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BioWare: Something to consider


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Dear SWTOR Design team,

Over the last few years I have watched nearly every available piece of information concerning this game. I have read the Twitter feeds, followed the Facebook pages, read the interviews and was fortunate enough to get into Beta. Because of this, when I see many of the complaints a handful of players have, I understand that these are issues that have either been discussed and are being looked into, or have solid, rational decisions behind the design system being questioned.


Needless to say, I am a fan of the game.


However, I have one major issue that I would like to see discussed in greater depth is the idea that players need to be placed on a very direct, limited system in regards to the games design. To be clear, I dislike the linear method of questing and exploration that has been developed for the players. What worries me is that I have seen almost no discussion about this from the Design team. This makes me concerned that this may be the driving concept behind the new content you will be releasing in future patches.


Every single MMO I have ever played (and there have been quite a few), allow far more freedom when it comes to leveling characters. Certainly some overlap occurs in a quest based system, even with the old random quest generators of Star Wars Galaxies. Yet each MMO allowed players the opportunity to jump off the rails, switch up what areas they could take quests in.


I think this ties into the common complaint we see that the worlds don't feel alive. I would like to see some of the borders knocked down on these planets, give players the chance to drive off in a random direction and discover a new quest hub off the beaten path... don't force them to stick to the rails with every single quest.


The situation is so restrictive that I currently dread making another Sith character, because I have seen Korriban so many times it makes me sick to consider it. To be fair, part of that was the characters I made in Beta, but that same feeling is beginning to appear in the more advanced planets as I level alts.


Think about it. You have hundreds of worlds in development over the next several years. Mix it up a little, people enjoy the freedom of choice. Thanks.


(Sorry if this post drags on or gets muddled, I'm down with the flu today, so focusing isn't high on my list of functions)

Edited by Razyr
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I agree and disagree.


First, I agree that it "feels" as you say it does.


But I do not think it is the quests being linear that is the cause of this feeling. Its the maps themselves. If they changed nothing by make the maps have less walls, then I believe this feeling would disappear.

Edited by AAmedeo
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