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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm done....I'm tired of servers closing


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Last Straw....every night i've got on....EVERY *********** NIGHT I have been told I cant play because you guys are shutting down the servers.....


Unprofessional douche bags


calm the hell down its only 2 hour or less. Not the end of the god damn world. how is it unprofessional when they are trying to fix things. stupid threads these days

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Last Straw....every night i've got on....EVERY *********** NIGHT I have been told I cant play because you guys are shutting down the servers.....


Unprofessional douche bags


Would like to add very professional to call people douche bags. Very constructive criticism as well!

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for starters... its only done for as little of 2 hrs, its sad if you cant find something to amuse urself for a pitty 2 hrs. and id rather patches so the game is more fun and less **** ups.

besides think of the players getting these glitches and how annoying it would be

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Hello everyone! We understand the scheduling of our maintenance periods is a frustrating issue for many community members. However, because there is an on-going thread discussing this topic, we are going to go ahead and close this thread and ask that you continue discussion here:




Thank you for your cooperation!

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