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Marauders are weak... And now boring...


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What amazes me is that there are so many people who are complaining that this class is awful, while other people are clearly doing amazing with it. Since these same people are probably incapable of putting 2 and 2 together, let me spell it out for you: If you suck at a class and someone else is exceeding all expectations with the same class, the class is not bad, YOU ARE.


i agree with all you points, but im gonna highlight this one


ive said it before and ill say it again ... it is absolutely, 100%, utterly impossible to play a class beyond the inherent limitations of said class


if someone people are performing very well with the class, and other people are performing very bad then there are 2 possibilities to consider ... either some people are lying, or some people suck


it really is that simple


now, ill be the first to admit that there are quite a few people here that, while i wouldnt say "lying", are exaggerating the truth


"i get 500k-600k damage easy in warzones" ... no, you dont ... sure, maybe youve hit that much before, maybe even quite a few times, but it requires a very specific set of circumstances and is certainly not easy to achieve


ive even seen a claim of getting 700k "easy"


a champ geared, well played marauder, of any spec, in an average game, on an average team, should be getting 250-300k "easy" and up to 350-400k if you have a great game


anything more than that requires well coordinated/geared premades, or going against scrubs, and not winning fast so you can fluff your damage, no other way your gonna get near 600k damage



basically baddies are bad, but good players need to quit exaggerating as its not helping the situation, the truth is more believable than trying to convince people you hit 600k all the time

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People that cry nerf without any valid argument are people that get rolled in PvP and never try to examine other classes by playing them through.




thats probably most of the reason im an altaholic ... the best way to beat a given class is to understand it, the best(only) way to understand it is to play it


people cry nerf/buff without understanding what those nerfs/buffs would do to that class and its interaction with other classes


sadly, however, i havent really had the time to get my alts to cap yet, but im starting to get some levels in and ill soon have an Op, Jugg, and Merc to go along with my Mara

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Just because you're garbage doesn't mean everyone is. I've said that before and I imagine I'll be saying it again


i do quite well with my marauder, i think they are fine, i win almost every 1v1 i find, im always top 2-3 in damage/kills, i have very high survivability and utility, i get my 300k damage metal in probably 80+% of full length games ...


but to say hitting 500-600k damage is "easy" is just ludicrous, only way thats gonna happen is a geared premade v a bad pug and you farm them for 15 minutes ... you know thats true whether you will admit it or not


geared premade v geared premade, or pug v pug, youll be getting 350-400k tops, and thats if you have a really solid game



there is a difference between being in the "marauders suck" camp and callin out the BS of some people



to sum up ...

QQers need to L2P, marauders are fine, but some people exaggerate

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Just because you're garbage doesn't mean everyone is. I've said that before and I imagine I'll be saying it again


I dont think calling someone garbage for agreeing with you is in good form.



its obvious some of the "Yea i break 500k easy in every wz" is exaggerating. Not that its impossible but that its rare.


I dont see why people are arguing about having marauders looked at better to tweak the class. I dont think anyone is asking for a super buff that makes them flavor of the month Operatives or something. Why is it discussing flaws always brings out the argumentative trolls in everyone? >.< I also find it hard to believe half the people arguing even play the class...

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i do quite well with my marauder, i think they are fine, i win almost every 1v1 i find, im always top 2-3 in damage/kills, i have very high survivability and utility, i get my 300k damage metal in probably 80+% of full length games ...


but to say hitting 500-600k damage is "easy" is just ludicrous, only way thats gonna happen is a geared premade v a bad pug and you farm them for 15 minutes ... you know thats true whether you will admit it or not


geared premade v geared premade, or pug v pug, youll be getting 350-400k tops, and thats if you have a really solid game



there is a difference between being in the "marauders suck" camp and callin out the BS of some people



to sum up ...

QQers need to L2P, marauders are fine, but some people exaggerate


Fair enough, I've personally never hit 500k so not in that camp :) It's just kind of pathetic that peoples first response when they can't play a class is to say it sucks. Old and repetitive

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I dont think calling someone garbage for agreeing with you is in good form.



its obvious some of the "Yea i break 500k easy in every wz" is exaggerating. Not that its impossible but that its rare.


I dont see why people are arguing about having marauders looked at better to tweak the class. I dont think anyone is asking for a super buff that makes them flavor of the month Operatives or something. Why is it discussing flaws always brings out the argumentative trolls in everyone? >.< I also find it hard to believe half the people arguing even play the class...



It only becomes an issue when the complaints are just flat out wrong. For example, people who don't even know about Marauder defensive CD's let alone how to use them properly saying that Marauder's are too squishy do nothing but cause mass misinformation. This is why I post on these pointless arguments, to attempt to stop the virus of misinformation brought on by fools.


A debate to determine a classes issues is all fine but these people are not debating, they are screaming at each other, screaming at bioware and screaming, and their class for all the wrong reasons.

Edited by Ultratron
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If it is ever 1v1, beating a good marauder is fcking difficult, we have camouflage, we have choke, and a stun. What more do you need?


1 v 1. There is no 1 v 1 in PvP. Real situation are 3 v 3 or 5 v 5.... or others.


Choke..... this is the WORST pvp stun in the GAME.


Choke = Force Joke: You do realize YOU are CC'ed while your using it right? So the other players around you will OWN YOU since your are already focus'ed on and now you are standing still casting force joke while the other players Maul you.


Camouflage? Only time I use that is for a Oh S$%t button to run away.


Stun? What stun? Force leap isn't really a stun. Our AoE Stun breaks on DMG.


Ravage if your specced into as a stun it rarely ever works. It also CC;s you while you use it.


Besides not having a Stun.. your dps will eventually increase to the point you don't care. But if you take away the marauders DPS.... they are worthless.


There are already other posts crying that Marauders need to nerfed. Sad.


And yes alot of Marauder get 300k+ DMG easy. Why? Their main attacks are AoE!! Rage spec is the #1 damage dealer atm for Marauders in PvP.

Edited by Blaaine
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It only becomes an issue when the complaints are just flat out wrong. For example, people who don't even know about Marauder defensive CD's let alone how to use them properly saying that Marauder's are too squishy do nothing but cause mass misinformation. This is why I post on these pointless arguments, to attempt to stop the virus of misinformation brought on by fools.


A debate to determine a classes issues is all fine but these people are not debating, they are screaming at each other, screaming at bioware and screaming, and their class for all the wrong reasons.


Its definitely bloated on both sides.


Although throughout the leveling process as a melee class we are definitely squishy. I mean if were FORCED to use Long CD's every pull whats the point of having a CD on them? The complaint i think is these people are in the process of learning the class while leveling, assuming that they should automatically have mastered the class is illogical. That said when they die to a strong mob pack or a 2 pull and die constantly, even when popping cooldowns, theres an issue somewhere. Wether it be with the player or the class, its bad design to have people frustrated to this level where QQ posts are rampant.


Shut up or Reroll is ignorant.


I leveled to 50 on my own i used quinn as annihilation from the moment i got him till i got up to around 43 or 44, where i just leveled with my friends to 50, i missed alot of the grind that is involved getting to 50, so i dont know where the complaints stem from personally.


Then i stepped into warzones, i replaced my monitor and had to fix a few holes in my wall but i managed to gear myself out so i could start pve'ing. Wont be touching PVP for a while.

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Fair enough, I've personally never hit 500k so not in that camp :) It's just kind of pathetic that peoples first response when they can't play a class is to say it sucks. Old and repetitive


i agree completely, ive never hit 500k either, but i think this class is just fine



lol@flagging and then removing my post with the word GARBAGE. Seriously, nothing but whiny little girls on these forums. Man up chitlins, jesus loves you


wasnt me, i dont care in the lest what people say (to me) on an internet forum


*see 3rd quote in sig* :D

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Then i stepped into warzones, i replaced my monitor and had to fix a few holes in my wall but i managed to gear myself out so i could start pve'ing. Wont be touching PVP for a while.


Now thats a normal player lvl'ing a Marauder... so frustrating at first. My poor keyboard... RIP.:cool:


I had to take a long break from PvP as well at first.


Marauders are FINE how they are. They are hard to play, but when played right or mastered they will FACEROLL. and thats where the QQ is coming from. OMG a Marauder Actually killed my poor OP'ed SI.


Instead of QQ'ing about a Marauder... go out an play one. Your QQ will stop.

Edited by Blaaine
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It only becomes an issue when the complaints are just flat out wrong. For example, people who don't even know about Marauder defensive CD's let alone how to use them properly saying that Marauder's are too squishy do nothing but cause mass misinformation. This is why I post on these pointless arguments, to attempt to stop the virus of misinformation brought on by fools.


i seriously wish i had fraps running last game


im half hp running to a heal thingy in huttball, right as i get to it 2 sorcs jump me (both in champ gear, 1 has a couple BM pieces, as do I)


long story short ... through the proper use of defenseive CDs i kill them both by myself, no help in any form, if thats not survivabilty (against one of the "OP" classes) then i dont know what is

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i seriously wish i had fraps running last game


im half hp running to a heal thingy in huttball, right as i get to it 2 sorcs jump me (both in champ gear, 1 has a couple BM pieces, as do I)


long story short ... through the proper use of defenseive CDs i kill them both by myself, no help in any form, if thats not survivabilty (against one of the "OP" classes) then i dont know what is


Those had to of been the worst SI's in history. Must be the crowd who forgot they had a heal button... or a stun.. or a shield... or knockback with roots.... were they afk? or did they try to melee you while u ROFL Stomped them to death with AoE for them being dumb and getting close to you.


I have to hack at a SI for a LONG time before I can widdle him down if hes a good player and geared. Thats with me also being fully geared.

Edited by Blaaine
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i seriously wish i had fraps running last game


im half hp running to a heal thingy in huttball, right as i get to it 2 sorcs jump me (both in champ gear, 1 has a couple BM pieces, as do I)


long story short ... through the proper use of defenseive CDs i kill them both by myself, no help in any form, if thats not survivabilty (against one of the "OP" classes) then i dont know what is





I wish you had fraps too. So i can actually believe you.

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Those had to of been the worst SI's in history. Must be the crowd who forgot they had a heal button... or a stun.. or a shield... or knockback with roots.... were they afk? or did they try to melee you while u ROFL Stomped them to death with AoE for them being dumb and getting close to you.


I have to hack at a SI for a LONG time before I can widdle him down if hes a good player and geared. Thats with me also being fully geared.


more specificity is needed when saying SI, its too broad a term ... assassins are SIs, they take a while longer to kill, especially tankassins, healer sorcs ... yea, crazy hard to kill, dps sorcs (pretty sure they were both lightning spec) drop like flies if they dont CC you, they are one of the quickest kills for me if i can stay on them





I wish you had fraps too. So i can actually believe you.




that being said ... clearly if 2 sorcerers cant kill me they are doing something wrong


however you are kinda missing the point, i had 2 Champ+ geared sorcerers wailing on me and they couldnt kill me in the time it took for me to kill both them (no, they werent using melee abilities) im annihilation spec, so it wasnt like i got a couple 5-6k smashes on them, plus i had no offensive consumables going, i always forget to use those : /



it was not a description of "marauders are awesome" or "im a great pvper" it was mearly "we have good survivability if you use it right", what other class could withstand ~30 seconds of 2 champ geared sorcs unloading on them? ... no dps that i can think of

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i seriously wish i had fraps running last game


im half hp running to a heal thingy in huttball, right as i get to it 2 sorcs jump me (both in champ gear, 1 has a couple BM pieces, as do I)


long story short ... through the proper use of defenseive CDs i kill them both by myself, no help in any form, if thats not survivabilty (against one of the "OP" classes) then i dont know what is


Playing a marauder is starting to remind me of playing a Spy in Team Fotress 2 (or TFC for that matter).


I don't get nearly as many kills as when I go soldier or sniper. And sometimes that seems lame, and makes me switch to sniper or soldier.


But... When you get that perfect moment, where you uncloak behind enemy lines and get 5 back stabs in a row and manage to escape and cloak again... Its the best feeling ever.


I've had a couple moments in huttball like you describe above, and they're exhilarating. :D



I would recommend that if you play Marauder, you don't pvp much until you reach level 40. Its extremely frustrating and depressing. Things start getting better around then. :)


I'm just about to hit 50 though, and I'm worried what the new bracket will be like...

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My marauder is only level 23, but I love the class. 75k Medals at a low level is not bad at all. Try force jumping 2 floors up and ANNIHILATE [ing] the ball carrier. Mara's are sick because of our constant pressure that we apply to anything or one. Get your bleeds up and wreck face. If you think the class is boring you must be using ravage too much...


Run, Jump, Bleed(heal), Kill.

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Depends on the activity level of the 50 bracket -- and how many geared players are afking in Ilum instead of queuing.


A fresh 50 has a very very good chance of getting completely annihilated no matter what their class is. I mean, those are the players where I hit 5400 Force Screams with full buffs in Carnage spec.

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I hope you're joking.... right?


9 seconds of essential invincibility. 50% uptime Rebuke that boosts our damage reduction to tank level (I'm getting around 45% physical on my Marauder). Blade Ward. Pacify that effs up Snipers\Slingers, non-Focus Guards\Sents and Shadows (with respective mirrors, naturally)


A Guardian in Defense spec has two main cooldowns - one's a 40% 10-sec shield wall, which is good (DPS Guardians don't have that), and Blade Ward, which is baseline for all Knights\Warriors, and Enure, which is pretty much a desperation move which allows you to "dodge" execute phase for a few more seconds. It doesn't really compare.


I do enjoy Guardian Leap a lot, though. Excellent tool for bailing out of a tight situation. A luxury that a Sentinel doesn't have. But, as I said, different AC, different playstyle.

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So, playing my Marauder started getting... meh..

Every fight is a race against time, and I just feel so squishy....

Plus I have like, no cc! On my sorcerer I come, whirlwind, and lolpwn everything,

but on my marauder, its just not that fun anymore. Now obviously best solution is to play sorc, but gah... The story for inquisitor is just, well... Not very good at all, and dull companions dont help too much either..

I would go for a non-force user, but for me when I think star wars I usually think lightsaber and force :p

Am I playing marauder wrong or is it just how it is, one has bad gameplay but great story and the other has great gameplay but a lifeless story D:


I love my Marauder, but I agree with a lot of this post. Doing the last few planets solo is brutal due to the mob spacing. It's worse if you don't use Quinn. The problem that I see is that each and every buff has a meh effect, and a long *** cool down. Someone mentioned predation up post. That power is cool for 4 seconds after building and spending amounts of rage that by the time you can use it, either you or what you were fighting is dead.


Personally, I think the cool downs on the class need to be shortened, or buff time extended.

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