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Pls merge servers or allow transfers!


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I got in early acess on the 2nd or thrid day, so there were a few severs that were New and light and a few that had que times, naturaly i chose a Mediem pop PvP east cost server. By the end of early acsess it was a Heavy / full server. There use to be 300 plus people on the Impereal Fleet. Well after all the QQ about Q times for servers Bio ware added a crap ton new servers at launch. Well a month later, the game has setteled, and we have a pretty good idea about whos staying and whos already left. well unlucky for me, everyone left my server. Now during prime time your lucky to have 100 people in the Impereal Feet. I know everyone on my server, Every guild, i even know just about every republic player, and not to mention the economy sucks!! Something has to change. Its impossible to run operations, or even find a guild with enough people to run or even can run operations.


All im saying is please make this game what it is suppose to be a "MMO", theres nothing Masively about playing with the same 100 people. Either merge the medium to light servers together or offer a paid character Transfer service. (i would be more then happy to pay $30 for this feature) or Even better add then both. The way i see it, you cant go wrong. You get happier people that get the feeling / ability to actually play the game and do Grp things together, and you make more money, which in the end is what you want, other wise the game wouldnt have a supscription.


Now i know im more then able to rerole on a more populate server, but i shouldlnt have to / want to do this. I worked hard getting my character to 50, grinding hard mode flashpoints for Colmuni gear, to beable to do Hard mode ops / and progress in end game content. Ive also spent alot of time grinding Valor the LEGIT WAY all while my server slowly dies around me. this isnt fair. Honestly im about ready to cancel my subscription, and either wait till this is implemented and be very happy, or wait till im bored enough to level another toon, or even worse chalk this game up as a lost cause and never return.


I love this game and wish it the best, but now that some of the major bugs are out of the way, PLEASE start working on some of the more unseen important issues like server population. There are / were too many servers to choose from, and the crowds arent going to be flocking in like right after launch to fix this any time soon, so you need to do something now. Thank you.


PS: sorry for spelling and grammer, i was typeing on my phone.

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unlucky for me, everyone left my server


You know what they answered to the other person that complained about this exact same issue : ''roll an alt''.


I am serious, that was their actual answer...


IMHO it would already be better if they added a server-wide Looking For Group channel. If I am on my 50 main, I do not see people advertising for a 20 Heroic, which I may need on my alt.


They are new to MMOs and it shows...

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I really think I'm going to suspend my subscription until server transfers come online. I made the huge mistake of picking a lower population server to create my main character because I had heard stories of long wait times. What I ended up with, is a server with <50 people on Carrick Station in prime time, the same handful of people in every PvP match, and nothing sells on the market.
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All of these people whining about server populations and whatnot are completely unwilling to seek out others and connect.


It's not our fault you're on a low population server, but it sure as HELL isn't low enough population that you'd be as screwed as you're whining you are.


If it was, they WOULD do something.


Look at yourself for solutions before you come crying here.


Edit: If you don't think I am right, let me know your server and what time you play most often and I will log on and see what you're talking about. I highly doubt its even close to as bad as you're saying.


I bet I could put together a pickup EV normal any day, any time, any server, with a level 1 character doing all of the communication. Either I'm THAT good, or NOWHERE exists that is as bad as the whiners claim.

Edited by Skouros
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I reckon they could easily half the servers, I only ever see a handful that go beyond standard during peak times. My server only ever has 80 people in the fleet during peak times, they could double this by merging the servers.


I agree it's so low population on my server that yesterday I was the only one on Alderaan....



The worst thing is the AH, there is nothing on it.

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I bet I could put together a pickup EV normal any day, any time, any server, with a level 1 character doing all of the communication. Either I'm THAT good, or NOWHERE exists that is as bad as the whiners claim.


I'd like to see that. Why not give it a shot?

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LOL troll fanboy. How does seeking people out increase the variety of opponents in PvP or make things sell on the market to a non-existent buyer population?
You're not playing to the needs of the market, and if you are looking for different opponents you're either the best PVPer on the server and nobody stands a chance against you, or you're on the low end and frustrated by never being able to defeat anyone.


Seeking people out means you form a community with them. When you know people, you know who needs your goods and how many they need. When you know them, you know what time they like to PVP and when is the best time to do that to get a "variety of opponents".


Am I wrong? It works for me, and my server is one of the most populated...


Don't call me a troll or a fanboy. Respect for your opponents or they will defeat you. The same is true in a forum discussion.


I'd like to see that. Why not give it a shot?
I don't have time to solve people's problems for them.


If you insist, I'd like to know why, and what you'll do if I prove it. Will you be spiteful, or supportive?

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I reckon they could easily half the servers, I only ever see a handful that go beyond standard during peak times. My server only ever has 80 people in the fleet during peak times, they could double this by merging the servers.


I agree it's so low population on my server that yesterday I was the only one on Alderaan....



The worst thing is the AH, there is nothing on it.


consider yourself blessed on my server that fleet number is 30-40 at best 15-20 for most of the time.


pvp is non-existent at 50 and groups only go out when the stars align and all our guilds 50's are on.


And there's no way in hell I'm re-rolling my toon to 50, i can barely muster the effort to roll an alt that's the trouble with such linear worlds...i've done it all before and it's boring the pants off me.

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You're not playing to the needs of the market, and if you are looking for different opponents you're either the best PVPer on the server and nobody stands a chance against you, or you're on the low end and frustrated by never being able to defeat anyone.


Seeking people out means you form a community with them. When you know people, you know who needs your goods and how many they need. When you know them, you know what time they like to PVP and when is the best time to do that to get a "variety of opponents".


Am I wrong? It works for me, and my server is one of the most populated...


Don't call me a troll or a fanboy. Respect for your opponents or they will defeat you. The same is true in a forum discussion.


I think he's implying the community isn't there and that pvp just doesn't happen, sounds like he's from my server.


Empress teta is a graveyard, especially at 50.

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consider yourself blessed on my server that fleet number is 30-40 at best 15-20 for most of the time.


pvp is non-existent at 50 and groups only go out when the stars align and all our guilds 50's are on.


And there's no way in hell I'm re-rolling my toon to 50, i can barely muster the effort to roll an alt that's the trouble with such linear worlds...i've done it all before and it's boring the pants off me.

Try something different. Play differently. Just because you choose to bore the pants off yourself does NOT mean the game is at fault.


Try leveling without a companion. Try leveling with a companion, but skip to the next planet every time you reach the appropriate level. Try leveling on the opposite faction. There are so many ways to get a different experience, I can't believe you're actually saying you're burned out on that.


I think you're making up excuses.

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I reckon they could easily half the servers, I only ever see a handful that go beyond standard during peak times. My server only ever has 80 people in the fleet during peak times, they could double this by merging the servers.


I agree it's so low population on my server that yesterday I was the only one on Alderaan....



The worst thing is the AH, there is nothing on it.


Tonight at 7pm every server was at standard? I am sure some went over that mark.

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I think he's implying the community isn't there and that pvp just doesn't happen, sounds like he's from my server.


Empress teta is a graveyard, especially at 50.

Or maybe the community IS there and he is not a part of it, and thus feels like the game is empty?


The irony is that an empty fleet to me says MORE people are in FP's, Ops, PVP, and on alts...


The irony is that a weaker economy just means a slower system, one that is more easily manipulated for profit.


If you need new boots, do you only look on the GTN? or do you ask all the crafters you know? How about asking the top guild on your server if they have any crafters willing to work for your credits to get you some nice boots?


Where there is a will there is a way, but if you're giving up its no wonder you're not having any success. I don't know what else to tell you.

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Try something different. Play differently. Just because you choose to bore the pants off yourself does NOT mean the game is at fault.


Try leveling without a companion. Try leveling with a companion, but skip to the next planet every time you reach the appropriate level. Try leveling on the opposite faction. There are so many ways to get a different experience, I can't believe you're actually saying you're burned out on that.


I think you're making up excuses.


We get it you love the game and there's nothing wrong with it.


There's nothing I could say that will change your mind, Therefore I must be wrong.


You can go now.


"Roll an alt" is not the answer to "My server is dead and the game ends at 50" Doesn't matter how hard you try to make it so. Especially when this problem is on most of the servers.

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You know what they answered to the other person that complained about this exact same issue : ''roll an alt''.


I am serious, that was their actual answer...


IMHO it would already be better if they added a server-wide Looking For Group channel. If I am on my 50 main, I do not see people advertising for a 20 Heroic, which I may need on my alt.


They are new to MMOs and it shows...


Well that must be "Doctor" logic for ya.


Like so many other issue's with this mmo, they need server transfers yesterday.

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We get it you love the game and there's nothing wrong with it.


There's nothing I could say that will change your mind, Therefore I must be wrong.


You can go now.


"Roll an alt" is not the answer to "My server is dead and the game ends at 50" Doesn't matter how hard you try to make it so. Especially when this problem is on most of the servers.


Looks like you do not want to try. maybe you should try Hello Kitty or lego Universe online. Or some other game that has options.

Edited by LordTie
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I don't have time to solve people's problems for them.


If you insist, I'd like to know why, and what you'll do if I prove it. Will you be spiteful, or supportive?


Probably shouldn't offer then. ;)


I was just being somewhat facetious. I think people should recognize that on some servers it isn't very easy to get groups together right now. If you have a server where you have 15-20 50s on during primetime it probably isn't going to be too easy to get some Ops runs together. And if you are trying to get groups together to run something like Heroic4s on a planet with like 8 people like I had the other night, in primetime, on Taris, it's going to be tough. I felt bad for the guy practically begging for a group the other day on Tatooine. But, there just wasn't many people on.


Don't get me wrong. Doesn't mean game is dying or anything its just that some servers aren't that healthy. In order to insure a smooth launch they had way too many servers. It was a trade-off.

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This is Zaalbar Republic Fleet population right now.



It's 11:40 PST, 2:00 AM EST... and they are taking the servers down in less than 30 minutes...


What do you expect? LOL


Edit: Jung Ma has 84 players on the fleet at this exact moment.

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I bought the game and logged in on day 1. The server I chose was listed as Standard at that time and I chose it to avoid the 30+ minute queues that were on the Full servers. 1 month later? I don't think I've seen more than 30+ people on the Republic Fleet at one given time. The same 20 or so people are in all the pvp matches, which equates to a never ending string of Huttball with Republic vs Republic (yes I know, my server is weird, Imperials seem to be nonexistant). Tonight, at about 9pm EST, I did a /who and saw that there was 83 people online. Seriously?!


I WOULD PAY FOR A LEGACY TRANSFER...not character...LEGACY! This is why rolling an alt is UNACCEPTABLE! They encourage you to level alts, then once your server is dead, they tell you to roll more. Screw those 3 characters you've already put days into playing on each...start from scratch. We don't care if you have 2 hr pvp queue times during the day and annoyingly spam whatever planet you're on for 3 hours to get a group together for flashpoints. Roll an alt!

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Looks like you do not want to try. maybe you should try Hello Kitty or lego Universe online. Or some other game that has options.


Try what? rolling an alt endlessly because I can't find one of the hand full of servers that an end game exists on?


Do you really need to lapse straight into trolling the moment anything negative is said about the game?


Grow up.

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I bought the game and logged in on day 1. The server I chose was listed as Standard at that time and I chose it to avoid the 30+ minute queues that were on the Full servers. 1 month later? I don't think I've seen more than 30+ people on the Republic Fleet at one given time. The same 20 or so people are in all the pvp matches, which equates to a never ending string of Huttball with Republic vs Republic (yes I know, my server is weird, Imperials seem to be nonexistant). Tonight, at about 9pm EST, I did a /who and saw that there was 83 people online. Seriously?!


I WOULD PAY FOR A LEGACY TRANSFER...not character...LEGACY! This is why rolling an alt is UNACCEPTABLE! They encourage you to level alts, then once your server is dead, they tell you to roll more. Screw those 3 characters you've already put days into playing on each...start from scratch. We don't care if you have 2 hr pvp queue times during the day and annoyingly spam whatever planet you're on for 3 hours to get a group together for flashpoints. Roll an alt!


I do not think /who does everyone on your server on the republic side. maybe i t does. 1.7 million sucs have to be some where is all i am saying.

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Try what? rolling an alt endlessly because I can't find one of the hand full of servers that an end game exists on?


Do you really need to lapse straight into trolling the moment anything negative is said about the game?


Grow up.


I am not trolling because you are not trying hard eniough to get a group. I am on a low pop server at 50 and can do things all day long. Stop whining and make it better. Maybe make some friends in the proccess.

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