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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Legacy Experience required to advance to Legacy Levels beyond 20 has been increas


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What does that even mean. A unimplemented systems getting an exp nerf before its even released...




For what reason, from what I can tell it takes the exp from 1-50 to get 5 legacy levels as it is That seems pretty fair to me...

Edited by Kiashia
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What does that even mean. A unimplemented systems getting an exp nerf before its even released...




From what reason, I can tell it takes the exp from 1-50 to get 5 legacy levels as it is That seems pretty fair to me...


True, but after that - if you don't play an alt, you can get up to level 17 in 2 weeks. WITH Alts, you can do it much faster.


I take it as a sign that (hopefully) legacy will be something useful, and they want to slow down the "end" progression a bit...

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im just curious how many legacy levels there are? im at level 21 and still to see any return on this ...comming soon ? some information on this would be nice so we can see what it is we are actually levelling the legacy system for . :rolleyes:
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What does that even mean.


It means Bioware doesn't know what to leave out of their patch notes. Mentioning this was a mistake, since it's a system that we can't use and that doesn't impact us at all. It only serves to remind us that it's not done, and that we might be leveling alts we're going to regreat in the future.


Let's call this a Diplomacy error.

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im just curious how many legacy levels there are? im at level 21 and still to see any return on this ...comming soon ? some information on this would be nice so we can see what it is we are actually levelling the legacy system for . :rolleyes:


I saw a screen cap of someone at 40.

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The legacy nerf is based on the legacy system that they are planning to put in place. The nerf could indicate two things.


1. They have cool stuff planned for the higher legacy players. They don't want you to get those perks straight out of the box.


2. They have delayed the implementation of the legacy system and want to slow down the progression until they have time to implement the system.

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Gosh I hope it's the former and not the latter. Last I heard we should expect legacy perks along with guild banks in the 1.2 content patch. I suspect they're not going to make the initially hinted at March release, but they said it wasn't concrete.




The legacy nerf is based on the legacy system that they are planning to put in place. The nerf could indicate two things.


1. They have cool stuff planned for the higher legacy players. They don't want you to get those perks straight out of the box.


2. They have delayed the implementation of the legacy system and want to slow down the progression until they have time to implement the system.

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I really would like to know the max. The xp curve for legacy levels is really quite shallow, and without a really massive cap (or perhaps a dramatically rising curve past legacy lvl 20 now) people are going to take what should be a very, very long alternate leveling sort of system and max it out in a few months.
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I wish we had a little info about the legacy it's a fail they didn't get it in within the 5 years they started working on this. Now we don't get any info, why? Because they still haven't finished it? Double fail. Remember friday updates? It'd be nice to get one of those about legacy round about now...
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I'm guessing a portion of legacy will be some form of "alternative advancement", and they want to make sure there aren't too many people with capped legacy levels the day the system goes live.


yea so basicly we get punished for their lack of an implimented system....

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It is reasonable to assume the legacy system is being developed right now (since the ETA is march, along update 1.2). Thus, they might be tweaking it as they are working on it in-depth now, hence the change they brought forward.
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What does that even mean. A unimplemented systems getting an exp nerf before its even released...




For what reason, from what I can tell it takes the exp from 1-50 to get 5 legacy levels as it is That seems pretty fair to me...


your legacy xp is built by each player on the server once you get to that point, not just your main. My mains 40, but with my alts i'm already more than half way to Legacy lvl 5.

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I was wondering why it's even in the game. Seems completely pointless to level something that doesn't exist.


To curb the complaints from people whinning the experience should have been gained from day one?


You can't win for losing around this place, its amazing.

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