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Marauders are weak... And now boring...


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Ive rolled up a marauder because as a 43 operative I own everyone, I mean everyone.


Except a very well played marauder - level 25 - he was just damn hard to kill.


Played extremely well a marauder can beat any class.


I hate posts like these, because they don't identify the problem with the current gameplay. It's not that marauders can't beat someone, it's that they don't perform well within the context of the game. In warzones, how frequently do you engage someone 1 v 1?


The job of the marauders in a pvp context should be to dish out dmg to the healers, without pushing too far that they lose LOS from healers. When you balance classes between what happens if I engage a class 1 on 1, marauders look pretty good. When you look at the overall impact that marauders have on warzones or zerg fights.. their usually isn't one.

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I hate posts like these, because they don't identify the problem with the current gameplay. It's not that marauders can't beat someone, it's that they don't perform well within the context of the game. In warzones, how frequently do you engage someone 1 v 1?


The job of the marauders in a pvp context should be to dish out dmg to the healers, without pushing too far that they lose LOS from healers. When you balance classes between what happens if I engage a class 1 on 1, marauders look pretty good. When you look at the overall impact that marauders have on warzones or zerg fights.. their usually isn't one.



I am level 11, just finished a warzone with 5 medals and 110,000 damage (3rd).


Marauders are freakin fun in hutball with the leap and imbolization.


Oh yeah and that was on a lost of 6 to 0

Edited by caultonpos
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If you played any other class at all, at least at lvl 50, it's MUCH easier to get medals than Marauder. Healers heal for medals when they idle next to turret while getting defender medals. Sorcs and Jugs get guard medals. The 5k in single heal medal will be history next patch (for marauders I mean).


You generally hit 10 medals? what server you guys on seriously?? games end in less than 7-8 mins in every WZ I play with almost nobody reaching even 25 kills


overhealing doesnt count btw


and yes, in a full length game, i generally get 9-10 medals


in a 7-8 game of course i dont


most voidstars i play are close, neither team reaching core, or 1/both reaching it with very little time left


most civil wars are 2 to 1 caps, and generally alternate whos got the 2 a couple times


most huttballs happen 1 of 2 ways, theres a 5min 6 cap, or the winning team draws it out so they can farm medals and avoid a slow 6 cap (no win credit in a fast game is acceptable i guess, but not in a slow game)


so i often see games go a full 15 minutes, maybe about 60-65% of the games i play, and in most of those games get 9-10 medals



can other classes get more than me? sure, absolutely, mainly tanks/dps do, i didnt say i get the most medals, i just said its easy to get 9-10 in a full game, sometimes 11, and thats generally enough to get top 3 in medals earned


dont forget, if other classes want to get healing medals or tanking medals, there are probably some they wont be getting that i will be, solo kill, 300k damage, big single hit


its not like you see tanks getting all the medals i listed plus the 2k/10k defense in 1 life, 5k defense .. etc, you dont (or at least i never have) see people getting 14-15 medals

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I will admit, Marauder is one of the most player skill based classes, if not the most.


If I see marauder I think either easy kill, or hell of a fight.


I have seen a level 16 marauder burn down level 40s fairly fast and easily, but I have also burned down level 40 marauders with toons in my 20s. Lately I have seen more good players start popping up.


That's the problem. You're fooled by the stat boost WZ gives you sub 50.

Level ANY class to 10, enter a WZ and I guarantee you'll be in top 3 dmg. The boost doesn't scale well with level. The closer you get to 49 the less boost you receive, hence level 15 marauders beating level 40 marauders.

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I am level 11, just finished a warzone with 5 medals and 110,000 damage (3rd).


Marauders are freakin fun in hutball with the leap and imbolization.


Oh yeah and that was on a lost of 6 to 0


Yeah, I had most medals and highest dmg with my level 10 merc, same with m lvl 12 Op the I first time entered WZs with them. But the stat boost doesn't reflect the truth at all. Have fun grinding all the way to 50 and getting tossed around in Hutball like a greased Hutt in level 50 bracket.

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As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.






if we got a few little buffs it would make us right I think.

a cc that can manage a single target (besides a droid) perhaps extend the range and drop the rage cost of saber throw. and a small damage buff would solve most of our issues.


We are simply underpowered. I have played a marauder since beta, and I love em but they really do need some tweaking.

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