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Dawn of the Jedi


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yup one of the Masters of one of the Temples is a Wookiee. It was always my understanding that Lucas takes an interest and has first refusal so to speak on all things Star Wars, maybe with his announced retirement from the movies hes being more relaxed on some of his "hard line" stances and leaving more up to the writers. A good thing in my opinion


He's always been the same when it comes to the EU. Leland Chee is the enforcer for the EU. Lucas doesn't care much as long as it doesn't effect his characters that much. With a few exceptions.

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yup one of the Masters of one of the Temples is a Wookiee.


Not only that, but the Tho Yor (the pyramid ships that picked up the Dai Bendu monks and various tribes/races) also picked up the Wookies as a race to transport to Tython... now I could be wrong, but I got the impression that these were all supposed to be force-sensitive races, opening up the possibility of many Wookie Jedi (or "Je'Daii").


Though I suppose the Wookies could always undergo some event that deprives them of the ability to channel the force, Rakata-style.



But moving on, what does everyone think of the new setting so far? Personally I'm thoroughly enjoying it, even as a EU lore fiend (though IGN wasn't so impressed).


I like how they seem to be settling down even more towards a fantasy-themed aspect of Star Wars, in the dress, the names, the general feel of it. It's not the "Star Wars" we all know and have grown to love, but it has it's own personality and I'm liking it.

Edited by fortunetek
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I don't think a Wookiee Je'daii is necessarily breaking the rules. It's not "the Jedi Order" yet. It's ancient! As long as Force-wielding Wookiees are rare, and kept out of Saga era and post-ROTJ aside from Tyvokka (well, just-before-Saga) and Lowbacca, and kept out of KOTOR/TOR-eras, Lucas would probably be satisfied.
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I don't think a Wookiee Je'daii is necessarily breaking the rules. It's not "the Jedi Order" yet. It's ancient! As long as Force-wielding Wookiees are rare, and kept out of Saga era and post-ROTJ aside from Tyvokka (well, just-before-Saga) and Lowbacca, and kept out of KOTOR/TOR-eras, Lucas would probably be satisfied.


Haha, so basically if they just kept them strictly in this new era. :p


Does anyone know if ol GL's problem was with Wookie Jedi, or Wookie force users in general? That he famously vetoed Obsidian's plan to make Hanharr able to become a dark side force sensitive in KotOR II, suggests that he was against Wookie's with Force Push/Lightning and lightsabers in general :p


Though I can sort of see his point.



"Master Jedi, if you will kindly oversee the introductory diplomatic ceremony, w-"








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Don't like that these Je'daii appear to think that a equal amount of dark & light is balance. The force isn't like Yin & Yang, The dark side is a corruption of the force and is putting it out of balance..


At least that's what I thought, until I saw this. If the Jedi truly descend from the Je'daii then the whole "corruption of the force" concept will get retconned since these guys don't agree at all with that.

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Don't like that these Je'daii appear to think that a equal amount of dark & light is balance. The force isn't like Yin & Yang, The dark side is a corruption of the force and is putting it out of balance..


At least that's what I thought, until I saw this. If the Jedi truly descend from the Je'daii then the whole "corruption of the force" concept will get retconned since these guys don't agree at all with that.


There's been lots of interpretations of the nature of the force throughout Star Wars lore... though I think your explanation is pretty similar to what ol GL would say. I'm not hardcore into canon though... I'm always open to seeing where they go with an alternate interpretation of it.


Though I wouldn't be surprised if this "balancing act" of the force gets characterized as futile or too dangerous (thus validating the view from the movies), and is instead used as a catalyst for the eventual split leading to the first of the Force Wars.

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I rather like the whole balancing act; extremes are naturally destructive. Though the Jedi generally do OK, they're prone to blindness and immobility, philosophically speaking. The Sith don't have to be evil, but when you're ruled by your emotions, you tend to be a dick about things. ;)


If you read 'Tales of the Jedi' you see that many Jedi had relationships and family. The same is true for the 'Legacy' series, that takes place over 100 years ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). Attempting to go the way of Vulcans (if you'll forgive the crossover comparison), will only get you so far; at least Spock was allowed to get it on.:cool:

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I havent come close to reading all the books and comics although Im trying so I could be wrong on this but isnt the Jedi no love thing a Yoda teaching. Im not positive but I thought I remember reading that somewhere, that before Yoda Jedi were allowed to have relationships.
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I havent come close to reading all the books and comics although Im trying so I could be wrong on this but isnt the Jedi no love thing a Yoda teaching. Im not positive but I thought I remember reading that somewhere, that before Yoda Jedi were allowed to have relationships.


I don't think it's specifically Yoda's teaching, but it's one that was generally taught by all the Jedi Master's in his era. You're right though, in earlier times it was seen as more acceptable for Jedi to have romantic relationships and even marry and have children, depending on how far back you go

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Don't like that these Je'daii appear to think that a equal amount of dark & light is balance. The force isn't like Yin & Yang, The dark side is a corruption of the force and is putting it out of balance..


At least that's what I thought, until I saw this. If the Jedi truly descend from the Je'daii then the whole "corruption of the force" concept will get retconned since these guys don't agree at all with that.


That's what Lucas tried claiming once upon a time. However, no writer ever pays attention to this because:


A) it's extremely limiting


B) it's extremely ludicrous


C) even Lucas' own movies tend to contradict his statements


The whole Balance is balance between light and dark instead of no dark at all is a pretty old idea, and not new with Dawn anyways.

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