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rapid-fire stabbing


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Wierd thing happened to me last night in the Alderran WZ.


I got jumped by an Operative, knocked down, and then she proceeded to stab me 4-5 times in rapid succession, with no hint of a cooldown.


She literally went stabstabstabstab. The only pause was the animation time for her arm to go backwards and forwards. And it seemed to be the same animation each time. A stab with a puff of green goo.


I went from a full bar to about 8% in five seconds or thereabouts. I was literally gobsmacked when I looked at my health.


Now, I admit she got the drop on me (she came out of stealth) and I really wasn't quick off the mark responding (so she got a few free hits). But I've never had my head handed to me as quickly as that before. Ever.


I don't play an op - so is there some odd combination of factors among their skills that could achieve such a result? Some random 1 in a 1,000 chance that could make them crit massively four times without suffering a cooldown?


I'm Jedi shadow, lvl 32, btw. Valour in the 20s, so not a noob at WZ.


Odd thing was, I didn't die as I managed to pop force cloak and run away. That was the only ability I had time to use, which gives you a feeling of how quick the attack was.



I hate to cry Hax!, but, as I say ..... never seen that before ...

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