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Outran my skills


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The subject is kind of strange, but I rushed through all my storyline missions Nar Shadaa. It was fun and given the ability to go stealth, it was kind of easy. My storyline now takes me to Tatooine. Life is very different there. My character (level 22) is just too low to be effective. Can any advise me on some missions I might run on Nae Shadaa? I know a lot of missions are linked, so I am looking for the beginning of any mission string.


Thanks for the help

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Not just for Tatoine but for the whole game, as long as your leveling your character by doing your "class" questline you should be on par for your level requirements. I personally just did the quests that I saw along the way when I was doing the class quest.


Also as a tip, its around this point that having your companion with you(and substantially geared) is almost a must.


for smugglers you have access to two tanks, and a DPS class early on. As a scoundrel you have the ability to heal that companion. The fights may go slower, but you should be on par for your level.


Hope I understood the question and that this advice helps.

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Haystack, Thank you for the feedback. My mistake was in sticking strongly to the storyline missions and ignoring all others. I wanted to get the Wookie, and I was not paying attention to anything that was not on that track. I now need to go up a level or two in order to be competitive on Tat. Can you point me at any missions strings on Nar Shadaa?
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Space missions can help close level gaps pretty quickly along with PvP. The game is geared toward high level PvP for some rewards so it never hurts to start learning the basics of it. I remember that the Tatooine missions were difficult for me solo and I was in my upper 20's.


Be sure to use our CC abilities because of their long duration, tranq and slice droid and turn off companion Area attacks so they don't break the CC. I love my tranq shot now but didn't use it until I had to in heroics.

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Thanks for the feedback. I am running with my Wookie. He is well geared and does a lot of damage. I will have to remember to turn off his AOE, like wookie roar because that's how we always die. We can kill one of anything on Tat, but the adds kill us every time.


Thanks again

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