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Marauder Rage spec vs Juggernaut Rage spec


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Hey guys presently I have a 50 guardian that I mostly pvp with. I can with almost no doubt say that my guardian puts out some high numbers. (yes I know ppl out there continue to say Jugg/Guard suck)

Now what I am wondering is I am lvling a Marauder presently and is my damage going to be about on par with the Guardian when you compare spec to spec? It should "technically" be 5% or some crap better per BioWare. Seems like Mara/Sents flow alot better then guardians so I'm hoping it will be comparable.


Thx for the feed back in advance.

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Well damn....the hell would you go rage spec ever then?


You wouldn't. Not now, and not after the patch. There's only 1 Marauder tree, and its name is Annihilation.


Oh, you thought Marauders were heavy hitting direct damage dealers? Psh. FOOL!

Edited by Stigas
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I just switched from Annihilation to Rage on my Mara.


I find the spec a lot more rewarding than annihilation due to the huge numbers I see, rather than dots ticking, and things die just as fast.


Right now, judging how fast things die is the only metric we have to determining superior builds. All of these guys will tell you annihilation is the way to go through and through. Until we get combat logs to parse out damage, we cannot know. So these people claiming anni is so much better than every other spec, is just speaking out of their *****es and from personal experiences, but have no measurable resource to back it up.


From my personal experience: I leveled as annihilation to minimize downtime. The heals were very nice. I tried Carnage when I hit 50, and things took forever to go down when doing the ilum dailys. I am now rage spec, hardly die, and Im MOWING down mobs...I mean, I'm destroying them. As for raids, we'll see when we can parse out a combat logs.


Play what you like, whats fun, not whats the best build because NOONE knows. I like rage :) If youre looking for upfront insane damage, Rage is the way to go.

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except for the fact that juggs aren't as good at building rage as marauders


Added to this remember that marauders get more "survavibility" than Rage Juggs. Meaning Cloak of Pain is a 20%dmg reduction that will not be bypassed by everything like armor is, the immunity, AND dont forget also saber ward. Which btw is mostly useless but is the only defensive cd that juggs have, well that and the + health and that goes away in 6 secs.


Paradoxically Id say for rage spec Mara Rage has more survival while Jugg gets more dps.

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