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Watchman or Focus?


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Watchman vs Focus


So from a PvPers perspective how do these 2 specs compare? I did not include Combat because I really do not think it is as effective as the other 2 (correct me if I am wrong), nor do I enjoy it, so this is mostly about Watchman and Focus. Which is better for PvP? I can adapt to either style, but I want to get some opinions before I get used to a certain spec only to change later on. Let's face it there will never be perfect balance between each spec. I will take a guess and say Watchman is the most popular at least on the forums. Is Focus generally just as viable as Watchman?

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Seems like they're both fine. I haven't tried out Watchment for more than 5 minutes because I had to respec back to Focus for AOE damage (which is what the Focus spec is all about, aoe damage from singularity charges + force sweep).


Some games I top the damage charts/kill charts, some days I'm under two people, but I'm always at the top.


Only time I find Focus less than stellar is Huttball where my attention is more focused on setting up passing lanes or finding ways to use the resolve bar and blowing a few defensive cooldowns for survivability and spamming Transcendence for speed and solo scoring the ball.

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Maybe this will help you decide: next patch notes 1.1.2




Improved response time for ability activation requests in low-framerate situations.

Implemented further improvements to ability responsiveness and client-side anticipation of ability executions.

The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete.

If Sprint was active when a player died, it now remains active when the player is revived.

Abilities on cooldown are now more easily distinguished from abilities that can be used.



Jedi Knight





Pacify: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.





Plasma Blades: Now increases damage dealt by burn effects by 5% per point.

Searing Saber: Now correctly modifies the critical damage dealt by burn effects.

Changes to Searing Saber and Plasma Blades result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.

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Watchmen is a single target persistent DPS style whilst focus is more of a AoE burst style.


Watchmen requires you to manage your focus so that you can use your abilities when they come off cooldown, while Focus is more about managing your cooldowns so you can combo correctly.


I'd say Focus is more fun but playing watchmen correctly is more rewarding.

Edited by TheWhiskey
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Watchman vs Focus


So from a PvPers perspective how do these 2 specs compare? I did not include Combat because I really do not think it is as effective as the other 2 (correct me if I am wrong), nor do I enjoy it, so this is mostly about Watchman and Focus. Which is better for PvP? I can adapt to either style, but I want to get some opinions before I get used to a certain spec only to change later on. Let's face it there will never be perfect balance between each spec. I will take a guess and say Watchman is the most popular at least on the forums. Is Focus generally just as viable as Watchman?


All trees can work in PvP depending on your playstyle and ultimately - your team.



Watchman is much more focused around 1v1 and shutting down healers/ranged casters. With shorter interrupts and a 0m-min range charge, you can be quite devastating. However, a Watchman has a higher ramp-up time with dots, and sometimes you might lose dps entirely, depending on your setup. If running with a high-burst group, an enemy might be down before you even got 3 stacks of overload saber up on him - which will make you less valuable to that particular group.


Role: Assassin (1v1), healer controller, tank slayer (elemental damage ignores armor!)



Focus is more about group burst utility and good AoE. Don't forget Focus' ultimate skill. It hits quite hard and is also a ranged slow. Focus also gets good anti-kiting tools. However, in between Blade Storm and Sweeps, you can only rely on slash. This makes Focus a bit worse at taking out healers, as they can heal up the initial burst and you are back to square 0. Also, the Focus build is actually more squishy (even if you took defensive saber forms from Combat).


Also, if you take the improved transcendence buff in the Focus tree, you are quite valuable to your team, while not losing too much DPS yourself.


My foremost dislike with Focus, is that a Guardian (the other AC) does more damage with every skill in that tree (due to synergy in other Guardian trees) except with Zealous Leap. So your group is generally always better off with having a Focus Guardian, instead of a Focus Sentinel. If you want the "simple" and "bursty" playstyle of a Focus Sentinel, you should take a look at going deep Combat.


Role: AoE, burst, group support.



I know you didn't ask for this, but here it is. Combat presents a good utility tree with great burst (on par with Focus) and some nice anti-kiting tools that you'll love if frustrated by slow and knockbacks. Using Precision, you can get a very nice combo that feels bursty and can force players to go defensive. The well-known: Blade Rush -> Precision -> Blade Storm -> Master Strike -> Blade Rush combo utilizes 100% of your Precision for maximum damage and does very nice damage. (You can swap the blade storm and master strike, if you have lag issues, making the last tick of MS tick outside of Precision) Using it with trinkets/adrenals can show some very impressive numbers. Combined with a root on your crippling throw and freedom in camo, you are very versatile. Just like Focus though, you are not as good as taking out well-geared healers. Your interrupt is still on a high cooldown and your leap is on a high cooldown and has a 10m minimum range.


Role: Melee train, burst, anti-ranged (as much a melee can be anti-ranged in the game's current state)

Edited by biovenger
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