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Sorcerer Nerf incomming?


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As we all know the Sourcerer Nerf is comming, the only Question is when?


After the OP Nerf we all know the Sorc is next, what wil be nerfed, what shoud be nerfed?


Or shoudnt it be nerfed? Should we just all play Sorcs? :D


Not gonna happen. Misguided and misinformed.

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I don't think Sorcs will be nerfed (yes I play a sorc). And i'll give you a few reasons:

There is not one ability that makes sorcs overpowered. The reasons there are so many whines about sorcs is because there are a LOT of sorcs out there (increasing the chances a random whine is about them)

And because sorcs have to many tools, making them seem overpowered in the hands of a good player. Everytimes a game makes a dps/healer hybrid you run into this .... they want to make the hybrid playable for the average gamer, which means a really good player can push it beyond what you think is balanced. I actually think the powertech/vanguards are even a little bit worse then sorcs in this aspect, but it might just be that the 3-4 guys I run into on my server are just insanly good..


That being said the 5 sec CC on overload talent is overpowered in PvP and I wouldn't mind it being remodelled or moved up in the tree, but I don't expect them to start tweaking tree's this soon after launch.


So please explain to me, with reasons why you would want/expect sorcs to be nerfed. Other then "they beat me all the time"......

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Prediction for upcoming nerfs:


Sorcerer/Sage: Bubble, resolve from knockback, perhaps even damage.


Operative/Scoundrel: stuns/resolve


Juggernaut/Guardian: AOE Smash/guardianequivalent damage while Rage/Focused spec


Merc/Commando: Tracer missiles/Grav Rounds


Powertech/Vanguard: High impact bolt/railshot nerf, some other form of sustained DPS nerf


After this batch is complete (in order of most powerful to least powerful), Sentinel/Marauder, Assassin/Shadow, and Sniper/Gunslinger will now be relatively overpowered and will probably receive nerfs in the order of OP-ness. And so began the vicious cycle of nerfs. It will be a pleasant 6 months - 1 year. Hopefully GW2 comes out soon so I can ditch this garbage.

Edited by MatchpointServe
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Prediction for upcoming nerfs:


Sorcerer/Sage: Bubble, resolve from knockback, perhaps even damage.


Operative/Scoundrel: stuns/resolve


Juggernaut/Guardian: AOE Smash/guardianequivalent damage while Rage/Focused spec


Merc/Commando: Tracer missiles/Grav Rounds


Powertech/Vanguard: High impact bolt/railshot nerf, some other form of sustained DPS nerf


After this badge is complete (in order of most powerful to least powerful), Sentinel/Marauder, Assassin/Shadow, and Sniper/Gunslinger will now be relatively overpowered and will probably receive nerfs in the order of OP-ness. And so began the vicious cycle of nerfs. It will be a pleasant 6 months - 1 year. Hopefully GW2 comes out soon so I can ditch this garbage.


Misguided/ misinformed.

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I don't think Sorcs will be nerfed (yes I play a sorc). And i'll give you a few reasons:

There is not one ability that makes sorcs overpowered. The reasons there are so many whines about sorcs is because there are a LOT of sorcs out there (increasing the chances a random whine is about them)

And because sorcs have to many tools, making them seem overpowered in the hands of a good player. Everytimes a game makes a dps/healer hybrid you run into this .... they want to make the hybrid playable for the average gamer, which means a really good player can push it beyond what you think is balanced. I actually think the powertech/vanguards are even a little bit worse then sorcs in this aspect, but it might just be that the 3-4 guys I run into on my server are just insanly good..


That being said the 5 sec CC on overload talent is overpowered in PvP and I wouldn't mind it being remodelled or moved up in the tree, but I don't expect them to start tweaking tree's this soon after launch.


So please explain to me, with reasons why you would want/expect sorcs to be nerfed. Other then "they beat me all the time"......


Right there is a problem you get 4 to 5 which is almost every war zone, you are chain stunned, well the devs favoring imps has already been proven with animations and armor appearance. how come I dont see people complaining about republic classes, surly all republics can't all be bad...

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I don't want them nerfed but I do love it when i get stunned and have 3 of them focus fire me with chain lightning. always dead before the stun is over. By far my favorite way to die. A close second is when they use overload and i bounce back in the fire and get rooted. But for the most part 1 on 1 I usually smash them. Only characters I have trouble with 1 on 1 are good marauders. But I'm a firm believer nerfs ruin games, and I hate to see any class get one. My condolences Operatives/Scoundrels.


Trooper Commando

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Prediction for upcoming nerfs:


Sorcerer/Sage: Bubble, resolve from knockback, perhaps even damage.


Nerfing the bubble I can understand. I'v played a healer in two other MMO's and I find it VERY strange that in SWTOR the shield is actually the highest hps spell .... seriously BW ? 5k shield on an insta cast, no cooldown ? for 35 force !? (example includes talents)

And the kockback currently has a root after it (when talented) which is why no resolve is build .... I'm oke with making that a Stun, which builds resolve .... but all range dps classes will not like that :p

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Nerfing the bubble I can understand. I'v played a healer in two other MMO's and I find it VERY strange that in SWTOR the shield is actually the highest hps spell .... seriously BW ? 5k shield on an insta cast, no cooldown ? for 35 force !? (example includes talents)

And the kockback currently has a root after it (when talented) which is why no resolve is build .... I'm oke with making that a Stun, which builds resolve .... but all range dps classes will not like that :p


Lol5k. Get your facts straight tbh.

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I don't think Sorcs will be nerfed (yes I play a sorc). And i'll give you a few reasons:

There is not one ability that makes sorcs overpowered. The reasons there are so many whines about sorcs is because there are a LOT of sorcs out there (increasing the chances a random whine is about them)

And because sorcs have to many tools, making them seem overpowered in the hands of a good player. Everytimes a game makes a dps/healer hybrid you run into this .... they want to make the hybrid playable for the average gamer, which means a really good player can push it beyond what you think is balanced. I actually think the powertech/vanguards are even a little bit worse then sorcs in this aspect, but it might just be that the 3-4 guys I run into on my server are just insanly good..


That being said the 5 sec CC on overload talent is overpowered in PvP and I wouldn't mind it being remodelled or moved up in the tree, but I don't expect them to start tweaking tree's this soon after launch.


So please explain to me, with reasons why you would want/expect sorcs to be nerfed. Other then "they beat me all the time"......


many tools u mean spam lighting cause this one dont have cd and hits hard on warzones.

Edited by tonelo
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Prediction for upcoming nerfs:


Sorcerer/Sage: Bubble, resolve from knockback, perhaps even damage.


Operative/Scoundrel: stuns/resolve


Juggernaut/Guardian: AOE Smash/guardianequivalent damage while Rage/Focused spec


Merc/Commando: Tracer missiles/Grav Rounds


Powertech/Vanguard: High impact bolt/railshot nerf, some other form of sustained DPS nerf


After this badge is complete (in order of most powerful to least powerful), Sentinel/Marauder, Assassin/Shadow, and Sniper/Gunslinger will now be relatively overpowered and will probably receive nerfs in the order of OP-ness. And so began the vicious cycle of nerfs. It will be a pleasant 6 months - 1 year. Hopefully GW2 comes out soon so I can ditch this garbage.


Haha, so obvious, so true ^^

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3.5 and thanks for agreeing that I'm great. Sorcs making you rage much?


Not at all! In fact, my level 16 Sorcerer is doing more damage than my level 50 Scoundrel ever could. It's quite the blessing to finally be an overpowered class. Sure, 5-6k crits were awesome when they occurred every once in a while on an undergeared player, but that's nothing compared to insane sustained DPS at 30m combined with real survivability and actual mobility.

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I play a Sage and we have done a lot of testing with Force Armor. It only takes 2500 hit points and it's down. Sorry if you know how to play then you would know the bubble doesn't take much.


There is a difference in Animation times between a Sorc and a Sage. That will have to be looked at first before there is anything done. Bioware is aware of the Animation issues and I hope it's addressed soon.


Have you seen Tanks crit 5400? I've never been able to crit that much with my Sage.

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I play a Sage and we have done a lot of testing with Force Armor. It only takes 2500 hit points and it's down. Sorry if you know how to play then you would know the bubble doesn't take much.


There is a difference in Animation times between a Sorc and a Sage. That will have to be looked at first before there is anything done. Bioware is aware of the Animation issues and I hope it's addressed soon.


Have you seen Tanks crit 5400? I've never been able to crit that much with my Sage.


Don't worry! Everyone will get their turn on the nerf wagon. Whether or not tanks are in line in front of you is irrelevant.

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3.5 and thanks for agreeing that I'm great. Sorcs making you rage much?


Dude, get some better gear. Getting your bubble up to 4k is pretty easy and when fully healing geraed and talented my bubble seems to be about 1/3 of my HP... which gives me the 5k figure.


I'v seen someone post the math about it a while back (and ofc forgot to bookmark it) which indicated a 4-6k bubble when fully specced for it and with a 400-500 + healing .... It scales RIDICULOUSLY well with your +healing.


At 3.5k that would mean it would get oneshotted off in warzones by a good crit .... does that happen much to you ? cause it never happens to me .. 2-3 hits minimum, and that is with the enemy throwing their big hitters.


Edit : I can't find the post ... so I'm going to test it myself. The hazzards in Huttball do a steady dmg tick so should let me see how much it absorbs.

Edited by Humus_
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I laugh at the amount of whine coming from people who have no idea what should be nerfed for class to still be viable.


Nerf sorc's bubble?

That protection bubble goes down in a single crit or two normal skill uses from any dps class.


Nerf HIB/Railshot? yes leave a class with no damage at all.


Nerf Tracer Missile/Grav Round? yes, nerf a pubstomp build so it won't be able to pubstomp anymore. They are much better off running around doing nothing since any experienced pvper outside of Sorc/Sage and Operative/Scoundrel can beat this build . Or you can learn to use your interrupts (interrupting 2 first tracer missiles cuts the damage they can do down to ~30%, gg) . Oh wait that would require something from you.


Troll lol.


What needs to be done to balance the PvP at this time is make slow and root grant a small amount of resolve and not be able to bypass it. Force lighting damage is laughable at best.

If they start the nerf wheel then well, bye bye SW:ToR PvP.



At 3.5k that would mean it would get oneshotted off in warzones by a good crit .... does that happen much to you ? cause it never happens to me .. 2-3 hits minimum, and that is with the enemy throwing their big hitters.


My EVERY crit takes the shield down and still hits around 300-500 damage.

2 shots from grav round take the shield down and still get 1k damage through.

Edited by Quashar
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OK! I take the dmg part back.


Every class get more armor/hitpoints and expertise, but melee dmg is the one getting the shaft, since they have to worry about the armor aswell.

sorc/sage/bh/trooper just have more mitigation on top of that.


But it has always been like this in any mmo I have played, 1 month the casters have the advantage, the next month the melee have it.


They never seem to be able to balance it well enough.

Edited by Ruuz
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they replaced operative burst, with slightly less burst and stun lock....hardly what one would call a nerf....


Its not just sorcs, its the fact that their dmg ignores armor, same with BH/Trooper dmg I think.


um what? most sorcerer damage is energy, same as a light saber, it most definitely is effected by armor (e.g. you hit a powertech in ion stance for about 40% less than you hit another sorcerer)....

Edited by Adzzy
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they replaced operative burst, with slightly less burst and stun lock....hardly what one would call a nerf....


Yes, now they can stun for 1,5s with a 1,5s general CD. not a nerf at all. doh

Edited by Quashar
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I laugh at the amount of whine coming from people who have no idea what should be nerfed for class to still be viable.


Nerf sorc's bubble?

That protection bubble goes down in a single crit or two normal skill uses from any dps class.


Nerf HIB/Railshot? yes leave a class with no damage at all.


Nerf Tracer Missile/Grav Round? yes, nerf a pubstomp build so it won't be able to pubstomp anymore. They are much better off running around doing nothing since any experienced pvper outside of Sorc/Sage and Operative/Scoundrel can beat this build . Or you can learn to use your interrupts (interrupting 2 first tracer missiles cuts the damage they can do down to ~30%, gg) . Oh wait that would require something from you.


Troll lol.


What needs to be done to balance the PvP at this time is make slow and root grant a small amount of resolve and not be able to bypass it. Force lighting damage is laughable at best.

If they start the nerf wheel then well, bye bye SW:ToR PvP.


The "nerf wheel" already started. It started by nerfing an already broken class in an incorrect way -- a class that was so poorly designed around one ability. By all means, nerf the initial burst damage of Operative/Scoundrel but buff their sustained, out of stealth DPS. At the moment, they may as well be a paperweight for turrets. Occupy space, Scoundrels/Operatives. Occupy space until help can arrive!

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