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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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And people will always be impacted. I was impacted by WoW's scheduled maintenance when I worked graves. That was life.


What BioWare has done wrong is keep the WHOLE world on the same maintenance schedule. So as they base their downtime around that. If it was just the Americas, we probably would see a later maintenance window. But whereas they want to attempt to appease the other half of the world, allbeit unsuccessfully, they have a much earlier window. This doesn't impact EST or CST players much, but the further west you go, the bigger the impact.


It all goes back to poor planning on BioWare's side. How do you not have separate servers for different regions of the world? Servers that come down at times convenient for that region rather than trying to base a time around every region?


Absolutely agree. I wouldn't be upset to have to play an alt char on patch nights at all. However, the inability to play at all leaves me with one viable option...

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I never said they shouldnt take it down..you did..



i can accept a few hours downtime without crying.. you are the one upset they are taking it down..


i just pointed out that you are willing to screw over other people so you arent..



totally fair btw....



Im glad when they have downtime..it is useful time for them to fix the game.



you are the one who cant accept a few hours off of the game.


No, I'm not upset they are taking it down. I'm upset they are taking the servers down an average of once every two days. Regardless of what the fix is for tonight, they are having way too many downtimes. That is what I am upset over.

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No, I'm not upset they are taking it down. I'm upset they are taking the servers down an average of once every two days. Regardless of what the fix is for tonight, they are having way too many downtimes. That is what I am upset over.


would you rahter a broken game...or a game that works? patches make things work....

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Because you know his schedule, right? Maybe he works swing shift and those are his "prime time" hours.


if hes home he could still sleep regardless:P


it doesnt matter his hours of work.. he asked what can be done at 1 am... sleep is something that can be done anytime...give it a shot..

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Freezing? What the hell? Are they nerfing graphics next so people with 8 year old systems can play at 30FPS? Those guys need to stick to Xbox and leave the heavy hitters to the big boys!



I have a "big boy" system as you so eloquently put it, and I'm getting the freezes. It will sit at sometimes over 100fps and still freeze. Its an issue since the latest patch and quite a few people are having it.

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ya..sleep is one...

i do that often at 1 am..


really that is your arugment..theres nothing else to do?




Obviously there is something else to do as well all end up doing something else.


However, I don't roll into work until 11am. As such I go to bed later. My game time is in the evening when I get home from work. It is time I enjoy. And quite frankly, as I am a contributing member of society, I reserve the right to spend my time how I please. And I choose to spend my evenings unwinding after work playing video games. Sometimes, I get bored with that and may watch TV or a movie. Sometimes I do something social. Whatever the case, my time is my time. You can't judge me for wanting to play a video game with my time. You've got no room to tell me I should be doing something else. All that is irrelevant and not bearing on the fact that BioWare is bringing this game down for patches way too much.

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I posted a thread about this as well that they just closed down. Remember policy is to sweep complaints under the rug. Makes it easier to ignore them.


Here was my post:


I'm sure I'm not the only one getting annoyed with the patches of patches. Bringing down the servers every other night or so is getting extremely tedious.


It always cuts off the end of my play time before I go to bed. So two hours or not, I'm asleep before they come back up and then I have to get up and go into work the next day. And it is hitting other people even harder.


Tonight's patch will mark the THIRD time the servers have been brought down for maintenance in the past 5 days. That doesn't seem a bit excessive to you in the game's second month?


Seriously, get your act together or you're going to keep driving players away. And no amount of bribery with titles will get them to stay.



The constant downtime is getting excessive. We even have posts from BioWare reps now where they admit they are making mistakes communicating between their departments. Given the problems with their patches and their numerous mia culpas, things sound pretty disorganized over there.


Here a hint.. Dont buy a MMO at the start if you dont like downtimes.. It really that simple..

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You are aware, this is a new game, and is very likely to be down a lot for fixes. I just wished the fixes worked.


You are aware that if I as a software developer told my client that line, I'd be without a job and without payment.... "Sorry sir: you've got to remember it is a new system. It is likely you'll have constant downtime while we fix the issues we neglected to find during testing."




not interested in a debate on the subject:

just showing my discontent. I do incidentally want to play the game, but because the servers go down at 6PM (Brisbane time) every 2nd day, it makes it kinda difficult.

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Obviously there is something else to do as well all end up doing something else.


However, I don't roll into work until 11am. As such I go to bed later. My game time is in the evening when I get home from work. It is time I enjoy. And quite frankly, as I am a contributing member of society, I reserve the right to spend my time how I please. And I choose to spend my evenings unwinding after work playing video games. Sometimes, I get bored with that and may watch TV or a movie. Sometimes I do something social. Whatever the case, my time is my time. You can't judge me for wanting to play a video game with my time. You've got no room to tell me I should be doing something else. All that is irrelevant and not bearing on the fact that BioWare is bringing this game down for patches way too much.


i never judged you for wanting to spend your time on the game.. I simply said the patches are needed and everyone has to deal with the downtime.


i dont think its to much.. you do..there is a disagreement there..it isnt over if you deserve to play it is over the extent of patches..which i think are needed you dont.



dont get your underwear in a knot....

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