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Upgrade Video Card....Still Low FPS...Trolol?


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that processor probably doesnt have an L3 Cache... probably bottlenecking whats your resolution?



check your usage..


if cpu usage is at 99% and gpu usage is at like 15-30% cpu is probably bottlenecking.


and keep in mind.. the lower the resolution the higher the strain on your CPU. the higher the resolution the more weight it takes off the CPU and puts it onto the GPU


Actually, the higher the resolution, the more work it gives the GPU to do. So if you're CPU bottle-necked already and the GPU is barely do anything, you can usually crank the settings with little performance difference.

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I am running a 550Ti on max settings with an AMD 6400+ cpu which is over 2yrs old and I'm getting anywhere from 50-90fps. I'm guessing it's your cpu that is causing your bottleneck but there are many variables which can cause low performance and your card is only as good as the other components in your system. Edited by Denerio
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So yesterday I decided to finally update the video card on my desktop. I didn't go crazy and get top of the line but I think we can all agree that a nvidia 550ti is nothing to scoff at (i had a nvidia 9600 in there). Loaded up BF3 on ultra and Skyrim at max and got around 30-35 fps. Not bad, about what I was expecting since the card is about a year old. Now time to load up to and see if I can get above 20 fps....oh wow yea! now I have !22! fps while running around in quest areas (didnt check fleet and WZ since it will probably be lower)


Wow so glad they had that long winded post about low end machines and explaining to us noobs what graphic settings are v.v


Edit: adding cpu and ram cause I am a tard and forgot. Quad core oc'd to 2.8 and 8 gigs of ram


While upgrading your graphics card helps, that's not the main bottleneck. Read this:



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Shadows, bloom, shader complexity.

Turn them down and enjoy high frame rates.


Might also be worth noting that 550 Ti isnt actually some high performance card. Just on the higher end of regular consumer cards considering it's preformance. Cant expect any miracles from it.


yeah that card is horrible.. 560 for the extra 50 bucks wouldve made LEAPS AND BOUNDS of differences. and theyre only like 180 now haha

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Ummm its gotta be something else.


I run my game max res max settings minus the shadows because they are gawd awful ugly and I get a steady 40-60 fps in fleet with my GTX 275..... lol. With shadows on in fleet im still at 30-60fps depending on where im at.


Pretty sure the 550ti out specs that card.


I am running a 975 extreme i7 and 6 gigs of dominator ram on a evga classified SLI 3 board.

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Ummm its gotta be something else.


I run my game max res max settings minus the shadows because they are gawd awful ugly and I get a steady 40-60 fps in fleet with my GTX 275..... lol. With shadows on in fleet im still at 30-60fps depending on where im at.


Pretty sure the 550ti out specs that card.


I am running a 975 extreme i7 and 6 gigs of dominator ram on a evga classified SLI 3 board.


275 may be older, but is likely a better performer since it's in the high end of its generation where the 550 isn't.

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yeah that card is horrible.. 560 for the extra 50 bucks wouldve made LEAPS AND BOUNDS of differences. and theyre only like 180 now haha


The card is only as good as the other components in your system. By claiming adding a higher level card will be leaps and bounds difference is completely false.

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even if you had a Core i7 @ 4.8 still get 20fps in LOLum with mor ethan 10 peps around..



No computer on the planet can run this. Harware builder, and reformated every patch.


not no more. Dont upgrade for this game simple..


correct, My computer can Handle Illum, The Game Engine can't.

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even if you had a Core i7 @ 4.8 still get 20fps in LOLum with mor ethan 10 peps around..



No computer on the planet can run this. Harware builder, and reformated every patch.


not no more. Dont upgrade for this game simple..


Funny I am having no issues anywhere at all including Illum. You are a hardware builder? Reformatted every patch too? Glad I don't buy any gaming rigs you build. I doubt they'd run HKO.

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Is that a dual-chip board or something?


Yes, its currently outperforming the 590's in most games including bf3 and others.




768 CUDA Cores

850 MHz GPU

1700MHz Shader Clock


2048 MB, 512 bit

4008 MHz (effective)

256.6 GB/s Memory Bandwidth

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I think people are missing the point. I was not expecting **** faceroll increases with the 550ti. I know its a old card. What I was expecting was a better increase then 2 fricken fps by upgrading from a 9600.


Also amd vs intel is kinda like the ati vs nvidia debate. They both make good products and a lot comes down to consumer bias

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I think people are missing the point. I was not expecting **** faceroll increases with the 550ti. I know its a old card. What I was expecting was a better increase then 2 fricken fps by upgrading from a 9600.


Also amd vs intel is kinda like the ati vs nvidia debate. They both make good products and a lot comes down to consumer bias


I think the consensus is that you are CPU bound, and should look into that more when you get home.

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So yesterday I decided to finally update the video card on my desktop. I didn't go crazy and get top of the line but I think we can all agree that a nvidia 550ti is nothing to scoff at (i had a nvidia 9600 in there). Loaded up BF3 on ultra and Skyrim at max and got around 30-35 fps. Not bad, about what I was expecting since the card is about a year old. Now time to load up to and see if I can get above 20 fps....oh wow yea! now I have !22! fps while running around in quest areas (didnt check fleet and WZ since it will probably be lower)


Wow so glad they had that long winded post about low end machines and explaining to us noobs what graphic settings are v.v


Edit: adding cpu and ram cause I am a tard and forgot. Quad core oc'd to 2.8 and 8 gigs of ram



Try this:





Lemme splain why those games are working better ... They are actually using the DirectX 10/11, this game is DX 9 so your DX 10/11 is trying to run it in an emulation of 9. I did what they said in this link and I gained a huge amount of FPS in Ilium, hope this helps you some ... or, for those that don't wanna click unknown links ...


Go to microsoft and DL the DirectX 9 (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/confirmation.aspx?id=8109 - MS link, it is safe) install it, it will not overwrite your DX 10/11 but it will add the DX 9 files SWTOR is looking for so it won't have to run in an emulation mode ;)

Edited by Balrizangor
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Try this:





Lemme splain why those games are working better ... They are actually using the DirectX 10/11, this game is DX 9 so your DX 10/11 is trying to run it in an emulation of 9. I did what they said in this link and I gained a huge amount of FPS in Ilium, hope this helps you some ...


Tried that as well and still no increase in normal town areas. Need to load up my BH to test Ilium

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Funny I run an AMD flawless with this game lol. Some of these posts amuse me at the shear stupidity of the responses.


That doesn't change that the Phenom and even the Phenom II architecture is a few generations behind what Intel has to offer. Even Bulldozer didn't really push far enough. Bulldozer isn't bad, but still not on par with what Intel has right now.

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I think people are missing the point. I was not expecting **** faceroll increases with the 550ti. I know its a old card. What I was expecting was a better increase then 2 fricken fps by upgrading from a 9600.


Also amd vs intel is kinda like the ati vs nvidia debate. They both make good products and a lot comes down to consumer bias


It's mostly a matter of how well the game engine takes advantage of your graphics chips capabilities. Im sure that GTX500 series cards could get a lot more out of SWTOR if it was optimised for them. But that would also mean that it might not run on older hardware at all.


Just look at the difference between old and new tech demos from manufacturers. You cant directly compare the complexity of the image to the speed of graphics-chip series that those demos were made to advertise. It's not a matter of how fast the card can calculate, but a matter of what it can calculate.


It's well know that SWTOR is made with older harware in mind so it's only natural that older, high end hardware performs better than new low-grade hardware.

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I found another post that had a farclip setting in the Graphics_Mirror.ini file that seemed to help, since we don;t have a view distance slider.


Graphics_ClipDistance = 0.5 Is what I have it at now and it seemed to help a bit, since view distance tends to be a CPU killer.

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Tried that as well and still no increase in normal town areas. Need to load up my BH to test Ilium


Sorry to hear that, it seems to work on some machines and not others, not sure why. I will say the only place I have ever had a FPS/Lat issue was in illium and sometimes Fleet and I have every thing cranked to max (except shadows, I don't need shadows, also ground clutter, I don't care what the grass looks like ...)

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I think people are missing the point. I was not expecting **** faceroll increases with the 550ti. I know its a old card. What I was expecting was a better increase then 2 fricken fps by upgrading from a 9600.


Also amd vs intel is kinda like the ati vs nvidia debate. They both make good products and a lot comes down to consumer bias


Sorry to break it to you, you wasted your money trying to upgrade to make this game run better.


For newer games (SWTOR engine is not newer) I would expect the 550ti to give you a slight performance gain. For older games you are going to see no real difference, with the way SWTOR is coded you will not see a difference.

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