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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes to single player RPG story


No to MMO experience


For now I will play it until my subs runs out, (which is six months). Despite the initial hype this game has very little real innovation and I do not see my future here, so overall it is a NO.


Its a reluctant NO because I love Star Wars and BW games in general, and I cannot deny the hard work that went into creating TOR. Unfortunately I do not think that entropy and simple economics will allow them to make sufficient changes to make this game interesting for me in the long run.

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The game is fun with a lot of potential, but I'm no longer willing to pay for the game with this many bugs and this amount of downtime, I will be checking back in a few months, but continuing to pay for an unfinished product is out of the question for me.
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Yes I love it but, it would be better if they made all this:





Real PVP


I was thinking if you guys would make a real PVP server where you can attack anyone anywhere.

Other player can still play the other lame server you know PVE, PVP.

What I want is a real PVP server with total freedom, where you can attack your party member if you want.


You could make a command that says make target an enemy then you can attack the target.


Space combat PVP


I like the game so far, but you guys could do more.

Like your space battle mini games.

If we can control the spaceship fully, you could make Space combat PVP and Space combat mission with other players, and boss battle and so on, it will be a lot more fun.


PVP tournament


Ok I think you know what I want here.

A PVP tournament battle where there are 10, 20, or 30 people joining for a tournament and see who is victorious. There should be an entrée free, so the last 3 place wins some credits or something.


Shuttle racing PVP


Well you know like the star wars car racing thing in the movies with the young darth Vader.

Make it so we can buy racing car, and customize it.

There should also be an entrée free so players can win some money.


Pazaak PVP


Just make it PVP so we can battle other player and win their money or make a prize item we choose before we start playing pazaak.



If you guys made all this upgrade, I know millions of gamer would play and stay here.

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Leveling seems bland. With everything so spread out, zoned and segregated. It just kind of ruins the whole sense of exploration. Not to mention the fear of getting stuck on every rock. And the mapping tool sucks. Which forces you to explore the boxed worlds more than you really wanted to. Lots of the zones seem lifeless and boring too. There needs to be more interaction with the enviroment. More wandering peculiars to entertain and confuse.


I think SWTOR can and hopefully will be changed / fixed in the future. So I'm not saying goodbye to it just yet.

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Yes.... So far, but given I've been playing for less than 24hrs that is hardly surprising.


I'm a fan of the genre anyhow and this does seem to have captured a good deal of the feel of it. Music well used to add atmosphere. Great graphics.


Haven't tried PvP yet, but for me PvP is very much secondary to the PvE side of it. Not sure how I'll find all the cut scenes eventualy, as I'm an avid altoholic (Less than 24hr in and I have 2 toons at lvl 11 sat in the canteena of the second world whilst I work on My third. Will sort out a forth to the same point before I move any past there). But the first run through is very enjoyable.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to wow.


~No flaming/arguing. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.



No- it feels like a game from 5 years ago. the MMO/group play is severely lacking and while i applaud the attempt at story telling i see little to distinguish itself from Origins and the game feels too much single player

the voice acting drones on and unless in on my main class quest i find myself hitting the spacebar like a maniac for the side ones. its the same old grind as other MMOs (just more boring) and every planet i have been on follows exactly the same template. the zones are very linear theres no feel of exploring/discovering things


WoW may not be perfect but alot of its problems are from dumbing down content and the pure aholes in the community (u get that with any game after such a long time); it has alot of good features tha should have been adopted. AH (what is this 50 sell limit?) and dungeon/LFG finder should have been standard, also more open world easy to join group events and perhaps mod/macro support (hint if you cant be arsed to make a moveable UI let it be moddable the community will fix it).... it is 2012 isnt it?


i could go on about the frames (lack of), flakey targetting and disjoined combat but you all know. yes the game is new but its 3 years in the making. the UI should be alot more polished, hell your healing target isnt even highlighted in a party ...


im also finding it really difficult to feel attached to my character which i find strange in a MMO.


i had high hopes for this game but unless they fix things fast i predict only hardcore star wars fans playing in 6 months then a free to play micro transaction switch


TL;DR no the game already feels dated, it lacks too many basic features for a modern MMO and feels like a single player game

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Yes and no.


What I do is heal, and without macros or some kind of mouseover utility built right into the UI, healing is not fun for me.


However, that only really kicks in at end game; I'm enjoying the hell out of the story aspect of this game, so at the very least I'll stick around long enough to play through every class story.


Once the story is finished, though, there's nothing to distract me from the archaic UI, so the game stops being fun; if I finish every class story before macros are implemented, my account will be on hold until they are.

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So far, yes.


The leveling experience has been the most enjoyable I have played, mostly due to the presentation, and the launch has been relatively bug free for me.


It isn't perfect, but I'm not an idiot you expects perfection from an MMO right out of the gates. All the stuff is here for a great game and I really hope they get the chance to prove that.

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Overall, yes. They did quite a nice job on many aspects of the game itself. I appreciated the feel of basic, somewhat imbalanced PvP before it began its current path. Sure it sucked being completely destroyed by a stealth class without any chance of survival, but I got used to it from other games years ago. *edit: deleted some WoW references lol.


I enjoy the addtion of a rail-shooter like the space missions. That added MAJOR points for me. It made me yearn to play some retro games, simple yet fun. The storylines, while many seemingly added without much thought, were still enjoyable. Namely the class specific ones, big thumbs up for most. Some of the primary planet quests (the ones you can't remove... irritating) were enjoyable, but the others just felt like they were just copy/pasta-ing it from generic quests.


One thing, I just really don't like the way BW is handling their service. I mention this quite a lot, but ever since the first weeks 2 or maybe it was 3 days' "emergency maintenance" in a row, I knew this was going to be a problem. Content patches are being done the same way. It's difficult to understand why they decided this was the ideal solution, assuming their maintenance crew isn't just 1 or 2 people. A tried and true method that doesn't anger people more than normal is to do predictable patches during scheduled maintenance. Save the odd day patches for real emergency maintenance, such as character sprites not loading (which is an actual bug in PvP), servers constantly crashing, etc. Tonights maint, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it falls into that "real" emergency maint. Players not being able to log in at all, is definitely something noteworthy.

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