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Having a hard time deciding Mercenary or Powertech


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Need major help. I would assume Mercenary = damage gods, best pvp class. But tracer missle spam sounds boring. Any help would be awesome. Basically want to go the advanced class spec that would output better in pvp and 1v1 scenarios, and right now it looks like powertech would be better in that regard with all the cc and interupts. Any body have any advice? Its driving me nuts right now trying to decide what to play... mercenary seems more my style (I always play ranged/archer type classes in MMO's) but that tracer missle spam horror I keep reading about is detering me away from that.
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Few things here:


1. You don't need to go arsenal. In fact I'd suggest against it, as pyro is the better PvP spec for mercs. It's more difficult to play and manage your heat effectively (and requires gear before the burst gets good unfortunately), but it yields better results.


2. That being said, PT pyro is superior. It's damage output is crazy, especially if you happen to know a healer to queue with. You're squishy as PT pyro though, so be wary, and you'll be fighting inside of 10m a lot in order to generate procs. You can still fight at 30m quite a lot but you're not as effective.


3. Yes, tracer spam sucks. Pyro is slower leveling but completely viable (I did it myself).

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Few things here:


1. You don't need to go arsenal. In fact I'd suggest against it, as pyro is the better PvP spec for mercs. It's more difficult to play and manage your heat effectively (and requires gear before the burst gets good unfortunately), but it yields better results.


2. That being said, PT pyro is superior. It's damage output is crazy, especially if you happen to know a healer to queue with. You're squishy as PT pyro though, so be wary, and you'll be fighting inside of 10m a lot in order to generate procs. You can still fight at 30m quite a lot but you're not as effective.


3. Yes, tracer spam sucks. Pyro is slower leveling but completely viable (I did it myself).


Excellent answer.

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Few things here:


1. You don't need to go arsenal. In fact I'd suggest against it, as pyro is the better PvP spec for mercs. It's more difficult to play and manage your heat effectively (and requires gear before the burst gets good unfortunately), but it yields better results.


2. That being said, PT pyro is superior. It's damage output is crazy, especially if you happen to know a healer to queue with. You're squishy as PT pyro though, so be wary, and you'll be fighting inside of 10m a lot in order to generate procs. You can still fight at 30m quite a lot but you're not as effective.


Im leveling a pyro PT atm to pvp with and to fill dps spots for guild raids since we are short on deeps for some reason. So far Im loving this spec in pvp.


Im a little worried that the damage output wont be on par with other squishier dps classes in pve though.

Edited by Pilige
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I have both a Pyro specced PT and a Arsenal specced Merc, with either I can top the DMG and kills in WZ's. That said, I usually do higher DMG output with my Pyro PT. The burst output of Pyro spec is crazy, everyone screams when I launch a few Tracer Missiles with my Merc, they don't realize that my Pyro does way more burst dmg. The difference is in the ability animation. But you have to be real careful of your heat management.


In PVE, you have to be real careful about pulling aggro, you have to weave in a lot of rapid shots (which helps heat management). If you pull your normal burst rotation, you will pull all aggro.


Basically it boils down to playstyle, I have a lot of fun playing both. Just right now the FOTM is QQ over tracer missile (which btw is exactly the same as the Trooper Commando's Grav Round, which you don't hear about. Again, it's the animation.

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I rolled a Powertech first, because I was into that type of playstyle, wanted to be med-close range threat, but eventually I got too sick of using fire-themed spells all the time, as the entire class turned out to be about fire. Ultimately it proved more important to me than that nice close range gameplay, so I rerolled Mercenary and so far I'm very happy with it. Also, as a side utility option, I enjoy heals more than taking/protecting, so Merc again was a better pick for me.


Didn't get the Tracer Missile yet, but the choice of class is a long term one, so I wouldn't discard it even if at the moment 1 talent tree (of 3) revolves a tad too much around Tracer Missile. There will be a ton of patches and changes in the future like in any MMO, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


But things like the full "fire" theme of the PT and the melee/1v1 squichyness of the Merc are there to stay, so choose wisely :)

Edited by Decembrist
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I'm currently lvling as merc pyro through pvp while questing as I must say I'm loving it,


Was doing well , now I'm 42 got the lvl 40 pvp armour and the 42 weapons also unlocked thermal D and must say what a massive difference,


I couldn't reall 1 v 1 before but now after learning to play pyro a bit more I charge into 1 v 1s without no fear and almost every signle time I win

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Here are some PT Pyro movies... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=238962


I am a merc pyro in pvp and I leveled as merc arsenal. Been 50 about a week now and am undergeared. I can still do a lot of dmg and help the team out with stuns/knockbacks and heals. I would like to see a fully geared merc pryo vid but I'm yet to find one. I cannot get anywhere near the damage of that video, but the guy has 2 pocket healers and is geared correctly (I went surge/crit and should of gone power).

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