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Why am I getting guardian mod mission rewards instead of might mods?


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I understand the difference is minimal but I am not a Guardian. I am a Sentinel. At the very least I'd like the ability to choose which one I pick. Anyone been given an official reason why or is this an issue the current community couldn't care less about?


It's been discussed. It is what it is. You can see the same pattern in mod commendation vendors.

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Because you need more hit points.


It is coincidental that the 'tank' AC is named Guardian and the higher HP mods are labeled Guardian as well.


I have a slightly different perspective since I play a Marauder, and neither "MIGHT" nor "GUARDIAN" referred to a class that was relevant to me ;).

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Meh, it's not a big deal. Usually I'm using armoring that's above whatever the quest level rewards are.


As for commendation vendors, I have no problem with them only offering Might X while offering Guardian X and Guardian X+1. The way I see it is that (X+1) offers more overall points (as well as higher armor level in orange-grade items) therefore making it the better choice.


Would it be nice to have a little extra strength? Sure. But the extra HP is fine too and the bonus overall stats are also nice.

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If I had to guess it's probably because mod rewards are based on your base class, which is knight. Usually the rewards are a guardian or might mod, which would coincide with either being guardian or sentinel. The differences between those two mods are usually just one has higher str or end modifiers.
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