutscene could of benifited alot more by keeping the music at the same levels rather than raising the volume during Baras' rant. Maybe instead of his rant he could of just grunted after a slow panning shot of him glancing at the dark council members and then realising that its over Baras could of told his former apprentice in a normal tone of voice but with anger obviously beneath the surface


"Deliver the death blow then."

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The background music is called Anakins Betrayal, Anakins Dark deeds, mixed with some other themes that ive never heard of


Point is i preferred when the soft part of anikan's betrayal was playing while Baras was alive. When the chorus kicked in it kinda felt over the top. Idk

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