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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give me a real interrupt. Now. I'm dead serious.


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4s lockout on a single ability with a 12s cooldown... why am I playing a melee class again?


Mercs/Comms stand in one place and turret Tracer Missile/Grav Round knowing that I can't stop them and their heavy armor will let them kill me before I kill them, especially since the started the fight from range.


Sages/Sorcs stand in one place and turret heals knowing that I can't stop them, especially since they have so many ways to heal through my damage.


Oh, and they are being guarded by some nearby DPS who is in tank stance, so it's not like I can kill them. When you have 3 DPS attacking a guarded healer and they won't die because I have the only interrupt there is a serious issue.


I rolled a melee class to be able to give ranged classes a hard time when I am in melee range -- especially since the have the advantage for the other 26 meters of the fight. It's no wonder the warzones are just chock-full of Sorcs, Sages, Mercs, and Commandos.



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Mercs/Comms stand in one place and turret Tracer Missile/Grav Round knowing that I can't stop them and their heavy armor will let them kill me before I kill them


The interrupt doesn't seem to be the big problem here...

Step up the damage

If you can't kill them when they're locked out for 4 seconds from their main nuke, then there's no saving you :p

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Two classes can have 6 sec CD interrupts.


Mix that with knockbacks/pulls, saps and stuns and you can make a caster have a horrible day.


Precisely, coming from guild wars for example i had troubles at start figuring why why why 4 seconds only, then i realized i could press more buttons.


Not to mention, as a Sin i also have force cloak.

Anyway, if positioned well we have all the tools we need to completely mute a caster and even most of a tech user's arsenal for quite some time.

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