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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Not really. I'm already bored of the same three warzones and there's no viable alternative to PVPing because Ilum is such a disaster.


I have more fun leveling and hunting datacrons than I do playing at endgame, and that throws up a lot of red flags for me.


My guildmates seem to be getting bored too. Everyone is talking about Guild Wars 2.

Edited by GeLopez
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You claim WoW's launch was horrible, but that's where you end it. How about backing up your comment with some evidence?


Twelve hour queue for Rift? Must have been a lot of people logged in, and for a long time. GREAT LAUNCH.


Massive class imbalances? Such as? Horrible pvp? Details?


Fact is Rift was a very smooth launch, as was WoW.


This game has a PTR and doesn't actually test anything. Broken bugs keep on being "fixed" every patch here, right?


I don't recall random load screens popping up during the first month of WoW, and that was 7 years ago!


wow bugs start vanilla

1 Endless fall loops ( somtime,s u would yest fall trough to ground and fall endlessly

2 Many servers were crashing for a long period of time over and over. Lag, loot lag,

( archimonde" was down for about 4 days out of the first 7. )

3 Any patching that had to be done took hours due to their idiotic bit torrent client * 1-12 kbps download speeds any one ?

4 Quest pointing in wrong direction ore yest compleatly wrong info

5 bugged escort quests ( a yea tryng it over and over 10-50 time,s 2 get it done ( falling trough the ground 1 hit kils and places it got stuck ...

6 Many servers had queues and many zones got overloaded ( like 50 peeps w8ting for 1 mob 2 spawn ( not a bug but instanced actually was a good thing @ start fro swtor )

every single quest location was uber camped.. even Hogger barely had the time to realise he had respawned.

7 corpses evading when you tried to skin them

8 drop into the ocean while riding Zeplin

9 Kicked out of game and unable to relog do to ( ship getting stuck in load zone )

10 invisible mobs that attacked ( and u could not kill them )

11 Battlegrounds weren't implimented

12 get stuck in the crouching position every once in a while

13 some quest items dident drop ( even after 100,s of kils )

14 items disapearing

15 somtime,s on server crashes ( toons dident get saved ) thus some peeps lost hours of progress



and many more hope this is the info u where looking for


problem is it a long time egow and many peeps that play wow where not there @ launch


also Blizaard them self said thay if thay dident have a large costumer base that believed in them wow would have failed a long time ago blizzard had a huge player base backing them up witch saved the game it self


wow flawless launce my ***

Edited by dragnaria
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I like it in its current state. Some of the things I've noticed beyond just normal gameplay that make me happy:


Few bugs, and the ones I've encountered are minor.


No crashes.


Very good customer service.


Things will only improve--and that's what's most important.


Don't like the game, then don't complain, just don't play. Simple enough solution.

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Kinda like someone who hates the game thinking everyone who likes it is kidding themselves.


I really pity you...


The only thing I hate about this game is that I had high expectations and flushed it all into the toilet. And according to what I see in game/guild/server/forums I aint the only one feeling that way.


So why dont You guys open Your eyes and stop telling BW that for your lvl 35 the game is wonderful, when for most of lvl 50s the game is broken. Cause the sooner or later you will get to 50 and you will want to do competitive pvp/pve and You will encounter these things ppl are talking about now. So have I...in the beginning big swtor lover, now disappointed disliker.

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Im sorry but when someone tells me that he didnt encounter one game breaking issue in this game with all the ability delays/not firing off issues, fps issues, engine is crap and unstable, Ilum overall, customer support on freezing point...I just cant take that guy seriously.


So yea, in current state its crappy game that needs another year of hard work and lets face it different dev team to be worth playing it.


Like I said, you have no idea what a game breaking bug is.


My FPS is pretty much between 80-100. I had a machine specifically built for SWTOR in October.


Ilum has been perfectly fine for me. I do not PvP so obviously do not have any issues with that part of the game.


The ability issue is not game breaking.


Freezing point? What are you talking about?


I listed the biggest bugs I have encountered. None of them are close to "game breaking". Maybe if I PvP'd I would have a totally different view but since I am talking about MY experience, it has been fun and enjoyable.

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Like I said, you have no idea what a game breaking bug is.


My FPS is pretty much between 80-100. I had a machine specifically built for SWTOR in October.


Ilum has been perfectly fine for me. I do not PvP so obviously do not have any issues with that part of the game.


The ability issue is not game breaking.


Freezing point? What are you talking about?


I listed the biggest bugs I have encountered. None of them are close to "game breaking". Maybe if I PvP'd I would have a totally different view but since I am talking about MY experience, it has been fun and enjoyable.


You are still talking about I, I, I. just because You are playing 20% of the game and not finding anything serious, doesnt mean that most of the players play 80-100% of the game and find tons of em. Take Your head out of the tunnel for one second. But there is really no point arguing with You if You say that Ilum is perfectly fine.

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Like I said, you have no idea what a game breaking bug is.


My FPS is pretty much between 80-100. I had a machine specifically built for SWTOR in October.


Ilum has been perfectly fine for me. I do not PvP so obviously do not have any issues with that part of the game.


The ability issue is not game breaking.


Freezing point? What are you talking about?


I listed the biggest bugs I have encountered. None of them are close to "game breaking". Maybe if I PvP'd I would have a totally different view but since I am talking about MY experience, it has been fun and enjoyable.


If if's not something you're willing to tolerate for an extended length of time, it's game breaking. Anything issue that drives a wedge between the player and the game is game breaking.

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Cause the sooner or later you will get to 50 and you will want to do competitive pvp/pve and You will encounter these things ppl are talking about now. .


I already got to 50 ...... made another character, and still enjoying the game.


I was a bigtime pvp'er (actually pvmp'r) on LOTRO .... This game has some PVP bugs, but every game has had pvp problems at start.


Nothing I would call (game breaking)


The shortsightedness and selective memory of the haters is incredible.

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The only thing I hate about this game is that I had high expectations and flushed it all into the toilet. And according to what I see in game/guild/server/forums I aint the only one feeling that way.


So why dont You guys open Your eyes and stop telling BW that for your lvl 35 the game is wonderful, when for most of lvl 50s the game is broken. Cause the sooner or later you will get to 50 and you will want to do competitive pvp/pve and You will encounter these things ppl are talking about now. So have I...in the beginning big swtor lover, now disappointed disliker.


Please let others have their own opinions.


This thread is here to illustrate how players feel, not to bully anyone to change their mind. If someone thinks the game is good regardless of all bugs and design oversights, then that is their business.


Thank you.

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One chr at lvl 37 and a few in the teens. Not even looked at Republic side yet. Enjoying it a great deal. Have played it solidly since early access and still enjoying it as much as I was.


There's work to do for sure, but I'm confident Bio will do what is required. Why am I confident they will, well, because when it comes down to it, it makes financial sense for them to do so. No one makes a game of this scope and thinks "meh, lets make a fast buck then fail". But, what many players fail to realise is that Bio will have their own agenda based on the big picture for what to fix/implement and when. They can never satisfy the whole player base at once so they have to make the call on what to do when and accept that some will go and the rest will stick with it.

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You keep using that word ..... I do not think it means what you think it means.



i don't know what the guy your are quoting thinks game breaking means, but it means:


a bug that crashes servers and stops players from loggin in, it a term mainly used to describe servers problems although there are other kind of game breakers, but none of the bugs so far have been game breaking, i.e. making it impossible to play the game


**edit** just thought. the llum bug was a game breaker, but it was fixed very quickly. might not be a perfect fix, but its no longer a game breaker

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