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Cant help but have another what the hell devs? moment


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First off, we are all brothers.


I love my combat and focus brothers....I really do.


But that doesn't mean I agree with Walsh's bashing on watchman spec. Watchman have a learning curve involving burns and the second stack of merciless slash (the hardest).


I'm happy with the buffs (some say nerfs) on watchman, but that doesn't mean I don't think combat and focus don't need a bone (they really do).


We Watchman have the same problems and limitations. Yes, we are better atm, but I support my brothers.


But Walsh (love him or hate him, he makes an impact on this forums) should cool down a liltle, insulting the skill cap of your watchman brothers is just wrong.

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First off, we are all brothers.


I love my combat and focus brothers....I really do.


But that doesn't mean I agree with Walsh's bashing on watchman spec. Watchman have a learning curve involving burns and the second stack of merciless slash (the hardest).


I'm happy with the buffs (some say nerfs) on watchman, but that doesn't mean I don't think combat and focus don't need a bone (they really do).


We Watchman have the same problems and limitations. Yes, we are better atm, but I support my brothers.


But Walsh (love him or hate him, he makes an impact on this forums) should cool down a liltle, insulting the skill cap of your watchman brothers is just wrong.


Exactly it was never my intention as OP to bash watchmen. And i am glad they are adjusting your talent tree. My problem is both combat and focus are also busted and theres not even a mention to them. And most players know watchmen are already above the other 2 specs.


It dosnt make sense to me why with all the problems the class has not just talent trees but gear/heal dependancy the stripping of force push the lack of any push back def. And still they only adjust the already top skill tree.


If it was the easiest fix then so be it but setting back and not even saying they are atleast trying to sort out the rest of the classes issues is just bad buisness.


And like it or not it will cause many high end guilds and raids to exspect players to be a watchman and shun the ones who arnt. Wich in turn is an extremly unfair bias placed upon those who choose another tree. At least if they would stop being so shut mouth and acknowledge they are working on other problems, Those of us who dont like the watchman tree would have some hope.


Rather than be forced to either play watchman be overlooked or reroll a diffrent class.


And people can deny it all they want but every player thats spent time doing end game in a mmo knows if there is a class that outshines others thats what will be exspected or your just SoL.

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I saw this too. Watchman was already known as the best PVE and PVP spec, so what do they do? Buff it, and **** the other specs, right.




I can't believe this, its a gosh darn shame but I'm gonna have to go watchman to stay competitive, combat doesnt hold up.


Technically they are fixing it, not buffing it. However someone ran the numbers on the test server forums and it ended up being a nerf to overall damage. So.

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