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Sents need force pull


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Maby u should first learn to think & read with understanding?


Said the one who thinks "nothing" is spelled "nothink" and who uses sentences/expressions such as:

"learn to think and read with understanding"

"We talkin about SENTINELS. U think i wanna skill which will be work with only one class?"

"No, u fail troll... camo is got nothink to cc, dont allow us fight without cc danger"


Your English is obviously horrible so maybe its you who should learn how to write in proper english before asking people to learn to understand what you are actually writing!

Edited by NrOneHero
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"They have stealth" is not an answer to the whine that "the Sent/Marauder is the only class that can't push people into the fire." You're not the only class that has no knockback/pull.


It's like the "Woe is me, my interrupt is so much more expensive!" whine when it's not. It's false.


Ok, lets retract the pushback. We lack a proper stun in general. the few we have are buggy and animation plagued.

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What is it you think Force Camo is for?


Oh, haven't figured out how Combat actually works? How sad for you...


Competitive pvp'ers roll watchman or focus, combat is too buggy and lacking to be viable. Camo is mostly used to get to a health pack, or to get all the damn range 1 button wonders off your *** lol

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