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"Obfuscate can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies."


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I play in raids with my guild. There's nothing wrong with me. Melee is totally needed in RAIDs and anyone who says otherwise has FAIL logic. Gotten through Karagga's Palace and EV perfectly fine. Got to pay attention and just work as a team.
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I play in raids with my guild. There's nothing wrong with me. Melee is totally needed in RAIDs and anyone who says otherwise has FAIL logic. Gotten through Karagga's Palace and EV perfectly fine. Got to pay attention and just work as a team.


The issue is that Marauders still have a fairly bad reputation on my server. We've got one good one and a handful of competent ones, and we're all getting better as we discover new ways to play, but it'll take awhile before we get recognized.

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Probably. They took away the Sniper/Gunslinger equivalent, too.


Ah, understandable change then. Shouldn't stop people from wanting us in groups. Edit: I see your situation, but are pug ops really that big a deal? Why not just run with a Guild?

Edited by Stigas
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Pretty much the only utility Sents/Marauders brought to raids.


Instead of nerfing the ability, maybe Bioware should take a look at their game and realize EVERYTHING stacks, NOTHING has diminishing returns.


Want to trivialize content? Bring a bunch of commandos. Three commandos can provide a tank with +30% DR with 100% uptime. Nothing says trivializing content like a tank running a flat 75-80% DR through armor and Merc/Commando shield!


For lulz, bring 5. Now you have a tank that takes ZERO damage. Comedy gold right? Nothing quite like kiting Soa around on 16 man nightmare for as long as you feel like it, so long as you keep 5 kolto bombs stacked on him!


Enraged Pylon Smash for 30k? I mean for 1 damage?

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They're taking away similar abilities from other classes in ops, so it sounds like it was just a little OP in some fights.


We do need all the help we can get, but I can understand this change. Hopefully this is all the more reason for a bigger class balance to the Marauder specifically.


Not sure the devs think anything is wrong, though. Other classes, like Juggernaut, are getting attention for being slightly underpowered, while are not. :confused:

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So pretty much the only reason all the Trolls said we should be brought to raids now doesn't work in raids? Pretty much sums up the Marauder class.


Annihilation nerfs (yes Bioware we aren't idiots we can theorycraft your changes are a nerf overall - people with better gear may see a slight increase but thats a small part of the Marauder population)


You designed the classes poorly - melee is at a constant disadvantage yet you do nothing to adress those issues. You decided to give all the ranged classes all the CC abilities even though they are already have the huge advantage of range.


Obviously your code is so badly flawed you still cannot fix Ravage and Choke - 2 of our stronger abilities that don't work 50% of the time.)


Glad my Sorc is level 33 now, soon the entire game will be made up of Sorcs + Mercs you don't need any other class sadly.

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So pretty much the only reason all the Trolls said we should be brought to raids now doesn't work in raids? Pretty much sums up the Marauder class.


Annihilation nerfs (yes Bioware we aren't idiots we can theorycraft your changes are a nerf overall - people with better gear may see a slight increase but thats a small part of the Marauder population)


You designed the classes poorly - melee is at a constant disadvantage yet you do nothing to adress those issues. You decided to give all the ranged classes all the CC abilities even though they are already have the huge advantage of range.


Obviously your code is so badly flawed you still cannot fix Ravage and Choke - 2 of our stronger abilities that don't work 50% of the time.)


Glad my Sorc is level 33 now, soon the entire game will be made up of Sorcs + Mercs you don't need any other class sadly.


Eh, maybe a few Powertechs. Someone's gotta eat the boss' hits.


But I don't think you've theorycrafted at all. From another thread, I think they said you'd need 30% Berserk uptime + Hemorrhage to see an increase. That's not at all difficult to obtain on an Ops boss.

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Eh, maybe a few Powertechs. Someone's gotta eat the boss' hits.


But I don't think you've theorycrafted at all. From another thread, I think they said you'd need 30% Berserk uptime + Hemorrhage to see an increase. That's not at all difficult to obtain on an Ops boss.


And in PVP? I read sithwarrior.com a lot and its hardly a huge buff - in ideal scenarios its a buff, but when does a melee ever get them?

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This nerf hurts your whole EV operation right off the bat. One of the things that helps people survive the missile barrage from the first boss is a timely Obfuscate or two. Did we really need to have LESS raid utility, Bioware?
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We do need all the help we can get, but I can understand this change. Hopefully this is all the more reason for a bigger class balance to the Marauder specifically.


Yeah bro, like that questionable buff to anni you mean? Seeing how neglecting they are regarding implementing little tweaks that could help the class immensely, I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. I mean it's not like they are getting tons of threads with actually valid and useful info backed up by extensive research DAILY right?


inb4 BT nerfed as well so we're poor man's juggs.

Edited by gibmachine
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