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Why hit Zen after you apply your burns?


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Silly question, but I can't find the older thread about this topic.



I've been doing it for awhile now, I'll hit Overloaded Saber, cauterize, 2 more attacks, and then hit Zen and watch those burns crit and heal. But Why exactly do we do this again? Why would it be worse to hit Zen, THEN apply our burns? Is it because the initial hit consumes a tick, yet the burns do not?

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Unless I understand it incorrectly:


Zen just guarnatee a Crit on your burn effects.


If you've already Crit on a Burn effect (and you've speced the Watchman) you will heal on those burn effects.


If you see healing numbers before you hit Zen, that just means you already got a Critical hit and Zen doesn't do anything more.


I don't think Zen does anything to modify an already in place DoT.

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Silly question, but I can't find the older thread about this topic.



I've been doing it for awhile now, I'll hit Overloaded Saber, cauterize, 2 more attacks, and then hit Zen and watch those burns crit and heal. But Why exactly do we do this again? Why would it be worse to hit Zen, THEN apply our burns? Is it because the initial hit consumes a tick, yet the burns do not?


Because you want a full 3 stacked overload saber tick to crit, not a 1-2 stacked tick.

Edited by DanChart
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