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Bigger warzones


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Allright im going to say a word that is typically blasphemer in this game


you ready?


World of Warcraft.


Now befor you go postal on me and say that this is a diferent game and different designers ect ect. and a thousand other reasons as to why i shouldent mention that game here.


Go cry into a pillow or do unspeakables to your significant other and get it out of your system and now think.


Part of the reason there wasent alot of lag and a fair amount of crisp kills in the WoW battlegrounds was the expansiveness of the feild of play. This allows for alot of 1v1 confrontations that often define a good pvp game. As opposed to hutball where its pretty hard to so much ignite a lightsaber and not have atleast 6 people of the enemy team spot your location, health and class.


Obviously the spaceship isent any different, and though Alderan is bigger the teams are focased through so many channel points to sift from one location to another there is little to no "random encounter" factors for these warzones not to mention everybody has to pretty much hug cap points to get anything done.


On the other hand there is Illum where the landscape is almost too huge and armouring crates need to be used as a means of bait to get factions to clash, apart from that the other 90% of the feild is all but unused and there is little to no true reawrd for full capping Illum.


what do you think

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Fps problems right now are cause more by the lack of drivers accustomed to the game. Most GPU's are only running at 30% of there capacity. Not to mention some graphics options like view distance that would significantly help on fps as well. But a larger feild i think would allow for a better gameplay experience during a pvp match
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