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Your Solutions


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I thought it would be nice to have a thread where people posted problems they had in the game and how they solved them (your solutions in case others have the same issues). It might be better than a dozen or more threads spread all over the place—especially while the search function is down.


For example, I don’t have the latest and greatest rig and had a problem with mouse sensitivity and overall jumpiness. It was to the point where I couldn’t move very well. I fixed it by turning “off” shadows in the game. I also turned down camera panning (or something like that). I heard from a few guildies they had the same issues, so I told them my solution and it seems to work for most of them.


I also had problems with Vent. For some reason, it wouldn’t work in game (I’d have to tab out to talk. I restarted it by right clicking on the Vent icon and “setting as administrator.” That seemed to work (although only temporarily, I am still working on that one). Honestly, I might stay out of Vent while solo/doing a lot of questing and NPC interaction—I like being social when I play, but I don’t like having people talk over the cut screens.


That’s all I have so far, please add your solutions if you have them.

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