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What does it take to get Bioware to correct these issues.


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Does it take players complaining in the forums? Are they even reading these post? Or maybe it take players to quit and go back to other MMO(s) before they do anything. Who knows. As for me sub canceled. I just can't believe George Lucas allowed this abomination to be released. Its a incomplete project.
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Does it take players complaining in the forums? Are they even reading these post? Or maybe it take players to quit and go back to other MMO(s) before they do anything. Who knows. As for me sub canceled. I just can't believe George Lucas allowed this abomination to be released. Its a incomplete project.


There is no like button or I would spam it.


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Nobody is asking the game to be perfect just fair and playable. I've played several MMOs but this one by far was the one I have been waiting for since they announced it years ago. Maybe your having a great time and enjoying the game KUDOS!! to you. But majority of the players are not who have reached LVL 50.

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Does it take players complaining in the forums? Are they even reading these post? Or maybe it take players to quit and go back to other MMO(s) before they do anything. Who knows. As for me sub canceled. I just can't believe George Lucas allowed this abomination to be released. Its a incomplete project.


Clearly you are not familiar with any other MMOs or you would recognize that Bioware's response to issues is one of the fastest in the history of the genre.


Your complaints about length of time are completely meritless.


As for George Lucas, he allowed Episode I to be released so abominations are kind of his thing.

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Clearly you are not familiar with any other MMOs or you would recognize that Bioware's response to issues is one of the fastest in the history of the genre.


Your complaints about length of time are completely meritless.


As for George Lucas, he allowed Episode I to be released so abominations are kind of his thing.


I have played my share of MMOs and this one is fail.

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I have played my share of MMOs and this one is fail.


I'm afraid you are going to have to provide quite a bit more than that if you want to be taken seriously.


List them and give examples of them doing a better job of responding to customer complaints.


That would be a good start.


Failure to do so will result in your complaint being seen as the pointless, hyperbolic falsification that it (probably) is.

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Nobody is asking the game to be perfect just fair and playable. I've played several MMOs but this one by far was the one I have been waiting for since they announced it years ago. Maybe your having a great time and enjoying the game KUDOS!! to you. But majority of the players are not who have reached LVL 50.


Game is fair/playable...


If you dont like it and say your sub is cancelled stop posting/trolling and move on, thanks...

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Does it take players complaining in the forums? Are they even reading these post? Or maybe it take players to quit and go back to other MMO(s) before they do anything. Who knows. As for me sub canceled. I just can't believe George Lucas allowed this abomination to be released. Its a incomplete project.



1. Complaining? No. Constructive discussion?


2. Yes.


3. Are you expexting daily patch fixes for everything that's QQed about in the forums? It's been a month dude. Chill.


4. Adios!

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