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The BW Solution To RNG Gearing: ADD MORE RNG (Dramatic Reinactment Included)


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Bioware's inability to grasp the problem of this issue is, quite frankly, surprising. It feels like they're just grasping at straws. Currently, their plan is to buff the drop rates of commendations, but nerf the drop rates of Champion/BM items?


It essentially plays out like this:


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Gabe: "Okay. You will now get more commendations per bag you open. Centurion from Champion, Champion from Battlemaster."


PvPers: "But... I don't need commendations. I actually have companions geared out with commendation gear, for all the good it does for me. They don't give me upgrades. What about the Champion/Battlemaster item drops? Those are all I need."


Gabe: "Oh, we're making those even more rare."


PvPers: "... so you're making it take even more luck/rng for me to get upgrades, in your patch that's suppose to make PvP gearing require less luck/rng?"


Gabe: "That is correct."


PvPers: "You don't see the problem with this?"


Gabe: "Uh no. Do you?"


PvPers: "... so, when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"

Edited by McVade
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According to Amazon, release date is June 30th.


However speaking with Massively, publisher NCsoft West stated there is no official release date for the title:


"We have not released an official launch date within 2012 as feedback from our closed and open marketing betas will help us determine an exact release date. We will release Guild Wars 2 when it is ready."


Glad to see a company listening to their beta testers first, addressing issues/bugs/broken systems ::cough RNG BAG SYSTEM cough:: before releasing a half a s s e d game

Edited by Pwndyoface
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According to Amazon, release date is June 30th.


However speaking with Massively, publisher NCsoft West stated there is no official release date for the title:




Glad to see a company listening to their beta testers first, addressing issues/bugs/broken systems ::cough RNG BAG SYSTEM cough:: before releasing a half a s s e d game


June 30th is just a filler date.


Yea upcoming patch is a complete failure

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So true. :D


It's like they wanted to have an easy mode first, getting pre-50 pvp gear at half cost, exploiting ilum for valor, having only somewhat ridiculous rng with champ bags etc. and now it's like hey we can't have just everyone have it so easy.


But yeah, the sad thing is that BW really does seem to have good intentions in many of the things they do. They just fail at thinking things through.

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So true. :D


It's like they wanted to have an easy mode first, getting pre-50 pvp gear at half cost, exploiting ilum for valor, having only somewhat ridiculous rng with champ bags etc. and now it's like hey we can't have just everyone have it so easy.


But yeah, the sad thing is that BW really does seem to have good intentions in many of the things they do. They just fail at thinking things through.


I just don't understand it myself. These "good intentions" just don't translate well at all.


Don't get me wrong, Bioware has done a pretty good job with a few things. Class balance being one. Now that Ops have sorta lost a bit of their opening burst, I don't feel there's any class that's brutally out of whack. I get roflstomped equally by all classes and I roflstomp members of all classes in turn depending on situation/cooldowns availible.


But I think they're truly at a loss in how to deal with this gear grind, which is kinda surprising as I think WoW already covered it well with their Honor/Valor progression.

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Half my guild is waiting for GW2. Pretty sure they will actually give us real PvP

and support with actual communication what the players want.

Also pretty sure the GW2 devs are reading these forums everyday to make sure they dont do the same epic fail mistakes bioware have dont with valor/ilum and faction imbalance.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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PvPers: "... so, when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"


I'd wager that every current MMO will lose 90% of it's players who consider PvP to be their #1 priority to GW2. It's a PvP game built for PvPers, with some cool PvE thrown in. And it looks amazing.


Not like most games out right now (WoW, TOR, RIFT, etc) that are PvE games first, and PvP second. Their PvE playerbases are safe.

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"... so, when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"


Lol:D:D (rolled over the floor laughing reading this final note)


Oh and Btw yeah guild wars 2 is what Im also looking forward too, even more then before SW TOR was released...its going to be lovely.


Check this guy his uploads out if you wanna know more



Gz Darkdanjal

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