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Commando vs. Sorc


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I'm having a really tough time taking on good Sorcs 1v1 as a Gunnery Commando and was wondering if you guys have any tips for me.


Their shields combined with their insane amount of CC, ranged interrupt, short cooldown super sprint, and damage that is at least on par with ours if not better, makes it very difficult for me to beat them.


I have full Champion gear and should be hitting Battlemaster today or tomorrow. I generally don't have problems with any other class (thats not to say I beat them all easily but it's at least a 50/50 chance) but good sorcs just make me feel helpless the entire time.

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Don't expect serious nerfs to sorcs/sages imo. They aren't quite as all powerful as the forums would lead you to believe. Although I could imagine a bubble reduction for non-healers.


What is your spec? I find sorcerers one of the easier to beat classes with a 31/10/0 build. You should be able to out dps the typical hybrid builds they use. Either a supercharge or a trinket/relic does the job easily. Serious overkill if you decide to use both.

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Vs sorcs.


I use stockstrike, concussive charge for interrupts.

I keep sorcers in melee range most of the time, expect when interupting.


Usually when you get 5 stacks of grav round its game over. I like to when I get em to half health


Cb, sg,, grav, freeze, hib, demo round, stockstrike and a full auto. They are normally dead after the demo.


All the sith are easy for me. I have trouble with imperial agents, when they crit 3xs in a row.

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As an assault spec, I usually just tick them with Incendiary Round, High Impact Bolt, and Assault Plastique, and then LOS them to keep the damage low. Reactive Shield mitigates a lot of their damage, as well as a few of their roots/slows. They don't die the majority of the time, but I tend to focus more on chasing them from the field or forcing them to concentrate on themselves instead of supporting their friends.
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Don't expect serious nerfs to sorcs/sages imo. They aren't quite as all powerful as the forums would lead you to believe. Although I could imagine a bubble reduction for non-healers.


What is your spec? I find sorcerers one of the easier to beat classes with a 31/10/0 build. You should be able to out dps the typical hybrid builds they use. Either a supercharge or a trinket/relic does the job easily. Serious overkill if you decide to use both.


My spec is 5/31/5. Like I said, I don't have problems with many Sorcs but the Good one's who utilize all of their abilities and LoS me are a pain in the ***. They pop out, throw dots on me, and then go back to pillar humping. I'll charge in and then they CC me, get a new bubble, and sprint away. The Battlemasters who are geared out can even go toe-to-toe with me on damage and just facetank me while interrupting half of my skills.


It's just very frustrating trying to fight them with all the tools they have available vs. my 4 second stun and melee range knockbacks.


Don't get me started on the Huttball bias towards Inquisitors/Consulars.

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Gunnery is bad (At least all the time I play against them). My vanguard can take down Arsenal Mercs, and I'll bet Mercs have at least some advantages over a gunnery commando other than the Mortar Volley/Full auto. It's the healers that give me a problem.


I don't think Vanguard's are OP. Yeah, I did better with them, but I don't do insanely better like a sorc. They should just buff Snipers and pre-36 Ops.


Maybe its just that most commandos nowadays get owned by Grav Round, make a commando, then spam it the same? My vanguard's interrupt, Cryogrenade, Storm, Harpoon allow me to interrupt any one spell for as long as I please.


Now, the sorcs, having manymanymanymany castables, make them harder to me. Also their insane damage is really obviously OP.

Edited by Zunayson
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As gunnery, I dueled my combat medic m8. Lol, he beat me everytime hands down, no questions asked. Then he dueled some jedi sentinel and pawned his *** too like miles away.


That's OP.


I'm a sorc and I've got to say that it's really more of a matter of knowing how to beat them.

My advice?


1. Heavy gears is important. (I virtually never lose to a class with light or medium gear)

2. If you have a companion, choose a healer.

3. Remember that their jolts cooldown quick, but electrocute takes a while.

4. Sorcs are primarily ranged, getting in nice and close is the best strategy.


Sorcs are not OP, but they have an advantaged if you let them kite you. Either go close, or run away.

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I'm a sorc and I've got to say that it's really more of a matter of knowing how to beat them.

My advice?


1. Heavy gears is important. (I virtually never lose to a class with light or medium gear)

2. If you have a companion, choose a healer.

3. Remember that their jolts cooldown quick, but electrocute takes a while.

4. Sorcs are primarily ranged, getting in nice and close is the best strategy.


Sorcs are not OP, but they have an advantaged if you let them kite you. Either go close, or run away.


How are you this bad?

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