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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alignment question


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Hey I'm stuck at Alignment 9970 Light IV and the game wont let me go any farther. I'm assuming it is cause i have 30 dark points from one wrong misshapen i made in the dark using my keyboard. Is there any way around this or am i doomed to being a "grey" now? I'm pretty frustrated since I couldn't wait to be a Light V.





Edited by Careus
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If you are truly stuck at 9970 Light it is a bug. Once you get to 10,000 light further light choices will begin decreasing your dark points until they reach 0. In any event, even if you do stay at net 9970 light, that is Light IV, not gray or neutral.


If you try another light side choice and you don't move closer to net 10000 Light, then it is a bug. Remember that Light side choices during a quest don't actually register until you finish the quest. This was working fine for me.

Edited by Morfedd
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If you are truly stuck at 9970 Light it is a bug. Once you get to 10,000 light further light choices will begin decreasing your dark points until they reach 0. In any event, even if you do stay at net 9970 light, that is Light IV, not gray or neutral.


If you try another light side choice and you don't move closer to net 10000 Light, then it is a bug. Remember that Light side choices during a quest don't actually register until you finish the quest. This was working fine for me.


Interesting fact about the points dont register until the quest is finish. Makes sense though why. Thanks!

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If there is a bug affecting alignment gains, it is not something which affects everyone. First, turn in a quest with alignment gains, and if nothing changes, you should open a ticket.


I know for a fact that the system is not broken because I leveled Diplo before they fixed special missions to show alignment. Since I had tons of missions saved from my Slicer and didn't want to waste them, I ended up with about 500 DS points. I did experience the decimal bug which likely affects everyone with Diplo, but that didn't prevent me from reaching 10K LS points. At that point, further LS gains gradually erased my DS points until I was at 10K LS/ 0 DS points (Light V).

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Currently Social Point and Alignment gains are not updating correctly for hardmode flashpoints. I have been stuck at 9900 dark 100 light for 3 weeks. You can fix this by solo'ing a flashpoint that gives alignment gains on normal mode - i'm just lazy and dont necessarily need to be dark 5 (relics i have dont require alignement). Edited by Natarii
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