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Cant help but have another what the hell devs? moment


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Okay Devs...


I have been... What I would consider... Rather nice...


Now however I am downright angry. No, angry doesn't begin to explain my reaction to this.


I was angry when Mr. Zoeller took one of my statements, cut a piece of it, then claimed I said something I didn't only because he took it out of context. I was angry when BioWare obviously favored the Sith in the pre-game marketing. I was angry when BioWare took away Force Pull from Sentinels.


This is so far beyond angry that I can't even properly articulate it.


That having been said, this post is made with me being emotionally charged, so I will do what I can to censor this while still giving you the gist.




What the expletive deleted do you think you are doing here with this?


You are buffing the Watchman spec, the easiest to use and most powerful in PVP and PVE spec the Sentinel has. This is the same spec that has the most synergy with our powers. While at the same time nerfing pacify?


I cannot even fathom what could possibly have justified this?


This idea makes no sense.


In this case those of us who are Combat spec deserve a direct response.


You remind me of this person...



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Since when did Sents only have 1 viable spec?

I am very effective as a Combat, there are those that say go Watchment or Go Home, and I have seen some people start saying that Focus is the way.

Now obviously each has their own bias, but this shows that some people enjoy each tree.

Yes there are some Bugs in the Sentinel, but come on the game is just over a month past official release. Just because something wasn’t in this patch it doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.

And before whinging about how incompetent the devs are, look at the criticality of the bugs in TOR Vs every other MMO release and its first month of play, and the TOR devs are doing pretty damned well.


Sure a mom and pop guild you might be able to get away with it, but any more serious raiding and currently WM is just ahead, and less buggy.

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Has it ever occurred to you, that the other two Sentinel trees may be fine - despite what you may think? Just a thought.


1>I'm pretty convinced Combat is significantly and measurably less dps than Watchman in almost all cases.


I've seen no evidence that I'm wrong either.


2>It's my belief that Sents and even moreso Combat Sents are affected by skill stuttering more than most other classes/builds. This is in large part due to the high frequency of stuttering with the use of BR and BS...and precision slash too for that matter.


Each of those skills seem to suffer from skill stuttering as much or moreso than any other skills.

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Here's how you test it.


Take 3 Sentinels who are equally geared into an EV run against the council. Put each against a marauder with equal HP.


The one who downs him first, is the stronger class.


( I will guarantee it goes Watchman > Focus > Combat. And Combat may very well get close to the enrage timer, it's focus management is so bad. )


Call me a liar if you like, but I've run a raid every week and I watch who kills each guy first.


And every week the commando with gunnery is killing it first, far ahead of all the other classes.


it's the most viable single target dps class right now. Try and use your metrics on that fight, then get back to me Bioware. Because we all know I'm right.

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Here's how you test it.


Take 3 Sentinels who are equally geared into an EV run against the council. Put each against a marauder with equal HP.


The one who downs him first, is the stronger class.


( I will guarantee it goes Watchman > Focus > Combat. And Combat may very well get close to the enrage timer, it's focus management is so bad. )


Call me a liar if you like, but I've run a raid every week and I watch who kills each guy first.


And every week the commando with gunnery is killing it first, far ahead of all the other classes.


it's the most viable single target dps class right now. Try and use your metrics on that fight, then get back to me Bioware. Because we all know I'm right.


I've done this fight as combat, on normal. And I was still 1st of the dps and we have an exception commando I always compete with. I truly don't think focus can be a viable raid spec either for Hard and nightmare, someone can prove me wrong but I doubt it. Combat is under watchman and with this patch it'll be even farther down which really upsets me as I've already said, just not ok for 1 viable spec.

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Here's how you test it.


Take 3 Sentinels who are equally geared into an EV run against the council. Put each against a marauder with equal HP.


The one who downs him first, is the stronger class.


( I will guarantee it goes Watchman > Focus > Combat. And Combat may very well get close to the enrage timer, it's focus management is so bad. )


Call me a liar if you like, but I've run a raid every week and I watch who kills each guy first.


And every week the commando with gunnery is killing it first, far ahead of all the other classes.


it's the most viable single target dps class right now. Try and use your metrics on that fight, then get back to me Bioware. Because we all know I'm right.


I kill my maruader before any one else in our raid, including our DPS commandos. I am specced in watchman tree. Our other sentinel came in a close second, and I'm fairly sure he is combat spec right now. I've run this same fight several times each week due to it resetting on us, and I see the same result each time.

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Six pages of comments and not even a nod by the devs yet the dev tracker is coverd with posts on things that dosnt even realy effect game play.


Anyone who dosnt think they turn a blind eye to sentienls/maras please im asking prove me wrong. Because so far they just do what they want reguardless of how the players feel about it .


What makes it worse is out of the hundreds of posts and new threads about the sentinels varried issues they simply refuse to even admit they are taking notice.


Its exactly as ive said before and untill the devs prove me wrong ill continue to believe they gimped sents/maras on purpose to control the numbers.


Its why they refuse to adress the issues its why they built the knights story around guardian type story.


Its why they still havnt did anything to balance out the gear/heal dependancy


Its why they striped force push before release and lack of cc def


And if this isnt the case then by all means devs prove me wrong because so far all you have done is proved me right.

Edited by Nyteblades
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Im gonna bump this with hopes a dev will notice but seeing as how they tend to only address non game play oriented posts from general.


And any class based or skill based question gets tucked away in a dungeoun somewhere i highly doubt it.


I plan to do an article about this soon actually. This is simply unacceptable.

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I plan to do an article about this soon actually. This is simply unacceptable.


Well idk if it will do any good or not but i sincerly hope it does. As i have been trying to get thier attention on various sentinel issues for awhile.


Such as just for starters whats the reasoning behind stripping push from sents before launch.


And i know during beta sents was a real popular class and with the blatent ignore of posts/threads trying to get sents/maras balanced alittle better, It realy seems like they gimped them to quell numbers.

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Bumping again ...In hopes by some slim chance a dev might paying attention..But its highly apparent they are choosing to be blind.


Maybe they think if they dont listen they have plausable denyablity???



They've said many times that they cannot respond to every thread that requests their attention. Doesn't mean they aren't reading it. Furthermore, it doesn't mean that their balancing lines up with what the community feels is "best."


I don't want to see Pacify go away for ops, nor do I want to see a loss of DPS from the Watchman changes. BW says they are a buff, so here's hoping that it's true. Either way, if this is what it takes to keep this game playing well long into the future, then good. I love Star Wars, and I'm having a blast playing SWTOR. I hope it is around for a while.

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Okay Devs...


I have been... What I would consider... Rather nice...


Now however I am downright angry. No, angry doesn't begin to explain my reaction to this.


I was angry when Mr. Zoeller took one of my statements, cut a piece of it, then claimed I said something I didn't only because he took it out of context. I was angry when BioWare obviously favored the Sith in the pre-game marketing. I was angry when BioWare took away Force Pull from Sentinels.


This is so far beyond angry that I can't even properly articulate it.


That having been said, this post is made with me being emotionally charged, so I will do what I can to censor this while still giving you the gist.




What the expletive deleted do you think you are doing here with this?


You are buffing the Watchman spec, the easiest to use and most powerful in PVP and PVE spec the Sentinel has. This is the same spec that has the most synergy with our powers. While at the same time nerfing pacify?


I cannot even fathom what could possibly have justified this?


This idea makes no sense.


In this case those of us who are Combat spec deserve a direct response.



I'd find this funny if it weren't for knowing you're being serious. Heaven forbid someone gives you incorrect change back at the register one day, you'll have a stroke.

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As posted on teh dev tracker patch notes.



Pacify: This ability can no longer be used on Operation Boss enemies.



Plasma Blades: Now increases damage dealt by burn effects by 5% per point.

Searing Saber: Now correctly modifies the critical damage dealt by burn effects.

Changes to Searing Saber and Plasma Blades result in an overall increase in Damage Per Second.


So sentinels are finaly getting an update/nerf.


Question is why would they nerf/and successfully limit sentinels to only one realy playable tree. All while completely ignoring how heal and gear dependent we are compared to other classes.


Dont get me wrong im not whineing about the watchman fix thats great but what about those of us that dont roll watchmen?


They know that combat is having issues with some of thier skill trees and focus is also having a few issues.


They know we are hugely gear and heal dependent compared to other classes and how bad they screwed us anyways when they stripped us of push before launch.


They know that the class while yes its a skill class is way over complicated to the average (Not the im elite god) players but the everyday average player.


And even when they have literaly hundreds of posts on the very subject of how bad they screwed over the sents they simply ignbore it .


And to be honest the reason they are only accepting certain people is to make sure they can hand pick the questioneers infront of possible new subs. That way they can limit the negativity and hard questions they simply refuse to answer anyways.


And if this post rubs somone wrong im sorry ahead of time. But getting dam tired of them only listening to what they want to hear instead of what the actual public is saying.


So how about an answer DEVS why make sents only viable from one skill tree and not even address the other huge issues with that class?


Again, this was not a nerf for watchman, they didn't decide to update our class, these things were broken, not working as intended. Pacify was never supposed to work on bosses and the other abilities were not doing what they said they did. There is a post in forums where we pointed this out to bio ware and they saw it was true and they fixed it. These abilities were not working.


You cant see this as an update or nerf to our spec, it is plain and simple, just a fix to something that was broken.

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Again, this was not a nerf for watchman, they didn't decide to update our class, these things were broken, not working as intended. Pacify was never supposed to work on bosses and the other abilities were not doing what they said they did. There is a post in forums where we pointed this out to bio ware and they saw it was true and they fixed it. These abilities were not working.


You cant see this as an update or nerf to our spec, it is plain and simple, just a fix to something that was broken.


Then why did they not fix the whole class?As the other specs have been broken since launch as well.

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Then why did they not fix the whole class?As the other specs have been broken since launch as well.


Because we posted a question to a very specific ability that was not working as intended, it was straight to the point and didn't have a bunch of trolls bogging our topic.


A dev actually saw it and replied to us and confirmed it.

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Because we posted a question to a very specific ability that was not working as intended, it was straight to the point and didn't have a bunch of trolls bogging our topic.


A dev actually saw it and replied to us and confirmed it.


As was the other specs. They was also posted to a very specific problems and have been many times so go fan boy somewhere else. No need to blind defend. As your argument is pretty mute point.

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Lets keep in mind that we don't have the final patch notes yet. There's nothing saying that the other trees aren't getting looked at too, they're just not ready to go onto the public test server.


I'll personally be withholding my own nerdrage until I know if they actually left out Combat and Focus or not.

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Since when did Sents only have 1 viable spec?

I am very effective as a Combat, there are those that say go Watchment or Go Home, and I have seen some people start saying that Focus is the way.

Now obviously each has their own bias, but this shows that some people enjoy each tree.

Yes there are some Bugs in the Sentinel, but come on the game is just over a month past official release. Just because something wasn’t in this patch it doesn’t mean it isn’t being addressed.

And before whinging about how incompetent the devs are, look at the criticality of the bugs in TOR Vs every other MMO release and its first month of play, and the TOR devs are doing pretty damned well.


again, they can be good in pvp situations, focus and combat, but the pure raw dmg being thrown out by watchman in hardmode and nightmare mode content blows both of them out of the water.

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