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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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What are u all whining about... I for one am saving my bags for 1.1.2 They are guaranteeing you 7 champ comms per bag. That is easily 1-2 champ items per week without having dupes. You can open 20 bags with piss to show for it currently. 20 bags will now = 140 champ tokens. Thats several pieces of gear of your choice... plus u may get a token. I think ya'll don't understand basic math.




They are guaranteeing 7 champ comms and no tokens in champ bags, instead 15 cent tokens.

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Wai- wha? Do you think we're stupid? The bags now "only" give Centurion gear! There's a huge gear gap between Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster.

So now the people in full BM or Champion gear will get to steamroll us even more, even longer?

No-one wants your Centurion gear.


There's no way you could've misunderstood us. Are you making fun of us? You're doing this in spite, right? Aren't you?



Thanks. Needed that.



Well, this is exactly what many posters asked for. More grind, Less RNG. Don't like Cent gear? Please, I had my fill, as many of us did, of Immortal Juggs, Hidden God Strike Operatives, and Master Merlins when they Don BM from head to toe. I Wore Purple modded orange gear until i got my expertise above 200+ with enough champ pieces. And you know, I didn't suck. Take Your darned lumps in WZ with the rest of us.

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This current system should have never seen the light. It's beyond poor thought out. A pure design fail.



Now the upcoming changes only make accessing easier. Which is still beyond a good system.


You need to hit Valor 60 (e.g. min - max tier prerequisites) to have hope for a T2 Item which fit's in your slots? - While having the chance to gain T3 gear?



Bw just don't get it.


You need meaningful ways for acquiring


T1 Gear at the beginning.


Advance to T2 Gear...and then finally


Gear up with T3.



Currently and after the fix you are still gearing up on T2 while completing sets with T3.

Why even bother with three sets? To troll people with less luck?



T2 and T3 need to be separated.

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Last patch:

"Stupid BW! Lazy pvpers got easy Battlemaster gear in 2 weeks. Now new 50 needs to wait 1 months"


Next Patch:

"Stupid BW! Now I got 50, and new 50 can have more gear than me"

Edited by Zaganna
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With these changes, I would like to see more then just armor being purchasable with champ and centurion comms. I am close to full Champion gear with the rest fitted out with cent. So I am going to start collecting a large amount Comms that I really won't need except. With these changes it would be nice if maybe a box of expertise adrenals or pvp med packs for purchase. Maybe some mounts. With the coming up of full mod-able gear maybe you give alternate version of mods/enhancements maybe I want more surge then crit on this enhancement give me a b version to buy with 10 cent comms or 5 champ comms. Hell I'll even take some vanity items to buy. I just don't want to see my bag full of comms I wont be able to use. Just spruce it up some.
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Once you hit 60 is when the real fun begins you start logging on just to dailys to usually not be rewarded with anything useful. 2.5 weeks at Battlemaster has netted me 6 coms. Thanks Bioware.


So quit playing dress up and enjoy the pvp. If you don't enjoy the pvp try quitting next.

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I think the changes are good for everyone and things are heading in the right direction.


Honestly though, as one of the earlier 50's and someone who put in a lot of time grinding to 60 Valor in WZ's pre-Ilum and getting BM gear the hard way for many weeks... (at one point had a week and a half of bags in a row with ONE token). I'm burnt out by seeing the easy progression for newer 50's. Hearing about easy BM and Champ gear was the nail on the coffin.


Where's the reward for the people who put in the time? I think all these changes would be completely ok if there was ANY kind of benefit for the 10x amount of work I put in. I can't even get a retroactive token adjustment to buy gear for my companions?


Bring WZ rewards inline with Ilum rewards -

Why weren't WZ valor rewards bumped to be remotely close to Ilum rewards? +1300 Valor max for a 15 min WZ win is never going to match up to 180 bonus valor + 20 valor for a single kill (1300 WZ / 200 Ilum = 6.5 kills in Ilum, also known as 1-2 minutes of AoE spamming).


Tons of "Battlemasters" running around with only a BM weapon and 2-3 pieces of Champ gear. "War Hero's" with significantly less BM gear than I have.


Haven't logged in for 4 days now. Going to wait and see how I feel by the end of the week. If I haven't logged in, I'm cancelling until the game rewards are more stable and they decide what's going on.

Edited by Consequently
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I seriously dont get it.


WHY are people whining about this change ? its gotta be one of the best changes overallt since the game came out.


the RNG of the champ/battlemaster bags atm are a joke.


And why would newly dinged 50 get stacked out in full champion directly ? pvp is a grind towards better rank and better gear, you start of with Centurion as you should. and move up to champion.


I dont believe ppl that havent grinded alot is even worthy of champion gear. could even put valor rank 45 on champ gear, so theres a GOAL to aim for.


you progress through the ranks starting off with centurion, its really just that easy.


People are getting too much for no time spent, think thats lame tbh.

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One thing that I am concerned about and frankly do not understand is the fact that tokens are capped at 1000!

I really do not see the point of this, unless the goal is to stop people from progressing.


I know many, many players who have all the PVP gear they need before 50 and are capped at 1000 merc and 1000 warzone. Why is this?

You played the arenas, you grinded the tokens to be stopped at basically 6 Champion bags? 5 for the 1000 tokens and one unique bag in bank.


I mean you are still PVPing right? You are increasing your valor rank, so why stop us from accumulating more tokens?


The way it stands now, I will be maxed out on tokens before I hit 40. I have all the gear I can get already bought and stored. Other than increasing my valor and getting a few creds, it will be pointless for me to continue to PVP until 50. Then I will be gimped unless I get some good rolls on bags. My opinion is that if I put in the time and effort, I should be rewarded, not punished.


That being said, I am happy with the game, it keeps getting better and better. PVP is a blast right now, well except for huttball, but I understand the need for that arena.


If someone has the answer for the token cap, I would really like to know. Perhaps I am not thinking about this in the correct mindset.




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I seriously dont get it.


WHY are people whining about this change ? its gotta be one of the best changes overallt since the game came out.


the RNG of the champ/battlemaster bags atm are a joke.


And why would newly dinged 50 get stacked out in full champion directly ? pvp is a grind towards better rank and better gear, you start of with Centurion as you should. and move up to champion.


I dont believe ppl that havent grinded alot is even worthy of champion gear. could even put valor rank 45 on champ gear, so theres a GOAL to aim for.


you progress through the ranks starting off with centurion, its really just that easy.


People are getting too much for no time spent, think thats lame tbh.


What you're not getting is that people SKIP Centurion Gear, and they SKIP Champion gear. They ding 50, sit in Ilum all day until they ding 60 Valor and then start doing just enough WZ's to get their 3 wins. Hence a Valor 60+ toon running around with a BM weapon and basically no other PvP gear. Anything other than a BM bag is now a waste of time.


So - there is no gear progression. Why bother getting any Champ gear when you can skip straight to BM in a few more days of camping Ilum? And now you'll get Champ gear super fast as a bonus from your BM bags.


Complaining about the change? No, it's been needed for sure. A bit upset about a lot of effort and progression some of us made that is now meaningless? Yes.


And I'm not even the guy on my server who was Rank 70 pre-Ilum valor and has been surpassed in 2 weeks because he doesn't camp Ilum all day.

Edited by Consequently
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You don't know how item budgeting works do you? You have to take from something to give to another. You loose a small amount of end and willpower but gain expertise which is most important in pvp...


That implant isn't very good either. Just fyi. Your centurion gear is trash.


I'm looking forward to the next 30 valor levels of pvp-**** I am about to endure when I turn 50 just to open battlemaster bags to get 1 piece of usable armor every 100 drops.


What a joke.


I don't want to be owned by a 10-15% straight mathematical edge per enemy in pvp. I don't understand why that math is not being addressed.


You cannot win. It's pointless to engage and try and win. I can load wz and do nothing. I can set that to do that action all day on my pc.


Is that what you want? AFK warzoning?

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This change would make sense if each bag level gave out comms of its name type.


Which would of course require you to have Centenarian bags reintroduced.


3 Bag types


Centurian - Purchasable with 100/100 Wz/Merc with no requirement rewards cent gear tokens

Champion - Purchasable with 200/200 wz/Merc with requirement of lvl 50 rewards Champ Tokens, and the chance for a champ gear token.

Battlemaster - Purchasable with 400/400 WZ/Merc with Valor lvl 60 requirement, rewards BM tokens. ( though they would have to increase the token cost )


This this this. This is a superb idea. It allows BW to get their RNG fix by still giving a low chance to reward gear, but it also allows players to get gear that is appropriate for their valor rank. Please listen BW!


Edit: centurion gear should have n valor requirement, champ should be 40, and BM should stay at 60.

Edited by Badgerpanic
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I have no idea what consequently is talking about with his 0-60 valor by just doing illum. I'm currently 61 valor, did not exploit during 1.1 and go to illum for my daily and leave after. Some people in my server have done the 59-60 grind in one day but what you say sounds more like a stretch of the truth than anything. But then again we don't kill trade often on my server (Rakata Mind Prison). Saying that i have done my daily during most hours of the day and the republic's are most active during 4-7 server time. Still no kill trading, we usually wait at their turret outside of their base for them to come attack or we wait in center were we know they will come. Gear doesn't make the player when its a BM vs a BM, skill does and i would 1v1 any BM who did illum only to valor 60 and most likely win every time. Also if they are in no pvp gear other than BM weapons I would gladly take off most of my gear to make it even. BM doesn't mean much when you dont have the same skill as someone who did do their grind by WZ's. I play a marauder though so I'm not sure how skill factors into other classes but you can see a major difference between the BM marauders on my server.
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I have no idea what consequently is talking about with his 0-60 valor by just doing illum. I'm currently 61 valor, did not exploit during 1.1 and go to illum for my daily and leave after. Some people in my server have done the 59-60 grind in one day but what you say sounds more like a stretch of the truth than anything. But then again we don't kill trade often on my server (Rakata Mind Prison). Saying that i have done my daily during most hours of the day and the republic's are most active during 4-7 server time. Still no kill trading, we usually wait at their turret outside of their base for them to come attack or we wait in center were we know they will come. Gear doesn't make the player when its a BM vs a BM, skill does and i would 1v1 any BM who did illum only to valor 60 and most likely win every time. Also if they are in no pvp gear other than BM weapons I would gladly take off most of my gear to make it even. BM doesn't mean much when you dont have the same skill as someone who did do their grind by WZ's. I play a marauder though so I'm not sure how skill factors into other classes but you can see a major difference between the BM marauders on my server.


First, I'm totally with you on the skill bit. And in truth I found it somewhat amusing crushing a "Battlemaster" that's wearing PvE greens and has a black/blue or black/red saber.


But the reward/effort for Ilum vs. WZ's is totally out of whack. Last Tuesday, I did my weekly (150 kills) in slightly less than an hour. That's 200 valor * 150 kills = 30,000 Valor in an hour. Even if you want to cut it in half and say "It's not always 200 per kill", we're still at 15,000 Valor/hr.


To put this into perspective --- If I win all 4 15-min WZ matches (yeah when does THAT happen) without any waiting to queue and make sure I'm farming medals, I get max 1,300 * 4 = 5,200 Valor. Usually it's more like 700-1000 Valor. So the math is even worse.


To put this into a leveling perspective (aprox):

51: 9k

52: 13k

53: 17k

53: 21k

54: 25k

55: 29k

56: 33k

57: 37k

58: 41k

59: 44k

60: 48k

Total: 317k


So, last Tuesday, in ONE HOUR, I got nearly 1/10th (or if you halve it, 1/20th) the amount I would have needed to get to Battlemaster (50 - 60).


Last time I was on, I saw a guy I used to see in WZ's all the time who was 6 levels below me just as I was getting my BM. I figured he'd quit or started a new character because I hadn't seen him around in a while. Nope! Saw him in Ilum last week. He's now a 72 "War Hero" and many levels above me. My reward for being an idiot and doing WZ's? More Mercenary/Warzone tokens than he has and a lot more cash. Yay.


So can't beat 'em, join 'em right? I shouldn't be complaining, I should be at 80 Valor already instead.

Edited by Consequently
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Those numbers are insane, on my server it sometimes takes me 2+ hours to get my 30 kills. I almost always spend an hour or more every day doing that daily. I can't stand it and get out after 30 kills even if i have the weekly because of how long it takes. Even then though i would love to see more BM's because those are the people i try to single out in WZ's and kill first. People complain that the gear difference between a new level 50 and one who is valor 60 is to great and makes it "geared based pvp". Of course there will be a gear difference between someone who just hit 50 and one who spent hours upon hours to get that gear. It took me more time to hit BM than it did for me to get 50. Not only is the grind good for those people to become better player's by facing people who have played longer and have better gear but they get rewarded with gear along the way. I'm all for BW making it easier to get BM so people can stop complaining about how it's not skilled base. It is very skilled based, i guarantee i could throw on worst gear than a fresh new 50 and still beat him because i have the experience with facing every spec and class. I guess what i'm saying is everyone who complain's about how the pvp is geared based and not skilled are normally not geared or not skilled, most likely both. With that said, i dont care how you got BM. I got BM the hard way. Good for me, you got BM by trading kills, Good for you. The more BM's the better in my eyes. Edited by PriceNicholas
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Those numbers are insane, on my server it sometimes takes me 2+ hours to get my 30 kills. I almost always spend an hour or more every day doing that daily. I can't stand it and get out after 30 kills even if i have the weekly because of how long it takes. Even then though i would love to see more BM's because those are the people i try to single out in WZ's and kill first. People complain that the gear difference between a new level 50 and one who is valor 60 is to great and makes it "geared based pvp". Of course there will be a gear difference between someone who just hit 50 and one who spent hours upon hours to get that gear. It took me more time to hit BM than it did for me to get 50. Not only is the grind good for those people to become better player's by facing people who have played longer and have better gear but they get rewarded with gear along the way. I'm all for BW making it easier to get BM so people can stop complaining about how it's not skilled base. It is very skilled based, i guarantee i could throw on worst gear than a fresh new 50 and still beat him because i have the experience with facing every spec and class. I guess what i'm saying is everyone who complain's about how the pvp is geared based and not skilled are normally not geared or not skilled, most likely both. With that said, i dont care how you got BM. I got BM the hard way. Good for me, you got BM by trading kills, Good for you. The more BM's the better in my eyes.


I am lucky to get 30 armaments in a weeek on master zhar lestin. either there are never any republic and nothing but imps out so the crates are super camped, or there are never any imps out and nothing but pubs, in which case I get camped >.>

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To be honest there were weeks & weeks of people moaning about how the bag system didnt work! Now they have done something about it people still MOAN !!!


Firstly there is not a big difference (stats wise) between battlemaster & champion gear! Anyone with a bit of skill in champ gear could destroy someone not very skilled in battlemaster gear.....infact two players similar skilled 1v1 I bet someone in champ could win also....the stats are not to different!


Secondly......if u enjoy PvP surly you would prefer to fight someone with similar gear to you just to make it a fair fight & get satisfaction from winning!


How is this a bad idea!!! Enlighten me please!

Edited by Sytha
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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


Really, is this going to happen? I like to pvp but lately it's been a real QQ fest about pvp

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Honestly this is a good idea, i have a BM sentinel who is still struggling to get lvl 50 champion gear. My gunslinger (just hit 50 today) is now fully geared in champion gear literrally after 4 hours of being lvl 50. Its kind of unfair with the tokens and i like the idea that now it can be handled fairly. The only thing i would recommend fixing is the fact that there are repeats on the tokens. Probably should look into that.
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To be honest there were weeks & weeks of people moaning about how the bag system didnt work! Now they have done something about it people still MOAN !!!


Did you even read the thread? People are complaining because Bioware addressed their concerns by making it WORSE than it already was. Just "doing something about it" doesn't count for anything if your "something" is to just make the problem worse


How is this a bad idea!!! Enlighten me please!


Read the thread

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Just saw an update from a Bioware employee. Not sure how any of the information he posted was clear in the patch notes, however, the change he stated is acceptable and much better than I originally thought. I edited this comment to rescind my former comment towards this change. Edited by Baconmonster
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This change would make sense if each bag level gave out comms of its name type.


Which would of course require you to have Centenarian bags reintroduced.


3 Bag types


Centurian - Purchasable with 100/100 Wz/Merc with no requirement rewards cent gear tokens

Champion - Purchasable with 200/200 wz/Merc with requirement of lvl 50 rewards Champ Tokens, and the chance for a champ gear token.

Battlemaster - Purchasable with 400/400 WZ/Merc with Valor lvl 60 requirement, rewards BM tokens. ( though they would have to increase the token cost )


This is a great idea.



Cent bags require no level to purchase or open. Allow people to farm Cent gear before 50 so when they hit 50 they aren't at a huge disadvantage.


Champ bags again love it. Allows players to start farming a new type of PvP gear once they hit 50. I would add in a level 40 valor requirement to start opening these bags though.


Battle bags, again, great idea. Allows people enough time to farm Champ gear by the time they hit 60 valor.

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To be honest there were weeks & weeks of people moaning about how the bag system didnt work! Now they have done something about it people still MOAN !!!


Firstly there is not a big difference (stats wise) between battlemaster & champion gear! Anyone with a bit of skill in champ gear could destroy someone not very skilled in battlemaster gear.....infact two players similar skilled 1v1 I bet someone in champ could win also....the stats are not to different!


Secondly......if u enjoy PvP surly you would prefer to fight someone with similar gear to you just to make it a fair fight & get satisfaction from winning!


How is this a bad idea!!! Enlighten me please!


It's not a bad idea. It's completely needed. It's a good thing, and more good things will come. Do things suck sometimes? Yes, but they ARE addressing things and it will only get better.


Why are some people rightfully upset? --- How would you feel if:

The game launches, you spend ~400 hours leveling your toon from experience level 1-50. At 50, you start grinding PvE zones with your friends like mad.


One week after you hit 50 they do a patch that boosts total XP from each kill/quest by 4x, which lets everyone else level from 1-50 in ~100 hours (25% of the time you invested).


So now that you're 50 and grinding PvE zones with your buddies, you get a SINGLE piece of Tier 3 gear once a week, and ~2-3 pieces of non-duplicate Tier 2 gear. You also know that you'll get a special title called "Operationmaster" which is given ONLY after 4 weeks of completing those zones. A month later, you've just gotten the title and are pumped about your half set of Tier 3.


They announce they're adding new zone called "Gilum" that's will give everyone who can put in the time the title in one week, and give out a guaranteed 2 pieces of Tier 3 of gear per week (instead of one), and also give 4-5 pieces of Tier 2 gear.


--- This is the same thing that's happened. Just boosted Valor gains from Ilum and PvP bags with higher rewards.


What did you get for your 400 hours and 4 weeks of grinding? What everyone else is going to get in 100 hours and 1 week. Nothing else. Nada. 没有. Perfect.

Edited by Consequently
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