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George Lucas rumored to be erasing original trilogy (and he should).


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Right because Anakin did not wipe out a village of Sand people, women and children or execute Count Dooku...he just went right from good to evil.


Oh and BTW...Luke after going all cool and mature still pulled a "From a certain point of view?" which is just plain derp durp ditty day!


Also, how does one become more Jedi zen without more training? Luke went from little power to being totally wizard.


im talking about when anakin went from Jedi to Sith, when he went from Anakin to Vader. when he started serving palpatine. it was so abrupt and jarring and poorly-written. he was not seduced to the dark side as ben kenobi says in the first star wars.


i dont know what the certain point of view line is supposed to mean.


you dont need to train in a temple with a lightsaber or read books to become a jedi (despite what the prequels tell us). he probably meditated and started thinking deep thoughts or whatever. we didnt see it but it was plausible and we know something happened.

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Let's see, Ulic. I had forgotten about some rage poison..but the idea that to defeat the enemy one must become like the enemy is an age old human tale. And in his Pride he thought he could do this without succumbing...So yeah.


Kun, Vain in his abilities, prideful of his strength, thought he could learn the secrets of the sith and not be tainted by the dark side. But, when his choice was to succumb or die..he chose darkness, still believing he could repent for that choice afterwards..until he was completely corrupt.


And Caedus, while the Vong and Vegere's torturing of him did scar him, he was still for the most part a Jedi Knight, but he thought he knew what was best and in that pride started his walk toward the dark path. Then in Legacy he had the Force vision of the galaxy in flames and thought Sal-Solo was the man at the center of it all. Never realizing it was actually him (it may be alluded that it is actually Krayt, but I think he saw his own destiny much like Vader did) But he, in his pride, thought he could succeed where Ulic and Kun failed and learn the Sith teachings for a greater good, as long as his intentions were good. All for the love of his daughter and her mother....


I think most people could accept Anakin's fall more easily if they had been able to see TCW Anakin first..and they had that Anakin portrayed in the movies instead of the whiney brat one...and see some actual chemistry between Padme and Anakin...it was just so poorly executed.

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im talking about when anakin went from Jedi to Sith, when he went from Anakin to Vader. when he started serving palpatine. it was so abrupt and jarring and poorly-written. he was not seduced to the dark side as ben kenobi says in the first star wars.


i dont know what the certain point of view line is supposed to mean.


he probably meditated and started thinking deep thoughts or whatever. we didnt see it but it was plausible and we know something happened.


What a great post. Luke probably or whatever, plausible because something happened. This somehow is great to you.


But...a detailed FALL, the details of which you completely ignore...is fail to you.


Anakin WAS seduced. Palpatine PROMISED he could save padme, promised he would teach Anakin and that was after YEARS of being his close friend and confidant, dropping hints and twisting his views...and YEARS of Anakin walking a very fine line and also losing control.


Or did you NOT notice that at the start of EP3 that Padme did NOT have a baby bump and tells Anakin that she is pregnant....the time frame of EP 3 is some 6-8 MONTHS...


You are GRASPING for ways to not like the stories.

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you think a character maturing over the course of a few years is not more realistic than a character going from Good to Evil in five minutes?


At the end of Empire, right after Luke got done with his stoic, manly "That's not true...that's impossible. Noooooooooo, nooooooooo" scene (like father like son, eh?), Lando and Chewie were en route to Tatooine. That's a lot less than a year to go from the whiny kid we saw on Dagobah to Mr "Don't worry, everything's been taken care of" cool. I'd say that's at least as drastic and rapid a change, if not more so. As has already been pointed out, Anakin showed previous signs of darkness.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Flat out lie.


Please, do not call me a liar. I posted an opinion. Obviously Lucas did not think this, I am not a moron. But it certainly feels as though he did this. Much of what he did with the prequels ignored Lore that existed for sometime before the movies, that he approved of.



its all opinion based.


Yes... as is everything you have written. It is opinion, not fact. These are forums. Not ledgers.


Lucas is God, he created the universe...deal.


You just finished lecturing me on how he borrowed ideas from novels for his movies. He did not, in fact, create the entire universe then. Others helped. He simply rubber stamped them, then sifted through for ideas he liked. I do not, in fact, have to 'deal' anymore than star trek fans have to 'deal' with JJ Abrams' Star Trek. In my opinion the prequeals destryoed the magic of star wars, did away with much of the mystrey, and introduced issue that, previously, did not exist.



Becoming Vader for REAL reasons that people can actually identify with if they have ever actually been in love before...epic, because it means even you can prevent forest fires...turn darkside.


Anakin's fall to the darkside was in no way Epic. It could have been, I agree. It had the potential to be, I agree. It was not, as played out in the movies. For something to be 'epic' implies time. A great deal of it, in fact. Anakin did not gradually turn to the dark side. He went from traveling there to full blown Sith in as much time as it took for a fade to pass across the screen.


I submit:


Mace Windu appears to have won his duel with Palpatine as he makes to strike down the Sith lord, Anakin intercedes. Palaptine uses this moment, whether by fortune or design, to strike out at Windu, and the Jedi Master is defeated. Anakin is remorseful and asks, "What have I done." In the next instant he submits to the Sith and agrees to go out and murder a temple full of children. There was no progression here. There was no 'slippery slope,' no 'once you start down that path.' There was a Jedi, and then there was a Sith. There was an incident Anakin had no control over, and then he turns evil.


We are led to believe that his reasons for turning to the Dark Side were over Padme. I could buy this, if it were sold to me. It was not. This is what led to him defending Palpatine. It is not what led to him defecting. Also, I do not recall Palpatine ever explaining that by killing children, Anakin would gain more power and affinity with the Dark side, and thus, achieve the power needed to save Padme.



Now, as this thread has become a trolling ground, and likely more will jump down my throat for offering an opinion, I'm done.


Good day.

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I think the whole thing is a joke, and no one should take that article seriously. It wouldn't just be wiping out the original Trilogy, it would also affect the cannon and story aspects of other Star Wars franchises too. Example Force Unleashed.


Whole thing is a wind up. Don't believe a word.

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Right because Anakin did not wipe out a village of Sand people, women and children or execute Count Dooku...he just went right from good to evil.


Oh and BTW...Luke after going all cool and mature still pulled a "From a certain point of view?" which is just plain derp durp ditty day!


Also, how does one become more Jedi zen without more training? Luke went from little power to being totally wizard.


If all you're saying is that the Star Wars thing is basically crap anyway, then I'd agree to some extent. That's actually what I was saying in my previous post. Lucas' drive and overview are amazing, but some of his ideas ON THEIR OWN maybe aren't all that great; but in the originals that was at least mitigated by hiring in better scriptwriters and directors, allowing actorts some leeway in interpretation, and having the genius of other people (Burtt, Willams) multiplying the effect of his own.


The problem with the prequels is that Lucas had everything his own way, it wasn't mitigated by other people having the balls to call him out (e.g. the Ford quote you quoted).


And that's what makes the prequels worse than the originals. The constraints he had to work under while making the original and its two sequels were actually part of what made them better films.

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While I am pretty sure a "Time Bandits" fan somewhere is having a massive laugh at Star Wars fandom expense....



part of me thinks this is the sort of idea that would appeal to Lucas. "The Clone Wars" could go on forever and ever!


I never understood time bandits.... the ending was just so......

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The live action series has been on the cards for so many years & it is going to be aimed at post watershed ratings.


The thing with a tv series is, each ep needs a story, it could just be 1 of the stories they could do. Doesn't mean that will be it for the rest of the season.


Again but, they went back and changed the time line in Star Trek & the fans loved it.


So I guess its just about the manner in which he does it.

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Anytime any so called reporter opens with "Now, we hate to perpetuate rumors that may not have any basis in reality, but"


Means they are literally talking out of something other then their mouth. This is journalism at its worst. It is a giant conspiracy theory based on 2 statements and one example that isn't exactly true and taken out of context.



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there's an interesting article over a rumor that George Lucas intends to undo the events in the original trilogy and that he should).


The idaa is that some bounty hunters develop time traveling technology and go back and prevent anakin from becoming Darth Vader. I'm assuming this also prevents Palpatine's plans to come to fruition.


Read more here:

How George Lucas May Erase "Star Wars"


Sure...go for it. An alternate continuity free of the constraints of fan expectation, to do with what he has always wanted to... Like Nike says,"Just do it!' It could be a good thing.

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Ok, so initially I just dismissed this. But then I started looking for another source on the information (bored at work).


So I found this...





It was said that the live-action series takes place between episode 3 and 4. Not to mention, it was said that it wasn't suppose to be about Darth Vader or the Emperor. You only hear about them.


This is why I don't like MSNBC. This article is sensationalist journalism at it's worst.


Why in the living hell would you want ANYTHING to fit with the prequels?


Also, to you and OP:






You shouldn't trust whatever RLM says. Like when he said that Qui-Gon didn't have a personality(he's calm, unorthodox, understanding to the lesser being, compassionate, and open-minded). Or when he said that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon should just kill all the droids in the ship(the droids they were running from not too long ago). Or when he questioned why Qui-Gon was going to the Gungan city instead of Theed(because going to the closest form of civilization nearby is a bad thing when there are troopers scouting the forest, amirite?)



I'm sorry I disagree. The force was a wonderful mystical power, a spiritual force that was part of everything and was between everything, connecting it. How does a rock that isn't alive have living cells? It doesn't.



No, look. The Force still is a mystical Force-field that binds everything together. Midi-chloriens are more like communicators that help people like Obi-Wan use the Force.

Edited by Aitix
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I only have one thing to say about this. If Lucas is going to do anything else in the Star Wars Universe it needs to NOT involve Anakin or Luke or Obi'Wan or anyone else we've already gotten tired of. I want to know more about the Star Wars Universe. More about the past. More about the Sith. I'm sure The Old Republic will enlighten me more than I think but I want a dark, political, backstabbing, true evil vs. light war that devastates. I want a movie about the Wars before TOR. George, don't fail us again. We can't take it.
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Me personally I dont care for prequels unless they are good and I would rather see something new something after the last movie many years after, maybe with leia and hans kids maybe, because the problem with a prequel is we have already seen a prophecy come true and the baddest sith ever and so on. So why not do a new one maybe a sith prophecy is found or maybe the emporer secretly had another apprentice or even had started a new sith academy and throw the mandalorians in there and the empire that was left that fled are secretly rebuilding somewhere new in the universe there alot that he could do, I dont know everyone has their opinions of what he could do. Who knows what goes on in that mind of his. I also think one of the many problems people had with the prequels is anakin was to whinney well he was suppossed to be whinney and arrogant thats what made him into vader. Except for a few mess ups with the story like obi not remembering r2d2 in episode 4 and him saying yoda was the jedi that instructed him and a few others I think where to small to really matter much. Maybe im missing something I dont know what was so bad about the movies I thought that the prequels where good. Also if we believed all the rumors on the internet and what is said on tv and in interviews there would be mass riots and everyone would be preparing for the end of the world in december or something really stupid like starwars meets terminator. Among other movies. I see george lucas as bieng brilliant without him we would not be talking on this forum.
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The thing about changing the timeline, like J.J. did with Trek. Isn't a bad thing. I mean look at the last few Next Gen movies that came out before the reboot. Heck First Contact was the last good Trek movie before the reboot.


But for Lucas it would free him to make the movies he wanted. I would just hope he continues to allow others to play in the alternate sandbox still.


We still have two alternate canons. G and C. I mean he considers the post-RoTJ to be an alternate version anyway, in his mind Luke never married, most of the EU never happened. Sadly, I think he will do to it like they did to SWG in favor of TOR though. Or the original OT format in favor of the Special Editions. Lucas can do whatever he wants with the SW galaxy, it is his IP. I would just hope he would be considerate to the fans and authors that kept it alive during the time between RotJ and TPM. Because they are the reason SW didn't die with the god-awful Ewok TV movies. And he should at least acknowledge that.

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After what he did to the franchise with those new movies that should have been straight to DVD release (they were that bad). I hope he dies of old age before this happens... :)


There are these things known as class and basic human decency. I take it you've never heard of them.

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(didn't read every thread)

Are you sure it was bounty hunters? it could just be a freighter from like 100 years ahead that travels back and uses its vastly surperior technology to destroy alderan before leia can become a princess, but then Haden christianson is aided by his future self, Christopher walken to get him and luke skywalker to get together on the death star to stop the evil future ship and reset the star trek universe.


Oh wait, that was the plot of Star Trek. Wait what?

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Retarded, but wouldn't be surprised by it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: over time I've become more and more convinced that Lucas is nothing but a fat twit that got lucky once and has done nothing but ruin **** since.


The EU is full of examples of others using the SW universe to create great media, but that ******* hasn't done anything but screw-up.


Please give me original theatrical release blu-ray original trilogy.

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