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Marauder Analysis


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The opinions on marauders are wide-ranging. Some say they are weak and everyone else says L2P. I might have agreed with the 'weak' crowd until I hit 50 but now I'm much more leaning towards that L2P crowd. And I don't mean L2P in the connotation it is meant.


The marauder is a fantastically difficult class to play. However this very difficulty makes it fun. Melee classes in general are at a severe disadvantage in this game. We (Marauders) have a very weak dedicated CC move and another CC move that does damage but basically CC's us in the process. On that same note we only have one 'trinket' move like every other class and only one brief escape move. Juggs (and our Republic mirrors) don't have it any better. In short, the non-assassin melee classes have a deck stacked against them. We don't even have an edge on the dps department to compensate, the luxury of range, or true invisibility. If you picked up a marauder expecting to walk into crowds of 5-10 enemies and cleaning house it's time to pick a different class.


The way I see it, marauders are the masters of 1v1 combat. It is my job to pick out one person and make their life miserable. Most of the time I find that this involves attacking healers. I don't always succeed in killing them (seriously, anyone who says healers need a buff is out of their mind) but if they are healing themselves, they are not healing their teammates and I consider my job done. Strangely, I also find I am one of the few people who actively seeks out healers. Take note - healers should always be priority - They are in almost every other game I play. But in SWTOR I find myself alone much of the time in my quest to rid a WZ or Ilum of healers.


Since I now know my job and stick to it, along with some help from better gear, I find that alot of the calls for a major buff are unwarranted. This class shines if it is played correctly. I've only played carnage since the beginning (I've had a hankring to try out annihilation, but haven't gotten to it yet) and I've found that my rotations do the job of keeping people where they need to be - in melee range. However, I still believe that a small buff is needed, but I only have ideas as to where exactly. I can't speak for other specs but for the carnage spec, I think a buff to the execute talent might go along way. Whether it is a buff to either the chance for added damage or the added damage itself I feel having this talent being a bit stronger might go a long way. I also feel the damage from the Ataru proc is underwhelming and could do with a slight buff.


But considering the whole I am very happy with my marauder class and am looking forward to trying annihilation sometime soon.

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OP...exactly. I think too many people think that because the marauder has 2 sabers they should just be spinning around in circles dicing everything up. Standing toe to toe with an equally geared guardian or bh is difficult. Winnable? Sure. But not always. The marauder needs to be MOBILE and is best suited for flanking and decimating the ranged healers/dps one at a time. If you use this strategy in PVP it is very, very fulfilling. Nothing like hitting a healer, watching him start to run, force choke, saber throw (which immobilizes him) finishing him off then leaping to the next healer/ranged dps.


And despite the vast majority of ppl that swear anni is the ONLy spec to play as a marauder, I love and thrive as carnage spec as well.

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Marauders are easy with half of my keybinds empty.


Same with WoW Warriors now with a lot of skills removed in later Cataclysm - everything is getting dumbed down for CoD crowd - W and LMB, two buttons to succeed...

Edited by Deviltreh
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The opinions on marauders are wide-ranging. Some say they are weak and everyone else says L2P. I might have agreed with the 'weak' crowd until I hit 50 but now I'm much more leaning towards that L2P crowd. And I don't mean L2P in the connotation it is meant.


The marauder is a fantastically difficult class to play. However this very difficulty makes it fun. Melee classes in general are at a severe disadvantage in this game. We (Marauders) have a very weak dedicated CC move and another CC move that does damage but basically CC's us in the process. On that same note we only have one 'trinket' move like every other class and only one brief escape move. Juggs (and our Republic mirrors) don't have it any better. In short, the non-assassin melee classes have a deck stacked against them. We don't even have an edge on the dps department to compensate, the luxury of range, or true invisibility. If you picked up a marauder expecting to walk into crowds of 5-10 enemies and cleaning house it's time to pick a different class.


The way I see it, marauders are the masters of 1v1 combat. It is my job to pick out one person and make their life miserable. Most of the time I find that this involves attacking healers. I don't always succeed in killing them (seriously, anyone who says healers need a buff is out of their mind) but if they are healing themselves, they are not healing their teammates and I consider my job done. Strangely, I also find I am one of the few people who actively seeks out healers. Take note - healers should always be priority - They are in almost every other game I play. But in SWTOR I find myself alone much of the time in my quest to rid a WZ or Ilum of healers.


Since I now know my job and stick to it, along with some help from better gear, I find that alot of the calls for a major buff are unwarranted. This class shines if it is played correctly. I've only played carnage since the beginning (I've had a hankring to try out annihilation, but haven't gotten to it yet) and I've found that my rotations do the job of keeping people where they need to be - in melee range. However, I still believe that a small buff is needed, but I only have ideas as to where exactly. I can't speak for other specs but for the carnage spec, I think a buff to the execute talent might go along way. Whether it is a buff to either the chance for added damage or the added damage itself I feel having this talent being a bit stronger might go a long way. I also feel the damage from the Ataru proc is underwhelming and could do with a slight buff.


But considering the whole I am very happy with my marauder class and am looking forward to trying annihilation sometime soon.


Love it! Great post. Truer words have never been spoken.

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Make the tree switch sir. I was a hardcore Carnage fan for a long time and used to sing its praises to anyone who would listen. I switched over just to say i had at least tried all 3 specs and while at first it felt all wrong, once I got used to it...


It changed the way I play my Marauder. You lose some control but you gain damage and healing. Once you learn to overcome the lack of short cc's/roots in PvP you end up being a better payer overall. I helped me get over that hump from "Marauder is weak" to "Marader is just fine".


In short the class just clicked for me and I really enjoy it now. I'd like 2-4 extra seconds on our combat stealth but thats all I really think we need.

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Marauders are easy with half of my keybinds empty.


Same with WoW Warriors now with a lot of skills removed in later Cataclysm - everything is getting dumbed down for CoD crowd - W and LMB, two buttons to succeed...


A complex and engaging class in a mmo won't be accessible to the majority of the population(and with people comes money).

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