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A Spoiled Playerbase Spoiling a Great Game


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The truth is, most people in the country (and probably many who play this game) aren't amazing at making themselves well-understood, or expressing themselves in clear ways. Does that mean their viewpoint should be disregarded? Because that is what the OP claims and what you seem to be supporting.


Its a service. We pay for it. We can demand a quality product or choose not to pay for it. A large part of the community is telling Bioware that if their product doesn't pick up, they will stop paying for it. Their inability (or choice, who knows?) to express themselves in a way which does not meet with your standard has nothing to do with their perspective and viewpoint being recognized. Nor does their choice of expression have anything to do with the validity of their argument.


I doubt anyone doesn't have problems with the game's bugs, instability, or other hair-pulling frustrations. How dare you deign to criticize people for sharing their feelings in the way in which they are most comfortable? One of the great things faceless internet forums has brought us is the ability to share in immature, ridiculous, or any other kind of attention-grabbing way without having to suffer the same kind of social ridicule we would if we conducted the same behavior with our neighbors.


What's more one could even make the argument that it takes behavior exactly like this to even get anyone to pay attention to their viewpoints. I know from experience that well-thought out and presented arguments are not taken seriously very often. And if you want to be noticed in the bustling, confusing, and oft-changing internet community you have to make a splash/stink/to-do/hubbub etc. Maybe it's not the most dignified way to make an argument, but it is the best way to ensure your ideas are heard. If I want to convince one person I speak quietly with well-thought out arguments. If I have to reach an entire crowd I start yelling in clipped language that is straight to the point.


How this can be difficult to understand escapes me.



This is the worst point ever made.


This type of BEHAVOIR has nothing to do with SWTOR. This is a behavioral issue make no mistake. I'm sure you could mirror these posts with any other game in any other forum. This is unfortunately the growing narcissistic movement in the world right now. I will steam roll whoever is in my way to get what I want. <------


Which is sadly why the United States has seen it's golden era past and is now on the decline.

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I'm really enjoying the game, and thrilled to see that they are constantly fixing bugs and adding new content. That is awesome.


I do think they game should have been released in better condition, but it's tolerable.


Don't judge anything about a game off the forums. If forums were correct, that game who nobody wants to have mentioned would have been dead years ago. Everything is nerf this class, buff my class. I want this or that.

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I endorse this thread. Internet forums are wretched hives of whine and ignorance. For the thousand or so people on here complaining there are tens of thousands out there enjoying the game.


I just feel bad for new players who come here looking for advice and get a psychotic pity party instead.


This game had one of the smoothest launches I've ever seen.


Also had more features at launch than practically any game I've seen, and I've seen every game in this genre launch.


The people saying they expect more are being unreasonable. They got more, and they just don't realize it since their first experience in the genre was BC WoW.

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Why is this in the CLASS FORUM?


As to your points:


1) Not sure what roads you travel, but most of the "roads" are free to travel on a speeder w/o combating mobs.


2) It adds a little bit of challenge where you have to pay attention and/or time what you are doing. Far from broken.


3) I turn music off, so I don't know whether you have a valid question.


4) Healer leveling in general should be looked at.


4)a Its a new game and the grass is always greener. It totally makes sense to limit the swapping ability until the game matures more.


5) Me too, but its not terrible and SSD is getting significantly cheaper if it really bothers you.


6) I don't remember an issue here.


7) Mines way less and runs in the 90FPS range with shadows on low. They have done a lot of work here and are continuing to do so. Obviously there are still hardware/driver combos that are having issues. Bummer if you are one of them.


8) Wouldn't that make it less secure which is opposite of the point of the authenticator. I use my cell phone. I just leave it near my computer in case I need it again.


9) You didn't really say why this was an issue.


In all, I hope future patches address a lot of other things than those you have listed except for #7.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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frothing rabble.


Do you hear yourself? Those people, in reality, are your peers.


Oh don't get me wrong, we understand that they're idiots


The disenfranchised are, by definition, lacking something. Whether that be maturity, experience, money, emotional control, etc. It's hardly appropriate to cast a critical eye over them. If you truly believe that they need something which they are lacking then take it upon yourself to attempt to educate them in a respectful, patient way. Be glad that your faculties serve you so well.


You don't need to kick and scream to get your point across. You just need to say the right things.


While this is sometimes true, what I am most amazed by is this: that a staggering number of people who are apparently offended by posts they would describe as whiny, ridiculous, pointless, or the pathetic mewlings of the "frothing rabble" whom apparently everyone knows are "idiots," STILL read those posts. Its like going to a rave and being offended when someone offers you alcohol, or going to the doctor and being offended when he asks you to remove your shirt. You knew what to expect when you went there. And if you didn't, then learn from your mistake and avoid these things that offend you. These posts usually have titles which are dead giveaways like "SLICNG CHANGE IS STOOPID, FIX OR QUIT" or maybe "OPRETAVIE ARE OP." Those folks who don't deal with disappointment and frustration as well as you all apparently do, these posts are cathartic and help them feel a little relieved. Just like you they love the game and want it to work well.


This is unfortunately the growing narcissistic movement in the world right now.


Adopting a superior attitude to cast a blanket of negative connotation does not make you interesting, and what you posted has little relevance to the discussion. WY U SO BAD?? ZOMG.

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I just...I don't even....Holy %&@! I do believe I've been trolled in the most elequent manner I've ever seen. Bravo sir, truly. Unless...No, there's no way you're actually making a moral stand for the way spoiled children act out when they don't get their way as if were some noble cause to defend.
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I think you guys are funny. The OP has a lot of great points. The following posts also make great points, but they all don't contain one thing.


If people are upset this much by a product, then they should stop using it.


Plain and simple. Also, get over yourselves.

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I wanted to give my own opinion over the recent forum outbursts of rage-quits, fps complaints, and dirty patches, but first I'll give a little information about myself.


I have come to SWTOR with a large experience with other MMOs including WoW (7 years), Everquest 2(4 years), and SWG (9 years [since beta]) - I have seen patches, bugs, fps problems, class exploits, quest bugs, & many other threads like those seen here on these forums about such topics.


Now - My Case:


I have thoroughly enjoyed SWTOR since releases and hope to continue to enjoy it for many years to come, but I have come to worry that a percentage of spoiled players are going to spoil this game as well as WoW and SWG had spoiled in the later years. Before I continue I'd like to give the definition of the type of spoiled I'm talking about:


"A spoiled child (also called a spoiled brat) is a child that exhibits behavioral problems from overindulgence by his or her parents. Spoiled children may be described as overindulged, grandiose, narcissistic or egocentric-regressed."


My friends, SWTOR has been out for only two months and has successfully pulled off one of the smoothest launches in all of MMO history - as well as creating thrilling stories as well as a overall good game. I do believe that there are problems in SWTOR and there are many things, I, myself are not happy about- Believe me.


FPS, Loading, Memory Leaks, and general problems being some of many things I find unworthy of the great game that SWTOR can be. Am I going to throw a temper-tantrum and cry to mommy about these issues? No. Am I going to flame the forums and threaten to cancel my subscription? No.


What some spoiled players seem to forget is that every MMO in history has started in this same way.


All of these complaints can not be addressed at once - they have to be systematically solved just like patients are prone to triage in a hospital. People - Bioware is a buisness, with deadlines, managers, and corporate heads; just like how Governments are full of different bodies of power. Bills take time to pass as well as patches take time to be made!


Frankly I'd rather them worry about getting guildships, banks, and a custom UI before dealing with these time consuming things like memory leaks which would mean large amounts of programming and overhaul.


Do I think this game was released 6 months too early? Yes - am I glad its out? Hell Yes.


WoW's peak didn't come until 3-4 years after launch. The first 2 years were filled with server downtime and crashes along with horrid glitches. What do you expect? These games are made at scales 10x larger than that of Halo or Hello Kitty Island Adventures and there for take 10x times longer to build everything.


Frankly EA and Bioware spent way too much money on SWTOR to ignore the things that need to be dealt with, but you as consumers, threatening, screaming & yelling, and flaming like a spoiled 6 year old in JC Penny does not make this situation any better. If you think you can make a better game in less time, do it.


Calm down, take a Xanax, and try not to ruin it for the rest of us. I'm not asking you to stop wanting, it'd just be nice if ya'll can calm down and let Bioware do its job. Seriously - its only been two months.


As for me, I'll be playing just as I have since launch - waiting and watching this game get better.


Here's the list of things I'd like to see in SWTOR patches in the future -

1. Safe Travel Roads - I miss being able to travel freely without being attacked every ten seconds from any direction. It slows gameplay down and feels unnatural to star wars.


When luke traveled to Ben the hermits place in IV I didn't see him stop every 10 seconds to fight monsters and get yanked off his speeder.


2. PATS - I believe that patrolling elites are broken, especailly with the fact that all mobs can't be pulled apart one at a time, you have to fight all or none - and as a healer from my experience 99% of the times that a PAT comes in my direction if I don't CC I'm dead.


3. Music - Where is it? I've youtubed the soundtrack to SWTOR most songs are only 1:00 minute to 2:00 minutes long, where are the SWTOR ballads I've come to love?


4. Sorc Heal Leveling - it's quite hard; I did it just for the fact that I love healing and doing it in Heroics and Flashpoints, Respecs are too expensive to swap over and over.


4a. Respecs - make them cheaper or add duel specs. Actually just add duel specs.


5. I'd like less loading screens


6. Voss needs a wider pallet of mobs; do they know that they have a Nexu infestation? its worse than the show infested on Discovery. (Personally I think the guy in charge of placing mobs on Voss just kinda went crazy) - please look into it.


7. I'd like to feel like my 1,200$ computer is worth something - less FPS bugs please? and while you are at it stop clogging my computer with leaks.


8. I'd also like IP recognition for activators - If I accidentally close my game and want to sign back on real fast, please don't make me go get my tablet every time.


9. I personally thing that segregating 50s PvP wasn't the best idea, I as a healer on the Sith side loved playing mixed PvP, now that I only match up with 15-20s I've stopped PvPing until 50

its my money so i have a right to complain about anything i feel like we all do.
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confirmed my initial thoughts. And on top of that using way overplayed tween lingo, congratulations.


y u so bad at english


edit: it won't let me do all caps D:

Edited by Sayc
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I just...I don't even....Holy %&@! I do believe I've been trolled in the most elequent manner I've ever seen. Bravo sir, truly. Unless...No, there's no way you're actually making a moral stand for the way spoiled children act out when they don't get their way as if were some noble cause to defend.


Yes, he is playing 'Champion of the Brats'. Kudo's to him, and his hypocritical judgement of those making...observations.

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We're dealing with people who, by definition, voted in our current politicians, and who would sacrifice liberty for security. They're spoiled sheep that by no fault of their own have no idea what the world is like. Pity them, educate them, help them (if you want), but don't sit there and defend their behavior and movements of thought as worthy of admiration and respect. *shakes head*


As for the spoiled kids, well, look at the parents...


EDIT: Why IS this in the Classes forum?

Edited by Daekarus
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4. Sorc Heal Leveling - it's quite hard; I did it just for the fact that I love healing and doing it in Heroics and Flashpoints, Respecs are too expensive to swap over and over.




The only thing in your entire post I disagreed with is this:


Are you kidding ? As a sorc healer leveling I:


  • Soloed 2 and 4+ Heroics
    Got flashpoint groups instantly
    Died maybe 5 times solo 1-5 (not counting group related content)
    Had low repair bills
    Khem Val/Ashara are both amazing with leveling

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  • 3 months later...
Every MMO forum I have ever been to, including WoW has the same complaining and threats of quitting. Nothing new. It will happen with the next MMO and the next and the one after that. There are people in this world that just refuse to be happy or pleased no matter what, and just have to, no must have something to gripe about in life or they are unhappy. Don't beleive me go to any MMO forum and you will find the same argument just over a different game. All of you stating it is your money...You're right, so with that said go spend it somewhere else if you're unhappy. Let the flames begin.
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I wish half the crying babies in this threat would just quit already and stop with all the sandy vag posts. The game is what it is, they (hopefully) wont bend to the will of the casual scrubs who think the problems all fall within the realm of the game, and has nothing to do with the fact they are terrible.


95% of the people posting here are baddy scrubs, which is clearly obvious when you read some of the crap being posted. All i hear is a bunch of little kids crying because they don't have there way, or what the preconception of what they think is right or wrong with the game.


The game has been out a very short amount of time, and obviously has some issues. If your the type of person who isn't a crying baby, you will stick it out and ride the wave until they fix the problems, and the game runs smooth. If your not the type of person who can deal with the back and forth tuning of the game, then stop paying the 15 a month and go play Hello kitty land, obviously being more your speed.


IMO the game has issues, but nothing game breaking. I still have fun logging in, farming scrubs like you in PVP, and dominating scrubs like you in PVE. Either do something about it, and leave - or deal with it. No one cares about your feelings - about how your going to nerd-rage quit if they don't make the changes you want.


what amazes me is people don't hear how stupid they sound posting some of this crap. I bet the devs get a good laugh at some of your expenses - its amazing how many mouth-breathers gather in one post.



Bottom line is QQ somewhere else. No one cares that your butt-hurt and going to quit. Quit already scrubs, stop threatening to do it, and follow through so the rest of us who are ok with how things are, or at least will give it time can enjoy ourselves like we have been every day we log in.

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Before I ever purchase a game, I go to the community forum and read through the posts. If an overwhelming majority of them are negative, I pass on the game.


Before I purchased this game, the forums had mostly good things to say (besides the normal, nerf this, nerf that) so I decided to go ahead and try it. After reading the current forums, there is no way I would ever try this game because it is obvious that the majority of people who tried the game don't like it for one reason or another. The current subscription numbers only confirm that.


I cancelled after 1.2 because I didn't like the changes they made to the game. It was fun before 1.2 but after, it was a frustrating grind unless I rerolled one of the "favored" classes. Unlike when WOW was released, there are currently many options for mmos so why limit yourself to one that isn't fun?


My participation in this forum is simply to let others know my experiences with the game. I have time left on my subscription so I am perfectlly justified in doing so. What's really a shame is all you people who pretend the game is better than it really is in order to shorten your que time or increase your chances of finding a group. That, my friends, is truly pathetic!

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What is truly funny is that most of the people are playing and enjoying the game and don't even bother with the forums. Some will check on class, some will check on suggestions, some come to community, but most wisely avoid the general and abundant QQ, flame, rage quit.


If you go by the few posters to judge a game, you will sorely miss the majority that are just playing and having fun.

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A game is judged by its competition, and SWTOR's competition is WoW. Guess what? You need to up your game if you want to survive.
Yeah, BioWare needs to up their game to one tier of relevant raid content every sixth months, one tier of relevant dungeon content every year, absolutely nothing else worthwhile to do.
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