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BUFF operatives!!


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I hardly think he is critting constantly for 5k+ or you're fighting targets without any expertise and mostly green gear.


Otherwise it's more like 3.5k to 4.2k I'd think.


Nevertheless I do think operatives are fine the way they are now. The nerf was a little stronger than I had done it, however it seems quite allright to me now. You do have to pick your targets the right moment usually (which sometimes is a luxury you can't afford to wait for).


3.5 or 4.2 k WITH biochem and cooldowns....



without cooldowns your lucky to do a 2300.... at a 17000 hp oppnent

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3.5 or 4.2 k WITH biochem and cooldowns....



without cooldowns your lucky to do a 2300.... at a 17000 hp oppnent


Ummm you guys are still arguing about this...


get over it... the nerf was nowhere near as bad as you think it is or you are finding out how really bad you were actually at this class.


2300 in what gear?


if thats all you do then there is something wrong with you or the way you are doing it. YOu must be really undergeared. or going for guys in Heavy armor.

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My god, this means you might actually i don't know... learn to play outside of 4 buttons :o my god. If this is what you are struggling with, go BH. I fought a well played op yesterday and got completely trolled, usually, i'm like oh hey an op, "die." and they fall to a flurry of bleeds/heavy burst. This time i spotted him then got stunlocked to 30% hp, got up and died.

I'm full columni/4 parts pvp armour, both weapons and a trinket/ear. So not exactly undergeared. I'm ok about it, you guys dont need a nerf, you just need to l2p. And your healing in warzones is pretty good and i have more trouble killing an op because ofthe lack of cast times, than a BH or a sorc. BH is a long fight, but thats down to eneergy shield and heavy armour, not spamming kolto probe endlessly.


PvP will never be balanced 1 on 1, my suggestion is find a group, find your place in it, and spend your time focus bursting healers down with another DPS. I'm a marauder, you dont see me whining about how i struggle to kill tanks as that really isnt my job. MY job in pvp is to kill healers and other DPS which i do with alarming efficiency, but in a team fight im rendered useless, unless i too get together with another DPS or tank and focus people into the floor. Such is pvp

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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam


looks like someone is upset there stupidly OP class got balanced and is crying he cant 1 shot players anymore.


if you wasnt so dependant on playing overpowerd class's then maybe you would know how to play yours




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my god, this means you might actually i don't know... Learn to play outside of 4 buttons :o my god. If this is what you are struggling with, go bh. I fought a well played op yesterday and got completely trolled, usually, i'm like oh hey an op, "die." and they fall to a flurry of bleeds/heavy burst. This time i spotted him then got stunlocked to 30% hp, got up and died.

I'm full columni/4 parts pvp armour, both weapons and a trinket/ear. So not exactly undergeared. I'm ok about it, you guys dont need a nerf, you just need to l2p. And your healing in warzones is pretty good and i have more trouble killing an op because ofthe lack of cast times, than a bh or a sorc. Bh is a long fight, but thats down to eneergy shield and heavy armour, not spamming kolto probe endlessly.


Pvp will never be balanced 1 on 1, my suggestion is find a group, find your place in it, and spend your time focus bursting healers down with another dps. I'm a marauder, you dont see me whining about how i struggle to kill tanks as that really isnt my job. My job in pvp is to kill healers and other dps which i do with alarming efficiency, but in a team fight im rendered useless, unless i too get together with another dps or tank and focus people into the floor. Such is pvp


he used trinkets and biochem and cooldowns to take you to 30%hp.... The next 5 mins his useless and cant do that

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OH YE, we are the melee class that cant do anything without cooldowns, biochem and trinkets.. thats totally balanced... 90% of the time I suck


I feel sory for you...


Any class and any player whitout cooldowns/energy can't manage against other that is fully operational. I manage just fine whitout any biochem.


how much you have hp and expertize if you fail so much? And I corrected your quote...

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that nerf was the softest nerf to any OP'd class I've seen in a while for PvP.


We should all be so lucky to receive "nerfs" as easy as this and all OP/Scoundrels should be counting their blessings and ducking their heads.


Why they nerfed their PvE is beyond me though.

Edited by Bloodylittle
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